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Geothermal Forum: Evaluation of Geothermal Development Strategy Based on a Probabilistic Approach from the Integration of Numerical Reservoir and Financial Model

Geothermal Forum: Evaluation of Geothermal Development Strategy Based on a Probabilistic Approach from the Integration of Numerical Reservoir and Financial Model

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2021.   The tender stage of Geothermal Working Area in Indonesia is conducted after the preliminary survey or preliminary survey and exploration were performed; therefore the available data will be limited. On the other hand, the prospective developer […]

Geothermal Forum: State of the Art of Probabilistic Geothermal Resource Assessment Using A Hybrid Approach of Numerical Reservoir Model and Experimental Design (ED) & Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Geothermal Forum: State of the Art of Probabilistic Geothermal Resource Assessment Using A Hybrid Approach of Numerical Reservoir Model and Experimental Design (ED) & Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2021.   Geothermal resource assessment is a critical aspect of field development. Therefore, numerical reservoir simulation was used to calculate geothermal power potential. However, model input in numerical simulation has a high uncertainty with a low level of confidence, especially in the […]

Diskusi Riset Logam Tanah Jarang

Diskusi Riset Logam Tanah Jarang

Sesi 1 Dr. Kenzo Sanematsu (Geological Survey of Japan) Characteristics and genesis of ion-adsorption type REE deposits: Implication for exploration Dr. Tomy Alvin Rivai (Geological Survey of Japan) SEM-MLA application for the REE Deposit Investigation   Sesi 2 Ir. I Gde Sukadana, M.Eng. (National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia) Elemental Mapping and REE Mineral Identification […]

International Virtual Course “Geophysics for Engineering & Environment: from theory to practical applications”

International Virtual Course “Geophysics for Engineering & Environment: from theory to practical applications”

The International Virtual Course provides the latest trends of geophysical techniques for solving engineering and environmental problems, ranging from remote sensing to ground sensing techniques, from detection to monitoring. This course will be taught by prominent researchers in engineering & environmental geophysics as well as in geotechnical engineering from Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Serbia, and […]

International Virtual Course on Improved Oil Recovery (26 July – 6 August 2021) – Teknik Perminyakan ITB

International Virtual Course on Improved Oil Recovery (26 July – 6 August 2021) – Teknik Perminyakan ITB

This IVC allows participant to learn various new techniques and research findings that can be applied in upstream to downstream petroleum industry to improve oil recovery. The topics covered in this course include reservoir, drilling, production, artificial lift, big data analytics, and recent developments in enhanced oil recovery. During the length of the course, participants […]

ITB-IEAGHG International Virtual Course on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

ITB-IEAGHG International Virtual Course on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering proudly announces the upcoming “ITB-IEAGHG International Virtual Course on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) 2021”. This course is the 2nd International Virtual Course on CCUS held in collaboration between Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG). To see the first Virtual Course visit this link here.     […]

International Virtual Course: Introduction to Volcano Monitoring using Recent Technology

International Virtual Course: Introduction to Volcano Monitoring using Recent Technology

Geophysical Engineering Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering – ITB conduct an international virtual course (IVC) this summer (starting from early July 2021). The topic of the IVC will be on volcano monitoring using geosciences method. The course will be open for Indonesian and International students and free of charge for Indonesian and International students […]



“Berbagi merupakan Kepedulian” Bagikan pengetahuan anda dengan mengirimkan makalah penelitian dalam acara bergengsi ini. Mengirimkan abstrak akan menjadi langkah pertama untuk mengirimkan makalah anda! Kontribusi anda  dapat mengarahkan pengembangan energi panas bumi menuju era yang baru! Undangan kolega anda dalam acara yang luar biasa ini, bagikan informasi dan pengetahuannya, berbagi merupakan kepedulian, dan kepedulian menciptakan […]



FTTM akan mengadakan ICGERE 2020 pada 14-16 Desember 2020. Kegiatan diselenggarakan secara online. Kami mengundang Bapak-Ibu dosen dan mahasiswa untuk bisa submit hasil penelitiannya pada acara tersebut. Acara tersebut akan digratiskan untuk segenap sivitas akademika FTTM. Beberapa tanggal penting terkait konferensi: Deadline pengumpulan Extended Abstract: 29 November 2020 Pengumumam seleksi extended abstract: 7 Desember 2020 […]