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Publikasi Tahun 2013

Publikasi Tahun 2013

NoNama PenulisJudul PublikasiPosisiJenis PublikasiTahunKeterangan
1Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunApplication of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling FluidPIJurnal Internasional2013Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10
2PA Hutapea (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling FluidAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10
3AN Corina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling FluidAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10
4R Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling FluidAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10
5SD Purwandari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling FluidAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10
6Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunEstimation of annulus pressure fluids kick for vertical well using moore method and integrated numerical simulationPISeminar Internasional2013North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition 2013, NATC 2013
7Shidiq A.M.I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Estimation of annulus pressure fluids kick for vertical well using moore method and integrated numerical simulationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition 2013, NATC 2013
8Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunEvaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
9Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
10R Pinem (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
11B Ramli (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
12Karolina B Gadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
13Jalan Ganesha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
14Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunFeasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional2013Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013
15Arliyando L. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States
16Sinaga S.Z. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States
17Arimbawa G.V.I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States
18Lamdamatra Arliyando (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional2013SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers
19Samuel Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers
20Gde Valdy Arimbawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers
21Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunFeasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2013SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers
22Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunInnovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid systemPIJurnal Internasional2013American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1
23R Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1
24AN Corina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1
25PA Hutapea (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional2013American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1
26Eddy Agus BasukiInovasi dan Rekayasa Material Superalloy serta Upaya Pengembangannya di IndonesiaPISeminar Nasional2013Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2013. Puspiptek Tanggerang Selatan, 2013. ISBN 978-602-73461-0-9
27Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunPreliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite NanoparticlePISeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
28Kartika Fajarwati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite NanoparticleAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
29Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite NanoparticleAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
30Niko Pratama Purba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite NanoparticleAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
31Enung Nurlia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Retrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang DigunakanPISeminar Nasional2013Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013.
32Sunara Purwadaria (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Retrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang DigunakanAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013.
33Eddy Agus BasukiRetrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang DigunakanAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013.
34Mohammad Zulfikar Simatupang (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South SumatraPISeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
35Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunWorkflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South SumatraAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
36Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South SumatraAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association
37Niko Pratama Purba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South SumatraAnggotaSeminar Nasional2013Indonesian Petroleum Association