Publikasi Tahun 2014
No | Nama Penulis | Judul Publikasi | Posisi | Jenis Publikasi | Tahun | Keterangan |
1 | Tutuka Ariadji | A new method of gas plateau rate optimisation: A win-win solution for the gas field operator and the government as the owner | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2014 - Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions 2, pp. 1065-1071 |
2 | M. T. Kautsar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A new method of gas plateau rate optimisation: A win-win solution for the gas field operator and the government as the owner | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2014 - Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions 2, pp. 1065-1071 |
3 | D. K. Duha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A new method of gas plateau rate optimisation: A win-win solution for the gas field operator and the government as the owner | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2014 - Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions 2, pp. 1065-1071 |
4 | Utjok W. R. Siagian | A novel approach of H2 S corrosion modeling in Oil/Gas production pipeline | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014, IPTC 2014 - Innovation and Collaboration: Keys to Affordable Energy 5, pp. 3682-3693 |
5 | Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno Siregar | A novel approach of H2 S corrosion modeling in Oil/Gas production pipeline | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014, IPTC 2014 - Innovation and Collaboration: Keys to Affordable Energy 5, pp. 3682-3693 |
6 | Santoso R.K. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel approach of H2 S corrosion modeling in Oil/Gas production pipeline | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014, IPTC 2014 - Innovation and Collaboration: Keys to Affordable Energy 5, pp. 3682-3693 |
7 | Salam D. D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel approach of H2 S corrosion modeling in Oil/Gas production pipeline | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014, IPTC 2014 - Innovation and Collaboration: Keys to Affordable Energy 5, pp. 3682-3693 |
8 | Sumarli S. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel approach of H2 S corrosion modeling in Oil/Gas production pipeline | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014, IPTC 2014 - Innovation and Collaboration: Keys to Affordable Energy 5, pp. 3682-3693 |
9 | Tutuka Ariadji | A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, pp. 69-82 |
10 | F. Haryadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, pp. 69-82 |
11 | I. T. Rau (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, pp. 69-82 |
12 | P. A. Aziz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, pp. 69-82 |
13 | R. Dasilfa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, pp. 69-82 |
14 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Bit Performance Evaluation in Geothermal Well Drilling | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Proceedings Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
15 | Devi A Febriana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Bit Performance Evaluation in Geothermal Well Drilling | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Proceedings Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
16 | Bagus Z Fadholi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Bit Performance Evaluation in Geothermal Well Drilling | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Proceedings Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
17 | Bayu Wilantara (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Bit Performance Evaluation in Geothermal Well Drilling | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Proceedings Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
18 | Soetikno D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
19 | Kusdiantara R. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
20 | Puspita D. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
21 | Sidarto K.A. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
22 | Utjok W. R. Siagian | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
23 | Soewono E (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
24 | Gunawan A.Y. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Critical point analysis of phase envelope diagram | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1589, 2014, Pages 492-495 |
25 | Purnomo Yusgiantoro | Ekonomi Pertahanan : Teori dan Praktik | PI | Buku | 2014 | Gramedia Jakarta [ ] |
26 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Feasibility Study of Casing While Drilling Application on Geothermal Drilling Operation | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
27 | Y Adinugratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Casing While Drilling Application on Geothermal Drilling Operation | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
28 | BR Kurnianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Casing While Drilling Application on Geothermal Drilling Operation | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California Pages 24-26 |
29 | BZ Fadholi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Future Offshore Installations Decommissioning in Indonesia Based on Experience in North Sea and Gulf of Mexico | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
30 | D Anggara Widiyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Future Offshore Installations Decommissioning in Indonesia Based on Experience in North Sea and Gulf of Mexico | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
31 | Y Adinugratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Future Offshore Installations Decommissioning in Indonesia Based on Experience in North Sea and Gulf of Mexico | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
32 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Feasibility Study of Future Offshore Installations Decommissioning in Indonesia Based on Experience in North Sea and Gulf of Mexico | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2014 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
33 | Tutuka Ariadji | Optimization of Direction and Length of Horizontal Wells in Oil Field-X Using Fuzzy Substractive Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Methods | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Modern Applied Science Volume 8 Issue 6 Pages 326 |
34 | Annisa Finka Mayusha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Optimization of Direction and Length of Horizontal Wells in Oil Field-X Using Fuzzy Substractive Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Methods | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Modern Applied Science Volume 8 Issue 6 Pages 326 |
35 | Niken Nuraini Nissa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Optimization of Direction and Length of Horizontal Wells in Oil Field-X Using Fuzzy Substractive Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Methods | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Modern Applied Science Volume 8 Issue 6 Pages 326 |
36 | Kuntjoro Adji Sidarto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Optimization of Direction and Length of Horizontal Wells in Oil Field-X Using Fuzzy Substractive Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Methods | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Modern Applied Science Volume 8 Issue 6 Pages 326 |
37 | Edy Soewono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Optimization of Direction and Length of Horizontal Wells in Oil Field-X Using Fuzzy Substractive Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Methods | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Modern Applied Science Volume 8 Issue 6 Pages 326 |
38 | Purnomo Yusgiantoro | Perekonomian Indonesia | PI | Buku | 2014 | Gramedia Jakarta [ ] |
39 | T. Tsuji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Reservoir characterization for site selection in the Gundih CCS project, Indonesia | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Energy Procedia |
40 | Tutuka Ariadji | Reservoir characterization for site selection in the Gundih CCS project, Indonesia | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2014 | Energy Procedia |