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Webinar principles and practical EM and seismic methods for oil and gas exploration

Webinar principles and practical EM and seismic methods for oil and gas exploration

Hydrocarbon has been the workhorse as a source of fossil fuel energy. Several subsurface detection methods have been developed in order to discover hydrocarbons, including the EM method. Recently, the desirability of the EM method has been increasing because of its effectiveness in ascertaining hydrocarbons in reservoirs. How’s the enhancement of the EM method in […]

Updating Kegiatan dan Regulasi Eksplorasi Panas Bumi di Indonesia

Updating Kegiatan dan Regulasi Eksplorasi Panas Bumi di Indonesia

Program Studi Magister Teknik Geotermal mengadakan Geotermal Forum yang ke-7 dengan topik Updating Kegiatan dan Regulasi Eksplorasi Panas Bumi di Indonesia. Hadir sebagai pembicara adalah Bapak Herlambang Setyawan selaku Sub Koordinator Pengawasan Eksplorasi Panas Bumi / Analis Kebijakan Ahli Muda – Direktorat Panas Bumi, Ditjen EBTKE dan dimoderatori oleh Yahya Maulana dari mahasiswa Geotermal ITB. […]

Introduction to Ormat, Lower Temperature Resources and Ideas for Enhancing Geothermal in Indonesia

Introduction to Ormat, Lower Temperature Resources and Ideas for Enhancing Geothermal in Indonesia

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast!   Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2022.   Geothermal installed capacity in Indonesia is currently limited to developments at high temperature geothermal areas. However, survey data from Badan Geologi (Geological Agency of Indonesia) suggests that a large reserve of lower temperature geothermal resources […]

State of the art of Geothermal Environmental Capacity Building: Facing New Regulation, Embedding to Operation

State of the art of Geothermal Environmental Capacity Building: Facing New Regulation, Embedding to Operation

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast!   Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2022.   The implementation of geothermal energy is essential to follow the principles of sustainability and the preservation of environmental functions to produce sustainable energy and mitigate negative environmental impacts.   In this week’s Geothermal Forum, we […]

Geothermal Forum: Influence of Large-Scale Tectonics on Field-Scale Geothermal System: from Sunda, Banda, to Sangihe Arc

Geothermal Forum: Influence of Large-Scale Tectonics on Field-Scale Geothermal System: from Sunda, Banda, to Sangihe Arc

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast!   Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2022.   Understanding any tectonic settings will help us to determine a geothermal system. Hence, it will assist us in elaborating the conceptual model of a field and increasing the success rate of geothermal exploration and development. […]



We invite and encourage all scientists, engineers, academias, and industrial stakeholders to submit their abstract to be presented in 11th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2022 (IIGW 2022) that will be held on August, 02nd – 04th 2022.   Important Dates: Deadline Abstract: March, 7th 2022 Notification of Abstract Acceptance: March, 21st 2022 Full Paper Submission: […]

International Webinar 2021 : Managing Mine and Metallurgical Wastes for a Sustainable Metal Industry : Volarization and Remediation

International Webinar 2021 : Managing Mine and Metallurgical Wastes for a Sustainable Metal Industry : Volarization and Remediation

Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB proudly announces and invites you to join The International Metallurgy Webinar 2021. This webinar will be held on November 26th, 2021. Waste management is becoming a growing global environmental concern for companies and organizations worldwide. With environmental regulations becoming more stringent, there is an […]

Geothermal Forum: Rantau Dedap Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration Update

Geothermal Forum: Rantau Dedap Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration Update

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2021. A knowledge of an explored geothermal system always gives us insight about possibilities of subsurface condition and its correlation to the actual geothermal potential. In this week’s Geothermal Forum, we will discuss about: Title : Rantau Dedap […]

Geothermal Forum: Experimental Study of Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Fluid

Geothermal Forum: Experimental Study of Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Fluid

Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2021. Lithium is considered to be a rare mineral in Indonesia. Of all materials, lithium currently has the highest demand in the world because of the rapid development of portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. The rising interest […]