Teknik Pertambangan
Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Bumi
Teknik Pemboran, Produksi dan Manajemen Migas
Teknik Reservior
1 | Asep Kurnia Permadi, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
2 | Taufan Marhaendrajana, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.Sc. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
3 | Zuher Syihab, S.T., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
4 | Dedy Irawan, Dr., S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
5 | Rani Kurnia, Dr., S.Si., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
6 | Pahala Dominicus Sinurat, S.T, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
7 | Ivan Kurnia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
8 | Billal Maydika Aslam, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
Geofisika Terapan dan Eksplorasi
Geofisika Global
Seismologi Eksplorasi dan Rekayasa
Teknik Metalurgi
Teknik Geotermal
1 | Hendra Grandis, Prof. Dr. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
2 | Sutopo, Dr.Eng.Ir. M.Eng. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
3 | Heru Berian Pratama, ST., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
4 | Dimas Taha Maulana, ST., MT | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
5 | Betseba br Sibarani, S.T., M.T. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
6 | Nurita Putri Hardiani, ST., MT. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |
7 | Angga Bakti Pratama, S.Si., MT. | Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index | Profil |