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FTTM Professor Sri Widiyantoro is the Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University

FTTM Professor Sri Widiyantoro is the Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University


Maranatha Christian College Foundation and Maranatha Christian University held an inauguration ceremony and the handover of the position of Rector Prof. Ir Sri Widiyantoro MSc PhD IPU for the 2020-2024 service period. Prof. Sri Widiyantoro continued the previous leadership relay carried by Prof. Ir Armein Z.R. Langi, MSc PhD.


“Our determination is to realize Maranatha Christian University which is locally relevant-nationally respected, which is to prepare graduates of superior character, professionalism, ready to work, and be able to create new jobs in the era of disruption. This is manifested in the work program “Initiative, Collaboration, Excellence (ICE)”, “Professor Sri Widiyantoro said in his official statement. The inauguration which was held at Prof. Auditorium Dr. P.A. Surjadi, MA, Maranatha Campus, Bandung, Monday (2/3/2020).


The S-3 alumni from Australian National University, Canberra (1994-1997) explained that the Initiative focused on developing superior human resources, increasing the number of students, developing the right curriculum, as well as developing new campus areas in Kota Baru Parahyangan. While Collaboration, emphasizes mutualistic cooperation with stakeholders, including alumni. We want to continue to establish and enhance cooperation with national and international universities, government agencies, and private / industrial institutions.


“While Excellence is emphasized on the priority of quality in every activity to achieve the best results. The mentality to always strive for the very best needs to be cultivated in each individual Maranatha extended family, “said the S-2 alumnus from the Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University, Japan (1990-1992).



As a new administrator, Prof. Sri Widiyantoro has prepared himself to carry out the vision of UK Maranatha. The preparation is to make improvements to the College Standards of Maranatha Christian University 2.0.


“We are developing the Integrated Resource Information System (Sister), updating the Integrated Academic System (SAT) for excellent student academic services, developing digital learning in the face of the era of disruption,” said a graduate of S-1 Geophysics and Meteorology (1981-1986) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).


“The next plan is to establish the Faculty of Education to produce excellent educators or teachers so that they can contribute to superior HR education in Indonesia, and many more,” Professor Sri Widiyantoro added.


Maranatha Christian University to date has around 8,000 active students and has graduated more than 40,000 superior Indonesian HR graduates. Maranatha Christian University has 28 Study Programs and nine Faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Language & amp; Culture, Faculty of Fine Arts & amp; Design, Faculty of Information Technology, and Faculty of Law, each of which has unique advantages.


Maranatha Christian University has also opened two new study programs, namely the Architecture Undergraduate Program with excellence in creativepreneurship aspects, and the Masters Program in Computer Science which focuses on big data analysis.


Meanwhile, for the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, the hospital has facilities that can be felt also by the general public. The hospitals are RSGM Maranatha and UKM Hospital (Unggul Karsa Medika), under the auspices of the Maranatha Christian Higher Education Foundation (YPTKM).


Not only that, in the short term Maranatha Christian University has also prepared several special programs to increase access to higher education for the wider community in Indonesia. Some of them are in the form of scholarship programs for sports and arts, “Inspirational for the Country” scholarships for TNI / POLRI families, to “Maranatha Cares” scholarships to support students in need, with full financial support until the student graduates.