Publikasi Tahun 2013
No | Nama Penulis | Judul Publikasi | Posisi | Jenis Publikasi | Tahun | Keterangan |
1 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling Fluid | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10 |
2 | PA Hutapea (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling Fluid | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10 |
3 | AN Corina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling Fluid | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10 |
4 | R Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling Fluid | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10 |
5 | SD Purwandari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Application of Glycerol by-product of Biodiesel Palm Oil as Potential Base Drilling Fluid | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | Am. J. Oil Chem. Technol. Volume 1 Issue 10 |
6 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Estimation of annulus pressure fluids kick for vertical well using moore method and integrated numerical simulation | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition 2013, NATC 2013 |
7 | Shidiq A.M.I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Estimation of annulus pressure fluids kick for vertical well using moore method and integrated numerical simulation | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition 2013, NATC 2013 |
8 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
9 | Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
10 | R Pinem (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
11 | B Ramli (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
12 | Karolina B Gadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
13 | Jalan Ganesha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Evaluation of Non Productive Time of Geothermal Drilling Operations–Case Study in Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Proceedings Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering |
14 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", Indonesia | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013 |
15 | Arliyando L. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States |
16 | Sinaga S.Z. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States |
17 | Arimbawa G.V.I. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility study of underbalanced drilling using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A case study field "a", Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition 2013; The Woodlands, TX; United States |
18 | Lamdamatra Arliyando (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, Indonesia | PI | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers |
19 | Samuel Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers |
20 | Gde Valdy Arimbawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers |
21 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Using Coiled Tubing (CT-UBD): A Case Study of Field A, Indonesia | Anggota | Seminar Internasional | 2013 | SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition Publisher Society of Petroleum Engineers |
22 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid system | PI | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1 |
23 | R Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid system | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1 |
24 | AN Corina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid system | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1 |
25 | PA Hutapea (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Innovation of purified glycerol palm oil in drilling fluid system | Anggota | Jurnal Internasional | 2013 | American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies Volume 1 |
26 | Eddy Agus Basuki | Inovasi dan Rekayasa Material Superalloy serta Upaya Pengembangannya di Indonesia | PI | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2013. Puspiptek Tanggerang Selatan, 2013. ISBN 978-602-73461-0-9 |
27 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticle | PI | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
28 | Kartika Fajarwati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticle | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
29 | Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticle | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
30 | Niko Pratama Purba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Preliminary Study of Optimization Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in Drilling Fluid Using Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticle | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
31 | Enung Nurlia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Retrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang Digunakan | PI | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013. |
32 | Sunara Purwadaria (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Retrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang Digunakan | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013. |
33 | Eddy Agus Basuki | Retrograsi dan Reaging Paduan Alumunium 7075 dan Evaluasi Prosedur yang Digunakan | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR - BATAN. Bandung, 04 Juli 2013. |
34 | Mohammad Zulfikar Simatupang (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South Sumatra | PI | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
35 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun | Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South Sumatra | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
36 | Ramadhana Aristya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South Sumatra | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |
37 | Niko Pratama Purba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen) | Workflow for Pore Pressure and Horizontal Stress Field Estimation in Vertical Wells Using Well Data in the “X” Field in South Sumatra | Anggota | Seminar Nasional | 2013 | Indonesian Petroleum Association |