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Feasibility Study Of Injection Well Integrity For Carbon Capture Storage Pilot Project In Indonesia

Feasibility Study Of Injection Well Integrity For Carbon Capture Storage Pilot Project In Indonesia

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing it into a porous rock formation. Injected CO2 is usually gathered from nearby natural gas central processing plant. Currently, CO2 that is produced from gas processing plant is released into the atmosphere. CCS is one of methods that have been […]

Gravity Anomaly around Mt. Pandan and Seismic evidence

Gravity Anomaly around Mt. Pandan and Seismic evidence

Santoso, D., Wahyudi, E.J., Kadir, W.G.A., Alawiyah, S., Nugraha, A.D., and Parnadi, W.W. Geophysical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung   In order to understand the subsurface structure of Mt. Pandan, the Geophysical Engineering Team, Institute Technology of Bandung Team conducted gravity measurement. The measurement was carried out by using gravimeter Scintrex CG-5 (SN-815). As a result, […]

Estimating Radius of Investigation and Radius of Desorption in CBM Reservoirs by the Used of Field Production Performance Data

Estimating Radius of Investigation and Radius of Desorption in CBM Reservoirs by the Used of Field Production Performance Data

Dedy Irawan, Doddy Abdassah, Zuher Syihab, Ratnayu Sitaresmi Petroleum Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia. Petroleum Engineering Department, UniversitasTrisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia.   Reserves estimation and classification in reservoirs are important step in the CBM field development. Estimation both parameters are depend on radius of investigation and radius of desorption. This paper propose semi analytical […]

Development of conceptual model of drainhole optimization in the open pit mine drainage system of fractured groundwater flow media

Development of conceptual model of drainhole optimization in the open pit mine drainage system of fractured groundwater flow media

Head of Team : Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Lilik Eko Widodo, MS. Team Members : Dr. Ir. Sudarto Notosiswoyo, M.Eng. ; Irwan Iskandar, ST., MT., Ph.D. ; Zuher Syihab, ST., MT., Ph.D. ; Tedy Agung Cahyadi, ST., MT.   Introduction Mine drainage is a part of mining activities. This activity becomes a priority, however, if the mining […]

Studi seismik anisotropi untuk identifikasi keberadaan hidrokarbon dari data seismik antar sumur

Studi seismik anisotropi untuk identifikasi keberadaan hidrokarbon dari data seismik antar sumur

Head of Team : Prof. Awali Priyono Team Members : Dr. Wahyu Triyoso   Hydrocarbon detection by studying anisotropy parameter integrated with reservoir characterization was done using a set of crosswell seismic, well log and surface seismic data. We employed non- linear tomographic inversion technique to invert the traveltimes picked from P-, SH-and SV-waves. Anisotropy […]

Bioflotation of Pb and Zn Sulfide Mineral Using Biosurfactants Producing Bacterium as Bioflotation Reagen

Bioflotation of Pb and Zn Sulfide Mineral Using Biosurfactants Producing Bacterium as Bioflotation Reagen

Head of Team : Ir. Edy Sanwani, MT., Ph.D. Team Members : Ir. Siti Khodijah Chaerun, MT., Ph.D ; Muhammad Abdur Rasyid, ST., M.Phil.   Lead-zinc complex ore is industrially proceeded through flotation process which nowadays demanding more effective yet lower cost reagent. The use of microorganisms as bioreagents for sulphide minerals separation has been […]

Design and Performance Evaluation of Accelerated Weight Drop (AWD250 v1.0) as a Seismic Source for Shallow Seismic Surveys

Design and Performance Evaluation of Accelerated Weight Drop (AWD250 v1.0) as a Seismic Source for Shallow Seismic Surveys

HEAD OF TEAM : Dr. Alfian Bahar TEAM MEMBERS : Dr. rer. nat Moch. Rachmat Sule; Fernando Lawrens, ST., MT.   The acquisition of seismic reflection data involves the process of generating and recording the seismic wave field on the surface of the earth. The success of the acquisition process in producing a high quality […]

CO2 Gas Liquification Technique Through Subsea Pipe Flow To Increase National Gas Production

CO2 Gas Liquification Technique Through Subsea Pipe Flow To Increase National Gas Production

Gas production with a very high CO2 content requires special treatment to separate the methane from CO2. The separation also requires high capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX). The challenge is higher, when the gas is being produced on offshore, and only narrow space that available on the platform for separation process. One proposed […]

The Hydrogeology Model of Cisarua Sub-District is Based on Rainfall, Geoelectric and Gravity Data

The Hydrogeology Model of Cisarua Sub-District is Based on Rainfall, Geoelectric and Gravity Data

Dr. Darharta Dahrin, Dadi Abdurrahman ST., Mt. Geophysical Engineering Program, Bandung Institute of Technology *Correspondence: darharta@gmail.com or dahrin@gf.itb.ac.id   Abstract Cisarua has a morphology of hills with the area of ridges and valleys. Generally, in this area, the groundwater flow is quite large and the variation of the groundwater mass is highly dynamic which is […]

Cyclic Injection of CO2 – N2 as a New Method of Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Gas Recovery

Cyclic Injection of CO2 – N2 as a New Method of Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Gas Recovery

Doddy Abdassah, I Wayan Rakananda S., Dedy Irawan, Irianto P. Binsardo Petroleum Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia.   As one example of unconventional source of hydrocarbon, coalbed methane is the one of the most developed compared to the other unconventional sources. Started on 1980s, the early coalbed development of coalbed methane production faced […]