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Cooperation between FTTM and PT. Landmark Concurrent Solusi Indonesia (Halliburton)

Cooperation between FTTM and PT. Landmark Concurrent Solusi Indonesia (Halliburton)

Monday, December 10, 2018 at the 4th Floor Basic Science Center B Building, Dean of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (FTTM ITB) Prof. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D. with Ahmed Mohammed Mohammed Helmy Hassan as President Director of PT Landmark Concurrent Solusi Indonesia to sign a collaboration between the two parties regarding the use of the “Landmark” Academic License. The signing of this cooperation was also signed by a witness from the Regional General Manager of the Middle East & Asia Pacific Region namely Kaiwan Bharucha. The several points that become this collaboration are the use of software that can only be used for educational purposes and cannot be used for commercial purposes and besides that the two parties agreed to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in order to carry out several agreed activities.

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