Teknik Pertambangan
1 | Komang Anggayana, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.S., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
2 | Lilik Eko Widodo, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ir., M.S. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
3 | Budi Sulistianto, Prof. Dr. Ir., MT., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
4 | Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Prof. Ir., MT., Ph.D., IPU. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
5 | Syafrizal, Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir., MT., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
6 | Mohamad Nur Heriawan, Prof. Ir, M.T., Ph.D., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
7 | R. Budi Sulistijo, Dr. Ir., M.App.Sc. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
8 | Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, Dr.Eng. ST., M.T., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
9 | Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Dr.Eng. S.T., MT., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
10 | Agus Haris Widayat, Dr.phil.nat. S.T., M.T., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
11 | Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Dr.Eng., S.T., M.T., IPM. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
12 | Irwan Iskandar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
13 | Fadhila Achmadi Rosyid, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
14 | Arie Naftali Hawu Hede, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
15 | Simon Heru Prassetyo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
16 | Tri Karian, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
17 | Andy Yahya Al Hakim, Dr.mont., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
18 | Sendy Dwiki, Dr.Eng., ST., M.Eng. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
19 | Firly Rachmaditya Baskoro S.T, M.T., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
20 | Yudhidya Wicaksana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index | Profil |
21 | Tomy Alvin Rivai, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.Eng | Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index | Profil |
22 | Salmawati, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. | Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index | Profil |
23 | Intan Nurul Rizki, Dr. Eng., S.Si., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar// Science and Technology Index | Profil |
24 | Dimas Agung Permadi, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar// Science and Technology Index | Profil |
25 | Ignatius Klemens Dwika Paramananda, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar// Science and Technology Index | Profil |
26 | Arif Widiatmojo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar// Science and Technology Index | Profil |
27 | Ahmad Ihsan, Dr.Eng., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar// Science and Technology Index | Profil |
Teknik Perminyakan
1 | Asep Kurnia Permadi, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
2 | Tutuka Ariadji, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
3 | Taufan Marhaendrajana, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.Sc. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
4 | Utjok W. R. Siagian, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
5 | Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun, Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
6 | Zuher Syihab, S.T., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
7 | Dedy Irawan, Dr., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
8 | Amega Yasutra, Dr., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
9 | Silvya Dewi Rahmawati, S.Si, M.Si., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
10 | Adityawarman, Dr., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
11 | Rani Kurnia, Dr., S.Si., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
12 | Ardhi Hakim Lumban Gaol ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
13 | Pahala Dominicus Sinurat, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
14 | Ivan Kurnia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
15 | Wijoyo Niti Daton, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
16 | Prasandi Abdul Azis, S.Si., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
17 | Steven Chandra, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
18 | Billal Maydika Aslam, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
19 | Miftah Hidayat, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
20 | Mohammad Galang Merdeka, S.T., M.Sc. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
21 | Dr.-Ing. Calvin Lumban Gaol, S.T., M.Sc. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
22 | Rafael J.S. Purba, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
Teknik Geofisika
Teknik Metalurgi
Teknik Geotermal
1 | Hendra Grandis, Prof.Dr. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
2 | Sutopo, Dr.Eng.Ir. M.Eng. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
3 | Heru Berian Pratama, ST., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
4 | Dimas Taha Maulana, ST., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
5 | Betseba br Sibarani, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
6 | Nurita Putri Hardiani, ST., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
7 | Angga Bakti Pratama, S.Si., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |