- Decree on the Dismissal and Appointment of the Postgraduate Program Commission Team (KPPS)
- Decree on the Dismissal and Appointment of the Coordinator of Academic Activities for the Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program and FTTM Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program at ITB Cirebon Campus
- Decree on Dismissal and Appointment of Course Coordinators of FTTM ITB Joint Preparatory Phase Program
- Decree of the Head of the Laboratory, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree on Dismissal and Appointment of the Re-Accreditation Activity Team/Engineering Course for Undergraduate Program Geophysical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Security, Health and Work Safety Task Force in the FTTM ITB Environment
- Decree of the Lecturer who supervises Student Activities, Petroleum Engineering Study Program, FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Advisory Board (Advisory Board) of the FTTM ITB Geothermal Engineering Master’s Study Program
- Decree of Academic Supervisor Lecturer for Students of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Programs, Semester II 2022/2023 Academic Year within the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM)
- Decree of Teaching Staff for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Programs for Semester II of the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM)
- Decree of Supervisors and Examiners for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Study Programs, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Judicial Period January – March 2023
- Decree of Supervisors and Examiners for the Professional Engineer Study Program (PS PPI) Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Graduates April – May 2023
- Decree of Management and Monitoring Team of Integrated Resource Information System (SISTER) FTTM ITB
- Decree of the FTTM ITB Research, Community Service and Innovation (PPMI) Management Team
- Decree of the Monitoring and Evaluation Team for the Budget Work Plan (RKA) for Fiscal Year 2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Evaluation Team for the Implementation of Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB
- Decree of the Task Force Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB
- Decree of the Management Team, Monitoring and Evaluation of FTTM ITB Research Activities
- Decree of the Management Team, Monitoring and Evaluation of FTTM ITB Community Service Activities
- Decree of the Integrity Zone Development Working Team Towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) FTTM ITB
- Decree of the FTTM ITB Security, Health and Work Safety and Environment Task Force Team
- Decree of the Implementing Team for the FTTM ITB Undergraduate-Masters Integration Design Incentive Program
- Decree of the Faculty Level Quality Control Team (GKM) and FTTM ITB Study Program
- Decree of the Accreditation Implementation Team of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) Laboratory of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree on Assistant Lectures and Responses for Ku1202 Introduction to Design Engineering Course Joint Preparation Phase Program Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023
- Decree of Counseling Lecturer and Student Supervisor of Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Assignment of Assistants for Lectures, Reception and Practicum Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree on ISS Activities for the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) Semester I 2022/2023 Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on ISS Activities Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Program Petroleum Engineering Study Program
- Decree on AI Academy Student Activities Semester I 2022/2023 Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on Student Activities for Industrial Internship Program Semester I 2022/2023 Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on Student Activities of Independent Study Internship Learning Campus Merdeka (MSIB) Semester I 2022/2023 Petroleum Engineering Study Program
- Decree on Student Activities of Industrial Internship Program for Semester I 2022/2023 Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Task Force Team for International Process Metallurgy Conference 2023 Metallurgical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Activities of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Program (MBKM) Geophysical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Appointment of the Thesis Task Force Team for the Geothermal Engineering Master’s Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree of the Task Force Team for Development and Preparation of the Curriculum for the FTTM ITB Metallurgical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of the Task Force Team for Field Trip Implementation of Geothermal Production Engineering, FTTM ITB Geothermal Engineering Study Program
- Decree of the BA-PT Accreditation Preparation Team for the FTTM ITB Geothermal Engineering Masters Study Program
- Decree of the Lecturer in Student Activities, FTTM ITB Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- SK Tim Guidance and Development of Mining Engineering Study Program UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Curriculum Development Task Force Team for the Master of Mining Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Curriculum Evaluation Task Force Team for the Master of Metallurgical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Preparation Team for Field Lecture Activities of Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Program (Ganesa and Cirebon) and Geophysical Engineering Master Program FTTM ITB
- Lecture Assistant Decree for Metallurgical Engineering Sub Program of Professional Engineer Program (PSPPI) FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Chair and Members of the Bandung Institute of Technology Research Program in 2023, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
- Decree of the Chairman and Members of the Community Service Program Bottom-Up Scheme Bandung Institute of Technology in 2023 Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
- Decree of the Jury Team for Metalfest Activities, Metallurgical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Student Activities Team for the Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Student Affairs Advisory Team for the FTTM ITB Metallurgical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of the Survey Team for Course Implementation in the Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Task Force for Monitoring and Compilation of Thesis Guidelines for the Master of Petroleum Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Technical Team for the Implementation of Academic Monitoring System Applications and Website for Mining Engineering Master and Doctoral Study Programs FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Assistant for the Implementation of Lectures and Practicums of the Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Ganesa and Cirebon Campuses, Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Activity Team for Preparing and Reporting Internal Quality Audits (AMI) for Undergraduate Study Programs (Ganesa and Cirebon Campuses), Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Geophysical Engineering FTTM ITB
- Decree on Assistant Lecture and Practicum Implementation of Metallurgical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree on Assistant Lecture and Practicum Implementation of Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (Ganesa Campus and Cierbon Campus) Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Real Work Lecture Activities (KKN) – D 2022 for Students of the FTTM ITB Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree on Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program for Assistance in Strengthening Community Capacity for Earthquake and Tsunami Mitigation for Students of the Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on Assistant Lecture Implementation for Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 Geoterma Engineering Master Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of Capstone Design Expo Team TM4000 Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of Assistant Lecturer for Undergraduate Petroleum Engineering Study Program Cirebon Class Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree of Assistant Lecturer for Undergraduate Petroleum Engineering Study Program Class Ganesha Semester II Academic Year 2022/2023 FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Technical Team for Field Study Program of Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Curriculum Document Evaluation Team and the Compilation of Learning Stages Procedure Schemes for the Master and Doctoral Study Programs of Mining Engineering FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Laboratory Management Team of the Cirebon Class Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the TM4089 Final Project Festival Team Undergraduate Petroleum Engineering Study Program Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Lecturer Responsible for Collaboration with the Undergraduate Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology with the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
- Certificate of Replacement Decree for Examiners and Supervisors for the Period April – June 2023
- Decree of the Academic Supervisor Lecturer for the Joint Preparatory Stage Program (TPB) Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Academic Year 2022/2023
- Decree of the Team for Implementing Community Service and Innovation Research (PPMI) in 2023
- Decree on the Master of Geothermal Engineering Study Program of the Energy Transition Cooperation Program between ITB and PT PLN (Persero) for Semester II of the 2022/2023 Academic Year FTTM ITB
- Decree on Teaching Staff of Professional Engineer Program (PSPPI) for Semester 1 Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree of Academic Guardian Lecturer for the Joint Preparation Phase (TPB) Program for the 2023/2024 Academic Year
- Decree of the Curriculum Implementation Evaluation Team 2019 and Curriculum Preparation 2024 Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on the Use of Petrophysics Laboratory Equipment and Reservoir Fluid Analysis for Pattimura University Students, Petroleum Engineering Study Program, FTTM ITB
- Decree on Amendments to the Decree of the Dean of FTTM ITB Number 117/It1.C05/Sk-Kp/2023 concerning the Capstone Design Expo Team Tm4000 Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the ICGERE (International Conference on Geoscience and Earth Resources Engineering) FTTM ITB Activities Organizing Committee
- Decree of Reviewer and Editor Team of ICGERE (International Conference on Geoscience and Earth Resources Engineering) Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Team for Preparing Curriculum Evaluation Documents for the Metallurgical Engineering Master’s Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree of the Team for Preparation and Implementation of Work Lectures and Guest Lectures of the Metallurgical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Promotion Team of the Metallurgical Engineering Bachelor and Master Study Programs, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the 12th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW) Committee, FTTM ITB Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program
- Decree of Capstone Design Expo Examiner Team TM4000 Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Field Course Team of the Undergraduate and Master Programs of Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree of Authors of Seismic Stratigraphy Textbook, Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree on Lecture Assistant for Mining Engineering Sub-Program of Professional Engineer Program (PSPPI) FTTM ITB
- Decree of Lecturer for External Communication of Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Webinar Activity Team “Near Surface Geophysics” Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Final Project Team of the Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of the Selection Team for Exploration Class Energy Transition Cooperation Students of Geothermal Engineering Master’s Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Activity Team for the Merdeka Learning-Campus Program (MBKM) Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024 Metallurgical Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of the Management Team of Energy Transition Class Exploration Class of Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree of Associate (Buddy) Permanent Lecturer ITB Non-Civil Servant Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung Year 2023
- Decree of Associate (Buddy) Non-permanent Lecturer Researcher Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung Year 2023
- Decree of Supervisors and Examiners for the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Study Programs of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Graduates in July – September 2023
- Decree of Supervisors and Examiners of the Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Study Programs FTTM ITB Graduates April – June 2023
- Decree on Teaching Staff for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Programs for the 1st semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year
- Decree of the Head of the Supervisory Team of the Geophysical Engineering Doctoral Program FTTM-ITB a.n Ir. Wahyu Triyoso, Ph.D.
- Decree of the Head of the Supervisory Team of Mining Engineering Doctoral Program FTTM-ITB a.n Dr. Nuhindro PW
- Decree of External Relations Coordinator of Petroleum Engineering Study Program Cirebon Campus Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree of the Student Affairs Coordinator for the Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Cirebon Campus, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree of the Finance Coordinator of the Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Cirebon Campus, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
- Decree on Role Model and Agent of Change Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of Laboratory Coordinator of Petroleum Engineering Study Program Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology Cirebon Campus
- Decree on Teaching Staff for Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programs for Semester I of the 2023/2024 Academic Year
- Decree of PPID, FTTM Website Manager
- Information System Management Team Decree
- Decree on PPID Book and Video Profile Compilation
- Decree of the Implementation Team for Open House Socialization
- Decree of the Technical Team for Information and Documentation Management
- Decree of Website Management Team of Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree on Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Non-Exchange Student Activities
- Decree on the Determination of the Workload of Lecturers Guiding Student Activities for Merdeka Learning-Campus Merdeka Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree on the Assignment of Assistants for Lectures, Responsies and Practicums for Semester I of the 2023/2024 Academic Year Mining Engineering Study Program
- Decree on Assistants for Lectures, Responses, and Practicum for the Joint Preparation Phase Program Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree on Assistant Course Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree of the Geothermal Course Implementation Team and Field Visits in the Framework of Cooperation with Seoul National University Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program
- Decree on the Management of the Merdeka Learning-Campus Program (MBKM) Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024 Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of the Committee for Retirement Activities of the Geophysical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of the Regular Curriculum Structuring Team for the Masters Program, Doctoral Program, and Master By Research (MBR) Program for Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree of the Cooperation Management Team for the Partnership Doctoral Program (PDK) of the Mining Engineering Master and Doctoral Study Program
- Decree of the Curriculum Development Team for the Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of Virtual Student Exchange Lecturer for Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree of Inbound Student Exchange Lecturer for Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree of Sandwich Program Coordinator for Mining Engineering Doctoral Program
- Decree on Workshop and Research Collaboration Implementation of Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree on Implementation of Research Cooperation between ITB and Australian National Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree on Course Assistant for Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024 Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree on Cooperating Lecturers for the Partnership Doctoral Program (PDK) Mining Engineering Master and Doctoral Study Program
- Decree of the Selection Team for New Student Admissions for Masters and Doctoral Programs for Semester II FY 2022/2023 Geophysical Engineering Masters and Doctoral Study Programs
- Decree of the Selection Team for New Student Admission to the Professional Engineer Program (PPI) Semester II FY 2022/2023 Geophysical Engineering Study Program
- Decree of the Field Course Implementation Team of the Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program
- Decree of the Management Team for World Class University Activities for Mining Engineering Master and Doctoral Study Programs
- Decree on Course Assistant for Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024 Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
- Decree of Virtual Reality Laboratory Task Force of Mining Engineering Study Program
- Decree of Academic Guardian Lecturers for Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral Program Students Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree of the Implementation Team of the International Journal JERSE (Journal Of Earth Resources Science And Engineering)
- Decree of the Task Force Team for Field Course PB5001 – Geothermal Systems and Technology Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program
- Decree of the Task Force Team for the Exploration Field Camp of the Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Decree of BAN-PT Accreditation Preparation Team for Geothermal Engineering Master Study Program FTTM ITB
- Decree on Teaching Staff for the Joint Preparation Phase (TPB) Program for Semester I of the 2023/2024 Academic Year Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM)
- Decree of Supervisors and Examiners of the Professional Engineer Program Study Program (PS PPI) FTTM ITB
- Decree on Teaching Staff of Geothermal Engineering Master’s Program in Energy Transition Cooperation Program between ITB and PLN for Semester 1 Academic Year 2023/2024
- Decree of the Laboratory Implementation and Quality Assurance Team FTTM ITB
- Decree on Dismissal and Appointment of Heads of Expertise/Scientific Groups (KK) in Faculties/Schools of Institut Teknologi Bandung