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Publikasi Tahun 2016

Publikasi Tahun 2016

NoNama PenulisJudul PublikasiPosisiJenis PublikasiTahunKeterangan
1Ganda Marihot SimangunsongA Comparison on Rock slope Stability Analysis of Phu kam Copper – Gold open pit mine, Laos PDR, by Limit Equilibrium, Finite Element and Finite Difference MethodsPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
2Ridho Kresna WattimenaA Comparison on Rock slope Stability Analysis of Phu kam Copper – Gold open pit mine, Laos PDR, by Limit Equilibrium, Finite Element and Finite Difference MethodsAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
3W. Saputra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A cost-effective method to maximize the hydrocarbon recovery by optimizing the vertical well placements through the simulation opportunity indexPISeminar Internasional2016SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
4Tutuka AriadjiA cost-effective method to maximize the hydrocarbon recovery by optimizing the vertical well placements through the simulation opportunity indexAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
5T. W. Patzek (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A cost-effective method to maximize the hydrocarbon recovery by optimizing the vertical well placements through the simulation opportunity indexAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
6Taufan MarhaendrajanaA new correlating parameter to quantify productivity of extended hydraulic fractured wellsPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (5), pp. 2979-2985
7S. Parsaulian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A new correlating parameter to quantify productivity of extended hydraulic fractured wellsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (5), pp. 2979-2985
8R. K. Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesPIJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
9Sudjati RachmatA New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
10A. H. Resha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
11W. D. K. Putra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
12R. Maulana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
13I. Fauzi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using NanoparticlesAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association
14Taufan MarhaendrajanaA Novel Sulfonated Alkyl Ester Surfactant to Reduce Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions in Wide Range Salinity with Monovalent and Divalent IonsPIJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science. 10 (1). pp. 93-102
15R. Kurnia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Novel Sulfonated Alkyl Ester Surfactant to Reduce Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions in Wide Range Salinity with Monovalent and Divalent IonsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science. 10 (1). pp. 93-102
16D. Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Novel Sulfonated Alkyl Ester Surfactant to Reduce Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions in Wide Range Salinity with Monovalent and Divalent IonsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science. 10 (1). pp. 93-102
17I. Fauzi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Novel Sulfonated Alkyl Ester Surfactant to Reduce Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions in Wide Range Salinity with Monovalent and Divalent IonsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science. 10 (1). pp. 93-102
18Syuhada S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A study on crustal shear wave splitting in the western part of the Banda arc-continent collisionPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1719, art. no. 30042
19Hananto, N.D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A study on crustal shear wave splitting in the western part of the Banda arc-continent collisionAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1719, art. no. 30042
20Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoA study on crustal shear wave splitting in the western part of the Banda arc-continent collisionAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1719, art. no. 30042
21Anggono, T. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A study on crustal shear wave splitting in the western part of the Banda arc-continent collisionAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1719, art. no. 30042
22Tedi YudistiraA study on crustal shear wave splitting in the western part of the Banda arc-continent collisionAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1719, art. no. 30042
23Nuhindro Priagung WidodoA Thermodynamic Study of Ventilation System in Underground Coal MinePIProsiding Seminar Internasional20162016
24A. Y. Gunawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Wetting Angle Model For An Oil Drop On A Solid Surface Immersed In Surfactant SolutionPIJurnal Internasional2016Reports of Reseacrh assisted by the Asahi Glass
25Leksono MucharamA Wetting Angle Model For An Oil Drop On A Solid Surface Immersed In Surfactant SolutionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Reports of Reseacrh assisted by the Asahi Glass
26Eddy Agus BasukiAlloys Developed For High Temperature ApplicationsPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference, November 10-11, 2016, Bandung, Indonesia (Keynote speaker)
27D. H. Prajitno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Alloys Developed For High Temperature ApplicationsAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference, November 10-11, 2016, Bandung, Indonesia (Keynote speaker)
28F. Muhammad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Alloys Developed For High Temperature ApplicationsAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference, November 10-11, 2016, Bandung, Indonesia (Keynote speaker)
29SyafrizaAltered Minerals Identification Based on Optical Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration in Ciseuti, West Java, IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
30Arie Naftali Hawu HedeAltered Minerals Identification Based on Optical Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration in Ciseuti, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
31Putriastuti M (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Ambient noise tomography of merapi complex, central Java, Indonesia: A preliminary resultPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
32Tedi YudistiraAmbient noise tomography of merapi complex, central Java, Indonesia: A preliminary resultAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
33Andri Dian NugrahaAmbient noise tomography of merapi complex, central Java, Indonesia: A preliminary resultAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
34Sri WidiyantoroAmbient noise tomography of merapi complex, central Java, Indonesia: A preliminary resultAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
35Metaxian J.P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Ambient noise tomography of merapi complex, central Java, Indonesia: A preliminary resultAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
36R. K. Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORPIJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
37Sudjati RachmatAn Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
38A. H. Resha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
39W. D. K. Putra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
40H. Hartowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
41O. Setiawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
42Santoso R. K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
43Sudjati RachmatAn Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
44Resha A.H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
45Putra W.D.K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
46Hartowo H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
47Setiawati O. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)An Investigation of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Diffusion into Oil for Heat Transfer Optimisation on Electromagnetic Heating for Well Stimulation and EORAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
48Mohamad Nur HeriawanAnalisis Daerah Pengaruh Berpola Anisotropi Ellipsoid terhadap Hasil Estimasi Sumberdaya Batubara dengan Pendekatan GeostatistikPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Prosiding TPT XXV PERHAPI 2016
49SyafrizalAnalysis of Heat Loss in Papandayang Geothermal Area Using Landsat 8 DataPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
50Shiddiqi H.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
51Sri WidiyantoroAnalysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
52Andri Dian NugrahaAnalysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
53Ramdhan M (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
54Winoyo S.H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
55Wandono W (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocksAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020010
56Andri Dian NugrahaAnalysis of spatiotemporal variation in b-value for the Sunda arc using high precision earthquake locationPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. No 020003
57Shiddiqi H.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of spatiotemporal variation in b-value for the Sunda arc using high precision earthquake locationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. No 020003
58Sri WidiyantoroAnalysis of spatiotemporal variation in b-value for the Sunda arc using high precision earthquake locationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. No 020003
59Sutiyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of spatiotemporal variation in b-value for the Sunda arc using high precision earthquake locationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. No 020003
60Handayani TAnalysis of spatiotemporal variation in b-value for the Sunda arc using high precision earthquake locationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. No 020003
61Ganda Marihot SimangunsongAnalysis of Stemming Length to Optimize Explosive Performance in Blasting Operation at PT Kaltim Prima Coal IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
62A. Singarimbun (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Aplikasi Persamaan Peng–Robinson Dalam Memperkirakan Korelasi Konstanta Kesetimbangan Sistem Gas KondensatPIJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Journal of Physics 13 (1), 53-60
63A. Takda (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Aplikasi Persamaan Peng–Robinson Dalam Memperkirakan Korelasi Konstanta Kesetimbangan Sistem Gas KondensatAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Journal of Physics 13 (1), 53-60
64Tutuka AriadjiAplikasi Persamaan Peng–Robinson Dalam Memperkirakan Korelasi Konstanta Kesetimbangan Sistem Gas KondensatAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Journal of Physics 13 (1), 53-60
65Lilik Eko WidodoApplication of Clustering System to Analyze Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Data Base according to HC-System ApproachPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Proceedings of 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
66Sudarto NotosiswoyoApplication of Clustering System to Analyze Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Data Base according to HC-System ApproachAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Proceedings of 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
67Shinji Matsumoto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshPIJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
68Shunta Ogata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
69Hideki Shimada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
70Takashi Sasaoka (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
71Ginting Jalu KusumaApplication of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
72Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloApplication of Coal Ash to Postmine Land for Prevention of Soil Erosion in Coal Mine in Indonesia: Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom AshAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
73Aryo Prawoto WibowoApplication of Input-Output Hybrid for Estimating Electricity Demand in The Province of South KalimantanPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20162016
74Yantini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
75Djoko SantosoApplication of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
76Agus LaesanpuraApplication of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
77R. Budi SulistijoApplication of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
78Syaiful Bahri (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
79Imam Suyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) Methods to Metallic Minerals Prospect on Kasihan Region, Pacitan Regency, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology Vol:7(1) 16-23, 2016
80Mariyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of vertical electrical sounding method to identify distribution of hot groundwater around the hotsprings in geothermal prospect areaPIJurnal Internasional2016ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016(1) doi:10.1071/ASEG2016ab144
81Has Priahadena (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of vertical electrical sounding method to identify distribution of hot groundwater around the hotsprings in geothermal prospect areaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016(1) doi:10.1071/ASEG2016ab144
82Wahyudi Widyatmoko ParnadiApplication of vertical electrical sounding method to identify distribution of hot groundwater around the hotsprings in geothermal prospect areaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016(1) doi:10.1071/ASEG2016ab144
83Siti Khodijah ChaerunBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
84Mohammad Zaki MubarokBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
85Edy SanwaniBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
86Mohammad Zaki MubarokBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
87Siti Khodijah ChaerunBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
88Mohammad Zaki MubarokBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
89Edy SanwaniBacterial bioleaching of low grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Mineral Engineering Conference MEC2016, Poland
90Meghan S. Miller (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionPIJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
91Leland J. O'Driscoll (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
92Nova Roosmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
93Cooper W. Harris (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
94Robert W. Porritt (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
95Sri WidiyantoroBanda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
96Luis Teofilo da Costa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
97Eugenio Soares (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
98Thorsten W. Becker (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
99A. Joshua West (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Banda arc experiment-transitions in the banda arc-Australian continental collisionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Seismological Research Letters Volume 87
100Pranata B (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Bandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noisePIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
101Tedi YudistiraBandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
102Saygin E (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Bandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
103Cummins P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Bandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
104Sri WidiyantoroBandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
105ZulfakrizaBandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
106Andri Dian NugrahaBandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020014
107Indra GunawanBenchmark pada Metode Perhitungan Gaya Berat Tiga Dimensi untuk Model Prisma Segi-empatPISeminar Internasional2016The 1st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics 2016 (SEACG2016)
108Susanti AlawiyahBenchmark pada Metode Perhitungan Gaya Berat Tiga Dimensi untuk Model Prisma Segi-empatAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016The 1st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics 2016 (SEACG2016)
109Ismi HandayaniBiodesulfurization of organic sulfur in Tondongkura coal from Indonesia by multi-stage bioprocess treatmentsPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
110Syoni SoepriyantoBiodesulfurization of organic sulfur in Tondongkura coal from Indonesia by multi-stage bioprocess treatmentsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
111 Siti Khodijah ChaerunBiodesulfurization of organic sulfur in Tondongkura coal from Indonesia by multi-stage bioprocess treatmentsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
112Edy SanwaniBioflotation: Bacteria-mineral interaction for eco-friendly and sustainable mineral processingPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 666-672
113Siti Khodijah ChaerunBioflotation: Bacteria-mineral interaction for eco-friendly and sustainable mineral processingAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 666-672
114Edy SanwaniBioflotation: Bacteria-mineral interaction for eco-friendly and sustainable mineral processingAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 666-672
115Siti Khodijah ChaerunBioflotation: Bacteria-mineral interaction for eco-friendly and sustainable mineral processingAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 666-672
116Mohammad Zaki MubarokBioleaching of Nickel from Limonite Ore of Gag Island Using Mixotrophic BacteriaPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Vol. 12/No. 1/ 2016
117Mohammad Zaki MubarokBiooxidation pretreatment of refractory sulfidic gold concentrates using iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteriaPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
118Siti Khodijah ChaerunBiooxidation pretreatment of refractory sulfidic gold concentrates using iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
119Mohammad Zaki MubarokBiooxidation pretreatment of refractory sulfidic gold concentrates using iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
120Siti Khodijah ChaerunBiooxidation pretreatment of refractory sulfidic gold concentrates using iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteriaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016),
121K. Faisal (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Case Study in Middle East, Improve Heavy Oil Production and Recovery by Reservoir Modification as Alternative Technology to Stream and Miscible Gas InjectionPIJurnal Internasional2016SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia
122Leksono MucharamCase Study in Middle East, Improve Heavy Oil Production and Recovery by Reservoir Modification as Alternative Technology to Stream and Miscible Gas InjectionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia
123Tedi YudistiraCharacteristics of seismic noise in Central Java, IndonesiaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020013
124Sri WidiyantoroCharacteristics of seismic noise in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020013
125Mohamad Nur HeriawanCharacterizing Geothermal Surface Manifestation Based on Multivariate Geostatistics of Ground Measurements DataPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20165th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2016)
126Agus Haris WidayatClimatic control on primary productivity changes during development of the Late Eocene Kiliran Jao lake, Central Sumatra Basin, IndonesiaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Coal Geology 165, 133-141.
127Komang AnggayanaClimatic control on primary productivity changes during development of the Late Eocene Kiliran Jao lake, Central Sumatra Basin, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Coal Geology 165, 133-141.
128Mohammad Zaki MubarokCobalt and Nickel Separation in Nitric Acid Solution by Solvent Extraction Using Cyanex 272 and Versatic 10PIJurnal Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 743-750
129L. I. Hanif (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Cobalt and Nickel Separation in Nitric Acid Solution by Solvent Extraction Using Cyanex 272 and Versatic 10AnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Procedia Chemistry 19, 743-750
130SyafrizalCoexistence of Quartz-Calcite Veins and Ore Minerals at the River Reef Zone, the Pobaya Gold Prospect, Central Sulawesi IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
131Iryanti M (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined DC Resistivity Survey and Electric Conductivity-Dielectric Permittivity Measurement at Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, IndonesiaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012079
132Srigutomo W (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined DC Resistivity Survey and Electric Conductivity-Dielectric Permittivity Measurement at Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012079
133Satria BijaksanaCombined DC Resistivity Survey and Electric Conductivity-Dielectric Permittivity Measurement at Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012079
134Tedy SetiawanCombined DC Resistivity Survey and Electric Conductivity-Dielectric Permittivity Measurement at Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012079
135Bonita DilasariComparative Study of Corrosion Behaviour of Metals in Protic and Aprotic Ionic LiquidsPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Electrochemistry Communications,73, 2016, 20-23
136Sudjati RachmatCompletion And PERFORATION STRATEGY SUCCESSFULLY IMPROVED HYDRAULIC FRACTURING OPERATION IN DEEP HPHT Well: A Case HistoryPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Fortieth Annual Convention & Exhibition
137A.M. Suranto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Controlling the hybrid steam-solvent injection for increasing recovery factor and reducing solvent retention in heterogeneous reservoirsPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (4), pp. 370-386
138Asep Kurnia PermadiControlling the hybrid steam-solvent injection for increasing recovery factor and reducing solvent retention in heterogeneous reservoirsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (4), pp. 370-386
139W. Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Controlling the hybrid steam-solvent injection for increasing recovery factor and reducing solvent retention in heterogeneous reservoirsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (4), pp. 370-386
140Y. Park (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Controlling the hybrid steam-solvent injection for increasing recovery factor and reducing solvent retention in heterogeneous reservoirsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (4), pp. 370-386
141D. T. Son (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Controlling the hybrid steam-solvent injection for increasing recovery factor and reducing solvent retention in heterogeneous reservoirsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (4), pp. 370-386
142Irwandy ArifCore Disking Data Analysis to Characterize Potential High Horizontal Stress in Open Pit MinePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
143Nuhindro Priagung WidodoCore Disking Data Analysis to Characterize Potential High Horizontal Stress in Open Pit MineAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
144Tri KarianCountermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MinePIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
145Hideki Shimada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Countermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
146Takashi Sasaoka (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Countermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
147Sugeng Wahyudi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Countermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
148Deyu Qian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Countermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
149Budi SulistiantoCountermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Geosciences
150Syuhada S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
151Hananto N.D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
152Abdullah C.T. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
153Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoCrustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
154Anggono T. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
155Tedi Yudistira, S.Si., M.Si.Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
156Ramdhan, M (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurementsAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Geodynamics, 103, pp. 1-11
157S. Syuhada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsPIJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
158N. D. Hananto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
159C. I. Abdullah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
160T. Anggono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Crustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
161Tedi YudistiraCrustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
162Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoCrustal Structure Along Sunda-Banda Arc Transition Zone from Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Acta Geophysica Vol. 64
165Zulfiadi ZulhanDirect Reduction of Low Grade Nickel Laterite Ore to Produce Ferronickel Using Isothermal – Temperature GradientPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference, Bandung
166Pribadi, S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Earthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami)PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020015
167Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoEarthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami)AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020015
168RahmanS. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Earthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami)AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020015
169Tristanawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Earthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami)AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020015
170Kurniawan, T.S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Economic analysis of dimethyl ether production in Indonesia as alternative solution for LPG demandPISeminar Internasional2016Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, ADIPEC 2016
171Utjok W. R. SiagianEconomic analysis of dimethyl ether production in Indonesia as alternative solution for LPG demandAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, ADIPEC 2016
172Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of CrO3 Sealing Time on Anodized Al 2024-T3PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics, 2016
173 Irwan IskandarEffect of Land Use Changes to Hydrogeology Condition of Northern Part Cikapundung RivershedPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016IAH Montpellier France 2016
174Sudarto NotosiswoyoEffect of Land Use Changes to Hydrogeology Condition of Northern Part Cikapundung RivershedAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016IAH Montpellier France 2016
175Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of Ni Content and Heat Treatment on Antimicrobial Activity and Hardness of Cu-Ni AlloysPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016IJTech
176Ridho Kresna WattimenaEffect of Open Pit & Underground Mine Geometry Change During Their Transition and InteractionPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
177Made Astawa RaiEffect of Open Pit & Underground Mine Geometry Change During Their Transition and InteractionAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
178Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of Pre-Strain on Mechanical Properties and Deformation Induced Transformation 0f 304 Stainless SteelPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics, 2016
179Syoni SoepriyantoEffect of Remaining Fe2O3 on TiO2 Photocatalytic Activity Synthesis from Ilmenite by Caustic FusionPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of The Australian Ceramic Society, Volume 52[1], 2016, 131-137
180Ginting Jalu KusumaEffect of Soil Acidification on Soin Erosion in Open-Casr Coal Mines in IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20162016
181Bonita DilasariEffect of Water on The Stability of Zinc in 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidimium bis(trifluoro methylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquidPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Industrial Engineering Chemistry, 45, 2017, 375-379
182R. Budi Sulistijo, M.App.Sc.Effectiveness of Laboratory Physical Modelling in Acquiring the Response of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP)PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Tehnological Sciences (JETS) (SUBMIT).
183Tria Laksana AchmadEffects of alloying elements concentrations and temperatures on the stacking fault energies of Co-based alloys by computational thermodynamic approach and first-principles calculations J. Alloy.PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Compd., 694 (2017), pp. 1265-1279
184Fu W. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of alloying elements concentrations and temperatures on the stacking fault energies of Co-based alloys by computational thermodynamic approach and first-principles calculations J. Alloy.AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Compd., 694 (2017), pp. 1265-1279
185Chen H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of alloying elements concentrations and temperatures on the stacking fault energies of Co-based alloys by computational thermodynamic approach and first-principles calculations J. Alloy.AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Compd., 694 (2017), pp. 1265-1279
186Zhang C. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of alloying elements concentrations and temperatures on the stacking fault energies of Co-based alloys by computational thermodynamic approach and first-principles calculations J. Alloy.AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Compd., 694 (2017), pp. 1265-1279
187Yang Z.-G (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of alloying elements concentrations and temperatures on the stacking fault energies of Co-based alloys by computational thermodynamic approach and first-principles calculations J. Alloy.AnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Compd., 694 (2017), pp. 1265-1279
188Yantini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of changes in metallic mineral to time domain induced polarization (TDIP) response on physical modeling fieldscalePIJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, art. no. 020010, doi: 10.1063/1.4953935, http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1063/1.4953935
189Djoko SantosoEffects of changes in metallic mineral to time domain induced polarization (TDIP) response on physical modeling fieldscaleAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, art. no. 020010, doi: 10.1063/1.4953935, http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1063/1.4953935
190Agus LaesanpuraEffects of changes in metallic mineral to time domain induced polarization (TDIP) response on physical modeling fieldscaleAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, art. no. 020010, doi: 10.1063/1.4953935, http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1063/1.4953935
191R. Budi SulistijoEffects of changes in metallic mineral to time domain induced polarization (TDIP) response on physical modeling fieldscaleAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, art. no. 020010, doi: 10.1063/1.4953935, http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1063/1.4953935
192S. Prakoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effects of pore geometry and pore structure on dry P-wave velocityPIJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science, 10 (8), pp. 117-133
193Pudji PermadiEffects of pore geometry and pore structure on dry P-wave velocityAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science, 10 (8), pp. 117-133
194Ignatius Sonny WinardhieEffects of pore geometry and pore structure on dry P-wave velocityAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Modern Applied Science, 10 (8), pp. 117-133
195K. Apriany (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Electrical conductivity of zirconia and yttrium-doped zirconia from Indonesian local zircon as prospective material for fuel cellsPIJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012023
196I. Permadani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Electrical conductivity of zirconia and yttrium-doped zirconia from Indonesian local zircon as prospective material for fuel cellsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012023
197D. G. Syarif (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Electrical conductivity of zirconia and yttrium-doped zirconia from Indonesian local zircon as prospective material for fuel cellsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012023
198Syoni SoepriyantoElectrical conductivity of zirconia and yttrium-doped zirconia from Indonesian local zircon as prospective material for fuel cellsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012023
199F. Rahmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Electrical conductivity of zirconia and yttrium-doped zirconia from Indonesian local zircon as prospective material for fuel cellsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012023
200SyafrizalEnvironmental Geochemistry of Small-Scale Gold and Galena Mining Areas in Ciseuti, West Java, IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
201Arie Naftali Hawu HedeEnvironmental Geochemistry of Small-Scale Gold and Galena Mining Areas in Ciseuti, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
202Teti IndriatiEnvironmental Geochemistry of Small-Scale Gold and Galena Mining Areas in Ciseuti, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
203Lilik Eko WidodoEstimasi Konduktivitas Hidraulik Rekahan Batuan Menggunakan ANFIS : Perbandingan dengan HC-SystemPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan I, 2016.
204Herawati I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Estimation of Anisotropy Parameters in Organic-rich Shale: Rock Physics Forward Modeling ApproachPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1677, art. no. 060011
205Ignatius Sonny WinardhieEstimation of Anisotropy Parameters in Organic-rich Shale: Rock Physics Forward Modeling ApproachAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1677, art. no. 060011
206Awali PriyonoEstimation of Anisotropy Parameters in Organic-rich Shale: Rock Physics Forward Modeling ApproachAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1677, art. no. 060011
207Komang AnggayanaEvaluasi parameter karakteristik batubara untuk penentuan kualitas kokas sebagai bahan baku industri besi bajaPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV 2016
208Agus Haris WidayatEvaluasi parameter karakteristik batubara untuk penentuan kualitas kokas sebagai bahan baku industri besi bajaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV 2016
209Arie Naftali Hawu HedeEvaluasi parameter karakteristik batubara untuk penentuan kualitas kokas sebagai bahan baku industri besi bajaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV 2016
210Eddy Agus BasukiEvaluasi parameter karakteristik batubara untuk penentuan kualitas kokas sebagai bahan baku industri besi bajaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV 2016
211Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloEvaluation of Oxygen Behavior in Overburden Dumping Area : A Field Measurement Study Comparing Potentially Acid Forming and Non-Acid Forming RockPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
212 Ginting Jalu KusumaEvaluation of Oxygen Behavior in Overburden Dumping Area : A Field Measurement Study Comparing Potentially Acid Forming and Non-Acid Forming RockAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
213Ganda Marihot SimangunsongEvaluation Of Shear Strength Of Rock Discontinuities On Direct Shear Test Result Of Sawtooth Joint ModelsPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
214Budi SulistiantoEvaluation Of Shear Strength Of Rock Discontinuities On Direct Shear Test Result Of Sawtooth Joint ModelsAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
215Ganda Marihot SimangunsongExperimental study for identification of blast induced damage at limestone quarryPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
216Tria Laksana AchmadFirst-principles calculations of generalized-stacking-fault-energy of Co-based alloys ComputPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Mater. Sci., 121 (2016), pp. 86–96
217Siti Khodijah ChaerunFungal Bioleaching of Indonesian limonitic ores by Aspergillus niger using Cassava starch as carbon sourcePIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
218Mohammad Zaki MubarokFungal Bioleaching of Indonesian limonitic ores by Aspergillus niger using Cassava starch as carbon sourceAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
219Lilik Eko WidodoFuzzy Logic and Weight of Evidence Approach for Mineral Discovery ToolPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Proceedings of MGEI 8th Annual Covention, 2016
220Sudarto NotosiswoyoFuzzy Logic and Weight of Evidence Approach for Mineral Discovery ToolAnggotaProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Proceedings of MGEI 8th Annual Covention, 2016
221Arie Naftali Hawu HedeGeobotanical Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration in Thick Vegetation AreasPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016MGEI 8th Annual Convention 2016
222Irwandy ArifGeoteknik TambangPIBuku2016Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
223W. Yusman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal well behaviour prediction after air compress stimulation using one-dimensional transient numerical modellingPIJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (1), art. no. 012008
224S. Viridi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal well behaviour prediction after air compress stimulation using one-dimensional transient numerical modellingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (1), art. no. 012008
225Sudjati RachmatGeothermal well behaviour prediction after air compress stimulation using one-dimensional transient numerical modellingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (1), art. no. 012008
226Lilik Eko WidodoGIS modeling using fuzzy logic approach in mineral prospecting based on geophysical dataPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1711, 070002 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4941643
227Sudarto NotosiswoyoGIS modeling using fuzzy logic approach in mineral prospecting based on geophysical dataAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1711, 070002 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4941643
228Konecky B (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Glacial aridity in central Indonesia coeval with intensified monsoon circulationPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 437, pp. 15-24
229Russell J.M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Glacial aridity in central Indonesia coeval with intensified monsoon circulationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 437, pp. 15-24
230Satria BijaksanaGlacial aridity in central Indonesia coeval with intensified monsoon circulationAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 437, pp. 15-24
231Mohamad Nur HeriawanGold Vein Resources Modeling using Indicator Kriging and Sequential Indicator Simulation Methods, Case Study of Pongkor Gold VeinPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Proceedigs GEOSEA XIV Congress and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016 (GIC2016)
232Irwan Iskandar,Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling at Hyporheic Zone of Upper Part Citarum RiverPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016in TRAPSEA 2016 Seminar
233Sudarto NotosiswoyoGroundwater and Solute Transport Modeling at Hyporheic Zone of Upper Part Citarum RiverAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016in TRAPSEA 2016 Seminar
234Irwan IskandarHydrochemistry Study to Determine an Active Hydrodynamic in Hydrocarbon Trap SystemPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016IAH Montpellier France 2016
235M. S. Abfertiawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hydrology simulation of Ukud river in lati coal minePIJurnal Internasional2016Evergreen Vol 3
236Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloHydrology simulation of Ukud river in lati coal mineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Evergreen Vol 3
237S. B. Kusuma (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hydrology simulation of Ukud river in lati coal mineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Evergreen Vol 3
238Sudarto NotosiswoyoHydrology simulation of Ukud river in lati coal mineAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Evergreen Vol 3
239Eng. SyafrizalIdentification Of Altered Minerals Based On Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) For Mineral Exploration In A Tropical AreaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20162nd International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA) 2016
240Arie Naftali Hawu HedeIdentification Of Altered Minerals Based On Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) For Mineral Exploration In A Tropical AreaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional20162nd International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA) 2016
241Mohamad Nur HeriawanIdentification of linear features at geothermal field based on Segment Tracing Algorithm (STA) of the ALOS PALSAR dataPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20165th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2016)
242Zulfiadi ZulhanIdentifikasi dan Karakterisasi Bijih Nikel Laterit yang Dipanaskan Dengan dan Tanpa Penambahan Batubara pada Temperatur 25 – 1100 °CPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Iptek Bahan, Serpong
243Saygin E (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noisePIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
244Cummins P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
245Cipta A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
246Hawkins R. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
247Pandhu R (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
248Murjya J. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
249Masturyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
250Irsyam M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
251Sri WidiyantoroImaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
252Kennett B.L.N. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with transdimensional inversion of seismic noiseAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 918-931
253A. Farog (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldPISeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
254H. A. Mustafa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
255E. Mukhtar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
256H. Elblaoula (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
257A. B. Yasin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
258M. Tagwa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
259Leksono MucharamImplementation of chemical eor as huff and puff to improve oil recovery for heavy oil field by chemical treatment semar cast study bamboo oil fieldAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition
260Andri Dian NugrahaImproved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional 2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
261Shiddiqi H.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
262Sri WidiyantoroImproved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
263Ramdhan M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
264Wandono W (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
265Irsyam M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improved precise hypocenter location in Indonesia derived from 3D seismic velocity modelAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
266Mohammad Zaki MubarokImproving Gold Recovery from Artificial Preg-Robbing Ore by Pre-treatment using Blinding Agent and Resin-in-LeachPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 49/No. 3/2016
267Mohammad Zaki MubarokImproving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
268R. Winarko (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
269Siti Khodijah ChaerunImproving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
270I. N. Rizki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
271Zela TanlegaImproving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Hydrometallurgy
272Purnomo YusgiantoroINDONESIA’S DEFENCE OUTLOOK: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES: Evolving Defence Diplomacy with the Asia Pacific Programme for Senior Military OfficersPIJurnal Internasional2016The APPSMO Advantage: Strategic Opportunities, pp.231-238
273Ridho Kresna WattimenaInfluence of Crown Pillar Performance on Slope Stability during Open Pit-Underground Transition and InteractionPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
274Made Astawa RaiInfluence of Crown Pillar Performance on Slope Stability during Open Pit-Underground Transition and InteractionAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional 2016
275V. Sadarviana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Influence of groundwater level to slope displacement by geodetic methodPIJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 060003
276H. Z. Abidin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Influence of groundwater level to slope displacement by geodetic methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 060003
277Djoko SantosoInfluence of groundwater level to slope displacement by geodetic methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 060003
278J. Kahar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Influence of groundwater level to slope displacement by geodetic methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 060003
279R. T. Achmad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Influence of groundwater level to slope displacement by geodetic methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 060003
280Yantini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Influence of Physical Parameters to Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) ResponsePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1719, 030010 (2016)
281Djoko SantosoInfluence of Physical Parameters to Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) ResponseAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1719, 030010 (2016)
282Agus LaesanpuraInfluence of Physical Parameters to Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) ResponseAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1719, 030010 (2016)
283R. Budi SulistijoInfluence of Physical Parameters to Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) ResponseAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings 1719, 030010 (2016)
284Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunIntegrated Design of Well Abandonment Operation in Deepwater WellPIJurnal Internasional2016IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference
285Eddy Agus BasukiInterdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase alpha2-Ti3Al/beta-TiAl alloys at high temperaturesPIJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48 (5), pp. 534-549
286M. I. Yuliansyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Interdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase alpha2-Ti3Al/beta-TiAl alloys at high temperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48 (5), pp. 534-549
287F. M. Rahman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Interdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase alpha2-Ti3Al/beta-TiAl alloys at high temperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48 (5), pp. 534-549
288F. Muhammad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Interdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase alpha2-Ti3Al/beta-TiAl alloys at high temperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48 (5), pp. 534-549
289D. Prajitno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Interdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase alpha2-Ti3Al/beta-TiAl alloys at high temperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48 (5), pp. 534-549
290Asep Kurnia PermadiInvestigating the effect of steam saturation properties on wettability through contact angle measurement using a novel experimental methodPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (1), pp. 177-184.
291Bae W. S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Investigating the effect of steam saturation properties on wettability through contact angle measurement using a novel experimental methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (1), pp. 177-184.
292Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarInvestigating the effect of steam saturation properties on wettability through contact angle measurement using a novel experimental methodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (1), pp. 177-184.
293A. A. Martha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Investigation of upper crustal structure beneath eastern JavaPISeminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1730
294Sri WidiyantoroInvestigation of upper crustal structure beneath eastern JavaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1730
295P. Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Investigation of upper crustal structure beneath eastern JavaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1730
296E. Saygin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Investigation of upper crustal structure beneath eastern JavaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1730
297Masturyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Investigation of upper crustal structure beneath eastern JavaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1730
298Sudjati RachmatIron Oxide Nanoparticles Transport and Retention Modelling in Core Scale Porous Media for Electromagnetic Heating Well-Stimulation OptimizationPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016MRS-id Meeting 2016, 24-26 Ocotober, 2016, Bandung Indonesia
299Akhmad Ardian KordaKinetics of Strain Aging Behavior of API 5L X65 and API 5L B Steels on Long-term OperationPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016IJTech
300Eddy Agus BasukiKompetensi Metalurgi Untuk Industri Besi Dan BajaPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja, Aula Timur ITB, Bandung
301I. Wadudi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Laboratory Study: Analysis of The Effect of Carbonate in Carbonate-cemented Sandstone to Oil Recovery with Spontaneous Imbibition Test Using SurfactantPIJurnal Internasional2016Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 40th Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016
302A. Wakhyudin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Laboratory Study: Analysis of The Effect of Carbonate in Carbonate-cemented Sandstone to Oil Recovery with Spontaneous Imbibition Test Using SurfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 40th Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016
303M. Hidayat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Laboratory Study: Analysis of The Effect of Carbonate in Carbonate-cemented Sandstone to Oil Recovery with Spontaneous Imbibition Test Using SurfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 40th Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016
304I. Fauzi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Laboratory Study: Analysis of The Effect of Carbonate in Carbonate-cemented Sandstone to Oil Recovery with Spontaneous Imbibition Test Using SurfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 40th Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016
305Taufan MarhaendrajanaLaboratory Study: Analysis of The Effect of Carbonate in Carbonate-cemented Sandstone to Oil Recovery with Spontaneous Imbibition Test Using SurfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 40th Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016
306Imam SantosoLiquidus Measurement of Te-O-Na2O-SiO2 System between 1000 and 1200 °C in Equilibrium with AirPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016. 979-986
307Siti Khodijah ChaerunMaturity and Deposition Environment Assessments of Indonesian Coals : from the Viewpoints of Organic Petrography and GeochemistryPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
308Agus Haris WidayatMaturity and Deposition Environment Assessments of Indonesian Coals : from the Viewpoints of Organic Petrography and GeochemistryAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
309Ganda Marihot SimangunsongMeasurement Of Blast Fragmentation Using Image Processing Analysis 3D PhotogrammetryPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
310Agus LaesanpuraMicro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
311Taufiq Hidayat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
312Dadi AbdurrahmanMicro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
313Putra Mahasena (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
314Premana W. Premadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
315Hesti Wulandari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
316Yudi Suharyadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
317Achmad Sjarmidi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 771
318Lilik Eko WidodoMining Hydrogeological Problems in Underground Excavation of Vein-Typed Gold Deposit under Hydraulic Inter-Connection with Surface Water Body - Review of Resource Estimation PrinciplePIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Prosiding TPT XXV Perhapi, 2016
319Indra Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Si.Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityPISeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
320Eko Januari WahyudiMonitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
321Dadi AbdurrahmanMonitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
322I. S. Oktavianti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
323Susanti AlawiyahMonitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
324Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirMonitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
325Djoko SantosoMonitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravityAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Monitoring groundwater distribution change in 2010-2015 time-lapse of Bandung city using 4D gravity, GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
326Mohamad Nur HeriawanMultivariate Geostatistical Estimation of Physical Soil Properties of Geothermal Surfce Manifestation, with the Case Study at Wayang Windu Area, West Java, IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
327Sudarto NotosiswoyoMultivariate Geostatistical Estimation of Physical Soil Properties of Geothermal Surfce Manifestation, with the Case Study at Wayang Windu Area, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
328Santoso R. K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticles Transport in Porous Media for Optimisation in Well Stimulation and EOR Using Electromagnetic HeatingPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
329Sudjati RachmatNumerical Modeling of Nanoparticles Transport in Porous Media for Optimisation in Well Stimulation and EOR Using Electromagnetic HeatingAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
330Putra W.D.K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticles Transport in Porous Media for Optimisation in Well Stimulation and EOR Using Electromagnetic HeatingAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
331Resha A.H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticles Transport in Porous Media for Optimisation in Well Stimulation and EOR Using Electromagnetic HeatingAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
332Hartowo H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticles Transport in Porous Media for Optimisation in Well Stimulation and EOR Using Electromagnetic HeatingAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exibition, 25-27 October, 2016, Perth, Australia
333Eng. Nuhindro Priagung WidodoNumerical Modeling Study of Coal Fracture Propagation During Hydraulic Fracturing TestPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
334Sudjati Rachmat, DEANumerical Modelling for Predicting the Performance of Electromagnetic Heating Assisted with Various Nanoparticles in Heavy and Extra-Heavy Oil ReservoirPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016MRS-id Meeting 2016, 24-26 Ocotober, 2016, Bandung Indonesia
335Nenny Miryani SaptadjiNumerical modelling of Pohutu geyser, Rotorua, New ZealandPIJurnal Internasional2016Geothermics, 64, pp. 401-409
336J. O'Sullivan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical modelling of Pohutu geyser, Rotorua, New ZealandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Geothermics, 64, pp. 401-409
337W. Krzyzosiak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical modelling of Pohutu geyser, Rotorua, New ZealandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Geothermics, 64, pp. 401-409
338M. O'Sullivan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical modelling of Pohutu geyser, Rotorua, New ZealandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Geothermics, 64, pp. 401-409
339Heru Berian PratamaNumerical Simulation for Natural State of Two-Phase Liquid Dominated Geothermal Reservoir with Steam Cap Underlying Brine ReservoirPIJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 42 (1), art. no. 012006
340Nenny Miryani SaptadjiNumerical Simulation for Natural State of Two-Phase Liquid Dominated Geothermal Reservoir with Steam Cap Underlying Brine ReservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 42 (1), art. no. 012006
341Phanthoudeth Pongpanya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
342T. Sasaoka (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
343H. Shimada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
344B. Ulaankhuu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
345J. Oya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
346S. Dwiki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
347Tri KarianNumerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS) Vol. 3 No. 1, 2016
348RamdhanM (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Observation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
349Andri Dian NugrahaObservation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
350Sri WidiyantoroObservation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
351Krisyawan S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Observation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
352Sembiring A.S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Observation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
353Mtaxian J.-P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Observation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI projectAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020009
354Mohammad Zaki MubarokOn the Use of Lignin-Based Biopolymer in Improving Gold and Silver Recoveries during Cyanidation LeachingPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Minerals Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 89/2016.
355J. A. T. Pola (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Overview of Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Experiences in South Sumatra Mature Oil Fields, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
356Leksono MucharamOverview of Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Experiences in South Sumatra Mature Oil Fields, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
357Eddy Agus BasukiPaduan Logam Untuk Aplikasi Temperatur Tinggi dan Penghematan EnergiPIBuku2016Penerbit ITB
358Mohammad Zaki MubarokPelindian Logam Tanah Jarang dari Terak Timah dengan Asam Klorida setelah Proses Fusi AlkaliPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016Jurnal Eksplorium, Volume 37 No. 1, Mei 2016, p-ISSN 0854-1418, e-ISSN 2503-426X
359Lilik Eko WidodoPengaruh Instalasi Drain Hole terhadap Penurunan Muka Airtanah pada Media Permeabilitas yang Berbeda (Studi Kasus Model Konseptual)PIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan I, 2016.
360 Sudarto NotosiswoyoPengaruh Instalasi Drain Hole terhadap Penurunan Muka Airtanah pada Media Permeabilitas yang Berbeda (Studi Kasus Model Konseptual)AnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan I, 2016.
361S. Hidayati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pengaruh Rasio Mol Reaktan dan Lama Sulfonasi terhadap Karakteristik Methyl Ester Sulfonic (MES) dari Metil Ester Minyak SawitPIJurnal Nasional2016Jurnal Agritech. 36 (1). pp. 38-47
362Pudji PermadiPengaruh Rasio Mol Reaktan dan Lama Sulfonasi terhadap Karakteristik Methyl Ester Sulfonic (MES) dari Metil Ester Minyak SawitAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Jurnal Agritech. 36 (1). pp. 38-47
363E. Hestuti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pengaruh Rasio Mol Reaktan dan Lama Sulfonasi terhadap Karakteristik Methyl Ester Sulfonic (MES) dari Metil Ester Minyak SawitAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Jurnal Agritech. 36 (1). pp. 38-47
364Zulfiadi ZulhanPengaruh variasi laju kenaikan temperatur dan ukuran butiran konsentrat terhadap reduksi briket komposit konsentrat pasir besi menggunakan reduktor batubara dengan metode isotermal-gradien temperaturPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Metalurgi dan Material IX, Cilegon
365Zulfiadi ZulhanPengaruh Waktu Tinggal terhadap Produk Ferromangan Hasil Smelting dalam Tanur Busur Listrik MiniPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016Junal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Vol. 12, No. 2
366Mohamad Nur HeriawanPerformance Analysis of Mineral Mapping Method to Delineate Mineralization Zones under Tropical RegionPIProsiding Seminar Internasional20165th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2016)
367Mohammad Zaki MubarokPerilaku Adsorpsi Emas dari Larutan Ammonium Thiosulfat dengan Karbon Aktif dan Resin Penukar IonPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016Jurnal METALURGI, Vol. 31/No. 2/ 2016
368Imam SantosoPhase equilibria of the Na2O–SiO2 system between 1173 and 1873 K.PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 55.2 (2016): 243-250
369Imam SantosoPhase Equilibria Study in the TeO2-Na2O-SiO2 System in Air Between 723 K (500° C) and 1473 K (1200° C)PIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Trans B (2016) 47: 2440-2446
370Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloPhysical Changes of Coal-bearing Rock in the Dumping Site with the Utilization of Fly Ash and Organic Material as Cover Layer to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage GenerationPIProsiding Seminar Internasional 2016
371Ginting Jalu KusumaPhysical Changes of Coal-bearing Rock in the Dumping Site with the Utilization of Fly Ash and Organic Material as Cover Layer to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage GenerationAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
372A. B. Surapto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pilot study carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Indonesia: planning for the CCS pilot facilities at Gundih fieldPIJurnal Internasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
373Leksono MucharamPilot study carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Indonesia: planning for the CCS pilot facilities at Gundih fieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
374Shinji Matsumoto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Placement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDPIJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
375Hirotaka Ishimatsu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Placement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
376Hideki Shimada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Placement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
377Takashi Sasaoka (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Placement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
378Ginting Jalu KusumaPlacement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
379Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloPlacement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMDAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Inzynieria Mineralna Vol. 1
380Budi SulistiantoPlastic Zone Analysis Using Finite Element Method on Decline Tunnel at PT. Cibaliung SumberdayaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
381Ganda Marihot SimangunsongPlastic Zone Analysis Using Finite Element Method on Decline Tunnel at PT. Cibaliung SumberdayaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
382Budi SulistiantoPrediction of Crown Pillar Stability in Transition Open Pit Mine to Underground Mine Using Mathews Stability ChartPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
383Irwandy ArifPrediction of Crown Pillar Stability in Transition Open Pit Mine to Underground Mine Using Mathews Stability ChartAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
384Supendi P (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary result of earthquake hypocenter determination and focal mechanism analysis around western Java regionPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016`1st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
385Andri Dian NugrahaPreliminary result of earthquake hypocenter determination and focal mechanism analysis around western Java regionAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016`1st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
386Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoPreliminary result of earthquake hypocenter determination and focal mechanism analysis around western Java regionAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016`1st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
387Supendi P (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary result of earthquake hypocenter determination using hypoellipse around western Java regionPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020002
388Andri Dian NugrahaPreliminary result of earthquake hypocenter determination using hypoellipse around western Java regionAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020002
389SyafrizalPreliminary Studi of the Talang Santo Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Deposit, Lampung Province, IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016
390V. I. Sari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PRELIMINARY STUDY OF GLYCEROL ESTER USAGE AS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EMULSIFIER ON OIL BASED MUD FORMULATIONPIJurnal Internasional2016Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (5). 1264-1273
391E. Hambali (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PRELIMINARY STUDY OF GLYCEROL ESTER USAGE AS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EMULSIFIER ON OIL BASED MUD FORMULATIONAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (5). 1264-1273
392A. Suryani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PRELIMINARY STUDY OF GLYCEROL ESTER USAGE AS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EMULSIFIER ON OIL BASED MUD FORMULATIONAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (5). 1264-1273
395Mohammad Zaki MubarokProses Ekstraksi Nikel dan Magnesium dari Terak Peleburan Ferronikel dengan Pelindian dan Ekstraksi PelarutPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Seminar Nasional Material dan Metalurgi IX (SENAMM IX) 2016, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon
396Siti Khodijah ChaerunProspek Pengembangan Biohidrometalurgi untuk Pengolahan Mineral yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan di IndonesiaPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXV PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) 2016, Bandung
397Mohammad Zaki MubarokProspek Pengembangan Biohidrometalurgi untuk Pengolahan Mineral yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan di IndonesiaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXV PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) 2016, Bandung
398Mohammad Zaki MubarokProspek Pengembangan Biohidrometalurgi untuk Pengolahan Mineral yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan di IndonesiaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXV PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) 2016, Bandung
399Siti Khodijah ChaerunProspek Pengembangan Biohidrometalurgi untuk Pengolahan Mineral yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan di IndonesiaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXV PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) 2016, Bandung
400Mohammad Zaki MubarokProspek Pengembangan Biohidrometalurgi untuk Pengolahan Mineral yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan di IndonesiaAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXV PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) 2016, Bandung
401Mohammad Zaki MubarokRecovery Besi dan Titanium serta Regenerasi Asam dari Larutan Hasil Pelindian Konsentrat Pasir Besi dalam Larutan Asam Klorida Menggunakan Metode DistilasiPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Seminar Nasional Material dan Metalurgi IX (SENAMM IX) 2016 (co-author), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon
402Zulfiadi ZulhanReduction of Lateritic Iron Ore Briquette Using Coal Bed Reductant by Isothermal - Temperature Gradient MethodPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference, Bandung
403Rexha Verdhora RyReservoir Characterization around Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia Derived from 4-D Seismic TomographyPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (1), art. no. 012001,
404Andri Dian NugrahaReservoir Characterization around Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia Derived from 4-D Seismic TomographyAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (1), art. no. 012001,
405Irwan IskandarResponses of H2S and Radon-222 gas concentrations in various geothermal reservoir states : A case study of Wayang Windu area (Indonesia)PIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
406Mohamad Nur HeriawanResponses of H2S and Radon-222 gas concentrations in various geothermal reservoir states : A case study of Wayang Windu area (Indonesia)AnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
407Sudarto NotosiswoyoResponses of H2S and Radon-222 gas concentrations in various geothermal reservoir states : A case study of Wayang Windu area (Indonesia)AnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
408Zulfiadi ZulhanReview Penelitian Metalurgi Besi & Baja di Program Studi Teknik Metalurgi – ITBPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Iptek Bahan, Serpong
409Firly R. BaskoroScenario of Coal Supply for Development Plan of Coal Fired Power Plant Project in IndonesiaPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016Prosiding Seminar Internasional
410Aryo Prawoto WibowoScenario of Coal Supply for Development Plan of Coal Fired Power Plant Project in IndonesiaAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
411Edy SanwaniScreening of bacteria for silica bioflocculationPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
412Siti Khodijah ChaerunScreening of bacteria for silica bioflocculationAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
413Edy SanwaniScreening of bacteria for silica bioflocculationAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
414Siti Khodijah ChaerunScreening of bacteria for silica bioflocculationAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Abstract of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference 2016 (IPMC 2016), Bandung
415Eko Januari WahyudiSecond Vertical Derivative Using 3-D Gravity Data for Fault Structure InterpretationPISeminar Internasional2016ICES, Bandung 28 Juli 2016
416Y. Kynantoro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Second Vertical Derivative Using 3-D Gravity Data for Fault Structure InterpretationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016ICES, Bandung 28 Juli 2016
417Susanti AlawiyahSecond Vertical Derivative Using 3-D Gravity Data for Fault Structure InterpretationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016ICES, Bandung 28 Juli 2016
418Ramdhan M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
419Andri Dian NugrahaSeismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
420Sri WidiyantoroSeismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
421Saepuloh A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
422Metaxian J.P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
423Shiddiqi H.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
424Krisyawan S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
425Sembiring A.S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismic travel time tomography beneath Merapi Volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI ProjectAnggotaPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Bali
426Rexha Verdhora RySeismicity study of volcano-tectonic in and around Tangkuban Parahu active volcano in West Java region, IndonesiaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020004
427Awali PriyonoSeismicity study of volcano-tectonic in and around Tangkuban Parahu active volcano in West Java region, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020004
428Andri Dian NugrahaSeismicity study of volcano-tectonic in and around Tangkuban Parahu active volcano in West Java region, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020004
429Eddy Agus BasukiSeismicity study of volcano-tectonic in and around Tangkuban Parahu active volcano in West Java region, IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020004
430K. N. Sari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Semivariogram modeling using mixture semivariogram modelPIJurnal Internasional2016ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (3), pp. 1424-1430
431O. Neswan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Semivariogram modeling using mixture semivariogram modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (3), pp. 1424-1430
432U. S. Pasaribu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Semivariogram modeling using mixture semivariogram modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (3), pp. 1424-1430
433Asep Kurnia PermadiSemivariogram modeling using mixture semivariogram modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (3), pp. 1424-1430
434A. Alfian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Shallow seismic reflection survey by using accelerated weight drop as seismic sourcePISeminar Internasional201622nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface Geoscience 2016
435R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleShallow seismic reflection survey by using accelerated weight drop as seismic sourceAnggotaSeminar Internasional201622nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface Geoscience 2016
436Awali PriyonoShallow seismic reflection survey by using accelerated weight drop as seismic sourceAnggotaSeminar Internasional201622nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface Geoscience 2016
437Dr. Eng. Tri KarianSill Pillar Application for Optimizing Crown Pillar Recovery in Overhand Cut and Fill Underground MinePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
438Budi SulistiantoSill Pillar Application for Optimizing Crown Pillar Recovery in Overhand Cut and Fill Underground MineAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
439S. Gunawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Simulasi Numerik untuk Menentukan Gaya Gravitasi Bawah Permukaan Pada Model Prisma SegiempatPIJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Journal of Computing, Vol. 1, Issue. 2, PP. 47-56, doi:10.21108/indojc.2016.1.2.88
440Susanti AlawiyahSimulasi Numerik untuk Menentukan Gaya Gravitasi Bawah Permukaan Pada Model Prisma SegiempatAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Indonesian Journal of Computing, Vol. 1, Issue. 2, PP. 47-56, doi:10.21108/indojc.2016.1.2.88
441A. M. Suranto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Smart completion design in cyclic steam stimulation process: An alternative for accelerating heavy oil recoveryPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (2), pp. 127-140
442Asep Kurnia PermadiSmart completion design in cyclic steam stimulation process: An alternative for accelerating heavy oil recoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (2), pp. 127-140
443W. Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Smart completion design in cyclic steam stimulation process: An alternative for accelerating heavy oil recoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 11 (2), pp. 127-140
444Mohamad Nur HeriawanSpatial Analysis 3D Geology Nickel using Ordinary Kriging MethodPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Jurnal Teknologi, 78 (5), pp. 373-379
445Oda H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Special issue on recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 1. Geomagnetism Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetismPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1), art. no. 59
446Yamamoto Y (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Special issue on recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 1. Geomagnetism Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetismAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1), art. no. 59
447Zhao X. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Special issue on recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 1. Geomagnetism Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetismAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1), art. no. 59
448Satria BijaksanaSpecial issue on recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 1. Geomagnetism Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetismAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1), art. no. 59
449Liu Q. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Special issue on recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 1. Geomagnetism Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetismAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1), art. no. 59
450Irwandy ArifStability Evaluation and Support Design of Tunnel Access Ramp up 4 Central Ciurug L450 PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk UBPE PongkorPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
451Budi SulistiantoStability Evaluation and Support Design of Tunnel Access Ramp up 4 Central Ciurug L450 PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk UBPE PongkorAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
452A. Y. G Pahala Richard Panjaitan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Stability Evaluation of Lattice Boltzmann Method for High Viscosity Fluid Model Applied in Pore Scale Porous MediaPIJurnal Internasional2016The International Journal of Science and Technoledge
453Sudjati RachmatStability Evaluation of Lattice Boltzmann Method for High Viscosity Fluid Model Applied in Pore Scale Porous MediaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016The International Journal of Science and Technoledge
454Pujdo Sukarno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Stability Evaluation of Lattice Boltzmann Method for High Viscosity Fluid Model Applied in Pore Scale Porous MediaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016The International Journal of Science and Technoledge
455Ridho Kresna WattimenaStope Stability Analysis Based on Convergencemeters Data at Ciurug Gold Mining PT Antam PongkorPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
456Budi SulistiantoStope Stability Analysis Based on Convergencemeters Data at Ciurug Gold Mining PT Antam PongkorAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
457F. Rahmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure and morphological analysis of various composition of yttrium doped-zirconia prepared from local zircon sandPIJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 776 (1), art. no. 012050
458I. Permadani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure and morphological analysis of various composition of yttrium doped-zirconia prepared from local zircon sandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 776 (1), art. no. 012050
459E. Heraldy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure and morphological analysis of various composition of yttrium doped-zirconia prepared from local zircon sandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 776 (1), art. no. 012050
460D. G. Syarif (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure and morphological analysis of various composition of yttrium doped-zirconia prepared from local zircon sandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 776 (1), art. no. 012050
461Syoni SoepriyantoStructure and morphological analysis of various composition of yttrium doped-zirconia prepared from local zircon sandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 776 (1), art. no. 012050
462Djoko SantosoStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
463Eko Januari WahyudiStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
464Susanti AlawiyahStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
465Andri Dian NugrahaStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
466Sri WidiyantoroStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
467Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
468P. Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
469S. Wiyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Structure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
470ZulfakrizaStructure Beneath Mt. Pandan Seismic Activity Based on Gravity DataAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional20161st Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics, Augusts 30 – September 3, Bali
471Mohammad Zaki MubarokStudi Kinetika Pelindian Bijih Nikel Limonit dari Pulau Halmahera dalam Larutan Asam NitratPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016Jurnal METALURGI, Vol. 31/No. 2/ 2016
472M. W. Fathoni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Studi perilaku pelindian bijih nikel limonit dari pulau halmahera dalam larutan asam nitratPIJurnal Nasional2016Metalurgi 30 (3), 115-124
473Mohammad Zaki MubarokStudi perilaku pelindian bijih nikel limonit dari pulau halmahera dalam larutan asam nitratAnggotaJurnal Nasional2016Metalurgi 30 (3), 115-124
474Zulfiadi ZulhanStudi reduksi briket komposit bijih besi laterit menggunakan reduktor bed batubara dengan metode isotermal – gradien temperaturPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Iptek Bahan, Serpong
475Zulfiadi ZulhanStudi Reduksi Langsung Pasir Besi dengan Reduktor Batubara Pada Kondisi Isotermal dan Isotermal – Temperatur GradienPIProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV, ITB
476Eddy Agus BasukiStudi Reduksi Langsung Pasir Besi dengan Reduktor Batubara Pada Kondisi Isotermal dan Isotermal – Temperatur GradienAnggotaProsiding Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja IV, ITB
477Nuhindro Priagung WidodoStudy a Correlation of Ultrasonic wave and Numerical Modeling Under Biaxial Load test in Laboratory ScalePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
478Irwandy ArifStudy a Correlation of Ultrasonic wave and Numerical Modeling Under Biaxial Load test in Laboratory ScaleAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
479Nuhindro Priagung WidodoStudy Of Displacement Distribution Around Circular Opening Affected By Presence Of Discontinuities Using Laboratory Biaxial TestPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
480Dr. Eng. Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, MT.Study of Physical and Numerical Model for Fracture Toughness Mode I Determination Using Three Point Bending Test and Brazillian Test for Andesite, Limestone and Cement PastePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
481Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Astawa RaiStudy of Physical and Numerical Model for Fracture Toughness Mode I Determination Using Three Point Bending Test and Brazillian Test for Andesite, Limestone and Cement PasteAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
482Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunStudy of Prevention and Mitigation of Stuck Pipe in Geothermal DrillingPISeminar Internasional2016Stanford University, Stanford, California
483Arif SOMAWIJAYA (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study of Prevention and Mitigation of Stuck Pipe in Geothermal DrillingAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Stanford University, Stanford, California
484R Arnold (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study of Prevention and Mitigation of Stuck Pipe in Geothermal DrillingAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016Stanford University, Stanford, California
485Herman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study of rock inhomogeneity with ultrasonic tomography using concrete block and limestone block at laboratory scalePISeminar Internasional20162nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications
486Nuhindro Priagung WidodoStudy of rock inhomogeneity with ultrasonic tomography using concrete block and limestone block at laboratory scaleAnggotaSeminar Internasional20162nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications
487Irwandy ArifStudy of rock inhomogeneity with ultrasonic tomography using concrete block and limestone block at laboratory scaleAnggotaSeminar Internasional20162nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications
488Budi SulistiantoStudy of Waste Dump Failure in the South Langkap Pit, Malinau Regency North Borneo ProvincePIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
489Mohammad Zaki MubarokStudy on the Leaching Behavior of Galena Concentrate in Fluosilicic Acid Solution using Hydrogen Peroxide as OxidantPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Internasional2016International Process Metallurgy Conference (co-author), ITB, Bandung
490Dadi AbdurrahmanSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinPISeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
491Djoko SantosoSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
492Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
493Susanti AlawiyahSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
494Eko Januari WahyudiSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
495Indra GunawanSubsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
496I. S. Oktavianti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subsurface modeling based on gravity method and resource water calculated in Bandung BasinAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016GEGE, Hongkong 4-5 Desember 2016
497Taufan MarhaendrajanaSurfaktan Berbasis Sulfonal Alkil Eeter Untuk Menurunkan Tengangan Antarmuka Minyak-Air Pada Aplikasi Peningkatan Perolehan Minyak Lanjut Dari ReservoarPIPaten2016P00201600324 terdaftar substantif 05/10/2018
498Deana Wahyunigrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Surfaktan Berbasis Sulfonal Alkil Eeter Untuk Menurunkan Tengangan Antarmuka Minyak-Air Pada Aplikasi Peningkatan Perolehan Minyak Lanjut Dari ReservoarAnggotaPaten2016P00201600324 terdaftar substantif 05/10/2018
499Rani Kurnia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Surfaktan Berbasis Sulfonal Alkil Eeter Untuk Menurunkan Tengangan Antarmuka Minyak-Air Pada Aplikasi Peningkatan Perolehan Minyak Lanjut Dari ReservoarAnggotaPaten2016P00201600324 terdaftar substantif 05/10/2018
500J. E. Mulyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from ilmenite by caustic fusion process for photocatalytic applicationPISeminar Internasional20161st International Process Metallurgy Conference, IPMC 2016
501Syoni SoepriyantoSynthesis and characterization of TiO2 from ilmenite by caustic fusion process for photocatalytic applicationAnggotaSeminar Internasional20161st International Process Metallurgy Conference, IPMC 2016
502Lilik Eko WidodoSystem Engineering Approach to Groundwater Management of Indonesian Big Cities – An Alternative, 1. The Concept and Frame WorkPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan I, 2016.
503Budi SulistiantoTechnical Analysis of Narrow Gold Vein Underground Mining: A Case Study in PT. ANTAM (Persero), Tbk. UBPE PongkorPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
504Firly R. BaskoroTechnical Analysis of Narrow Gold Vein Underground Mining: A Case Study in PT. ANTAM (Persero), Tbk. UBPE PongkorAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
505Tri KarianTechnical Analysis of Narrow Gold Vein Underground Mining: A Case Study in PT. ANTAM (Persero), Tbk. UBPE PongkorAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
506Aryo Prawoto WibowoTechnical Analysis of Narrow Gold Vein Underground Mining: A Case Study in PT. ANTAM (Persero), Tbk. UBPE PongkorAnggotaProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
507F. Rahmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The crystal structure and morphology of NiO-YSZ composite that prepared from local zircon concentrate of Bangka IslandPIJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1717, art. no. 4943447
508K. Apriyani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The crystal structure and morphology of NiO-YSZ composite that prepared from local zircon concentrate of Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1717, art. no. 4943447
509E. Heraldy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The crystal structure and morphology of NiO-YSZ composite that prepared from local zircon concentrate of Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1717, art. no. 4943447
510Syoni SoepriyantoThe crystal structure and morphology of NiO-YSZ composite that prepared from local zircon concentrate of Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1717, art. no. 4943447
511T. A. SannyThe impact of innovation technology and organization on growth of a creative industry: The case of bandung city in IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Engineering and Technology
512Dwi Kartini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The impact of innovation technology and organization on growth of a creative industry: The case of bandung city in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Engineering and Technology
513Umi Narimawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The impact of innovation technology and organization on growth of a creative industry: The case of bandung city in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016International Journal of Engineering and Technology
514Sutarno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The influences of calcia silica contents to the compressive strength of the Al-7000 aluminium foamPIJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012123
515Syoni SoepriyantoThe influences of calcia silica contents to the compressive strength of the Al-7000 aluminium foamAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012123
516Akhmad Ardian KordaThe influences of calcia silica contents to the compressive strength of the Al-7000 aluminium foamAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012123
517T.Dirgantara (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The influences of calcia silica contents to the compressive strength of the Al-7000 aluminium foamAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739 (1), art. no. 012123
518Satria BijaksanaThe Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakePIArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
519Russell J.M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
520Vogel H. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
521Melles M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
522Kallmeyer J. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
523Ariztegui D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
524Crowe S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
525Fajar S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
526Hafidz A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
527Haffner D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
528Hasberg A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
529Ivory S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
530Kelly C. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
531Kirana K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
532Morlock M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
533Noren A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
534O'Grady R. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
535Ordonez L. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
536Stevenson J. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
537von Rintelen T (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
538Vuillemin A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
539Watkinson I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
540Wattrus N. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
541Wicaksono S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
542Wonik T. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
543Bauer K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
544Deino A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
545Friese A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
546Henny C. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
547Imran Marwoto R. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
548Ngkoimani L.O. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
549Nomosatryo S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
550Safiuddin L.O. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
551Simister R. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
552Tamuntuan G. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Towuti Drilling Project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lakeAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016Scientific Drilling, 21, pp. 29-74
553Eko Januari WahyudiTime-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaPISeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
554Rio Marten (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
555Vanya Wilhelmina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
556Sidiq Vidyasto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
557Yoichi Fukuda (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
558Jun Nishijima (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
559Darharta Dahrin, MS.Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
560Susanti AlawiyahTime-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
561Indra GunawanTime-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
562Dadi AbdurrahmanTime-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
563Dedi Sukmayadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
564Uzil Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
565Yusup Nurali (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Time-lapse microgravity data acquisition in baseline stage of CO2 injection Gundih AreaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2016SEACG, Denpasar 1-3 September 2016
566Dr. Eng. Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, MT.Ultrasonic Reflective Wave for Predicting the Defect of Rock on Laboratory Scale TestPIProsiding Seminar Internasional2016
567Andri Dian NugrahaUnexpected earthquake of June 25th, 2015 in Madiun, East JavaPIArtikel Jurnal Internasional 2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020001
568Supendi P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Unexpected earthquake of June 25th, 2015 in Madiun, East JavaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020001
569Shiddiqi H.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Unexpected earthquake of June 25th, 2015 in Madiun, East JavaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020001
570Prof. Sri WidiyantoroUnexpected earthquake of June 25th, 2015 in Madiun, East JavaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Internasional2016AIP Conference Proceedings, 1730, art. no. 020001
571Edy SanwaniUtilization of the bacteria Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter youngae as flotation bioreagents in the microflotation of chalcopyrite, pyrite and silica. Microbiology IndonesiaPIArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016March 2016, Vol.10 (1), 15-22
572Siti Khodijah ChaerunUtilization of the bacteria Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter youngae as flotation bioreagents in the microflotation of chalcopyrite, pyrite and silica. Microbiology IndonesiaAnggotaArtikel Jurnal Nasional2016March 2016, Vol.10 (1), 15-22
573Edy SanwaniUtilization of the Bacteria Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter youngae as Flotation Bioreagents in the Microflotation of Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, and SilicaPIJurnal Internasional2016Microbiology Indonesia 10 (1), 3
574D. Hidayati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Utilization of the Bacteria Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter youngae as Flotation Bioreagents in the Microflotation of Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, and SilicaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Microbiology Indonesia 10 (1), 3
575Siti Khodijah ChaerunUtilization of the Bacteria Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter youngae as Flotation Bioreagents in the Microflotation of Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, and SilicaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016Microbiology Indonesia 10 (1), 3
576Komang AnggayanaValuasi sumberdaya/cadangan batubara Indonesia dan due diligence hasil kegiatan eksplorasi wilayah relinquishmentPIPresentasi Pada Seminar Nasional2016Seminar Tahunan Prospek Sumberdaya Batubara di Indonesia 2016
577Fahmi Bajry (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Waterflood Performance Monitoring : 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South KalimantanPIJurnal Internasional2016IPA, 2016 – 40th Annual Convention Proceedings, IPA16-593-E
578R. Agung I. Wrdhana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Waterflood Performance Monitoring : 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South KalimantanAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IPA, 2016 – 40th Annual Convention Proceedings, IPA16-593-E
579Reza Rahadian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Waterflood Performance Monitoring : 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South KalimantanAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IPA, 2016 – 40th Annual Convention Proceedings, IPA16-593-E
580Adhitya Pratama Lanadito (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Waterflood Performance Monitoring : 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South KalimantanAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IPA, 2016 – 40th Annual Convention Proceedings, IPA16-593-E
581Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirWaterflood Performance Monitoring : 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South KalimantanAnggotaJurnal Internasional2016IPA, 2016 – 40th Annual Convention Proceedings, IPA16-593-E