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Publikasi Tahun 2019

Publikasi Tahun 2019

NoNama PenulisJudul PublikasiPosisiJenis PublikasiTahunKeterangan
1Rexha Verdhora RyImplementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
2David Prambudi SaharaImplementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
3M Rohaman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
4C Suhendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
5KH Palgunadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
6Sri WidiyantoroImplementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
7Andri Dian NugrahaImplementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
8Tedi YudistiraImplementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
9BS Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
10B Mujihardi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech–a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing–for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
11N Indrastuti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013PIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
12Andri Dian Nugraha3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
13W A McCausland (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
14M Hendrasto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
15H Gunawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
16R Kusnandar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
17K Kasbani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
18K Kristianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3-D Seismic Tomographic study of Sinabung Volcano, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, during the inter-eruptive period October 2010–July 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 1 Issue https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.201 Pages in press Publisher Elsevier
19I Yunitasari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D Seismic Tomography to Image the Subsurface Structure of “IY” Geothermal Field Using Double-Difference Method and Waveform Cross-Correlation: Preliminary ResultsPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012095 Pages 012095 Publisher IOP Publishing
20Andri Dian Nugraha3D Seismic Tomography to Image the Subsurface Structure of “IY” Geothermal Field Using Double-Difference Method and Waveform Cross-Correlation: Preliminary ResultsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012095 Pages 012095 Publisher IOP Publishing
21R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule3D Seismic Tomography to Image the Subsurface Structure of “IY” Geothermal Field Using Double-Difference Method and Waveform Cross-Correlation: Preliminary ResultsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012095 Pages 012095 Publisher IOP Publishing
22DS Mahartha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
23Andri Dian Nugraha3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
24R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
25D S Maharta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
26Andri Dian Nugraha3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
27R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
28Iqbal Kurniawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A natural state model and resource assessment of Ulumbu Geothermal fieldPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012017
29Heru Berian PratamaA natural state model and resource assessment of Ulumbu Geothermal fieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012017
30Reza Adiprana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A natural state model and resource assessment of Ulumbu Geothermal fieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012017
31Henri Waisman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesPIJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
32Chris Bataille (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
33Harald Winkler (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
34Frank Jotzo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
35Priyadarshi Shukla (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
36Michel Colombier (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
37Daniel Buira (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
38Patrick Criqui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
39Manfred Fischedick (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
40Mikiko Kainuma (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
41Emilio La Rovere (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
42Steve Pye (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
43George Safonov (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
44Utjok W. R. SiagianA pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
45Fei Teng (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
46Maria-Rosa Virdis (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
47Jim Williams (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
48Soogil Young (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
49Gabrial Anandarajah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
50Rizaldi Boer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
51Yongsun Cho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
52Amandine Denis-Ryan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
53Subash Dhar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
54Maria Gaeta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
55Claudio Gesteira (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
56Ben Haley (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
57Jean-Charles Hourcade (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
58Qiang Liu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
59Oleg Lugovoy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
60Toshihiko Masui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
61Sandrine Mathy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
62Ken Oshiro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
63Ramiro Parrado (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
64Minal Pathak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
65Vladimir Potashnikov (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
66Sascha Samadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
67David Sawyer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
68Thomas Spencer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
69Jordi Tovilla (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
70Hilton Trollip (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategiesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Nature Climate ChangeVolume 9, Issue 4, 1 April 2019, Pages 261-268
71Endra GunawanActive tectonic deformation in Java, Indonesia inferred from a GPS-derived strain ratePIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Geodynamics Volume 123 Pages 49-54 Publisher Pergamon
72Sri WidiyantoroActive tectonic deformation in Java, Indonesia inferred from a GPS-derived strain rateAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Geodynamics Volume 123 Pages 49-54 Publisher Pergamon
73Djoko SantosoAssociation of Glomerular Filtration Rate with Intact Parathyroid Hormone in Non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsPIJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1167-1171
74Ach Syaiful Ludfi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Association of Glomerular Filtration Rate with Intact Parathyroid Hormone in Non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1167-1171
75Nunuk Mardiana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Association of Glomerular Filtration Rate with Intact Parathyroid Hormone in Non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1167-1171
76I Purnomo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Biooxidation pretreatment of low grade refractory gold tailings using a sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478(1),012020
77Siti Khodijah ChaerunBiooxidation pretreatment of low grade refractory gold tailings using a sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478(1),012020
78Mohammad Zaki MubarokBiooxidation pretreatment of low grade refractory gold tailings using a sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478(1),012020
79Rexha Verdhora RyBorehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
80Tepy Septyana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Borehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
81Sri WidiyantoroBorehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
82Andri Dian NugrahaBorehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
83Arii Ardjuna (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Borehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
84Rachel Y Sheppard (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentPIJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
85Ralph E Milliken (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
86James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
87M Darby Dyar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
88Elizabeth C Sklute (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
89Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
90Martin Melles (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
91Satria BijaksanaCharacterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
92Marina A Morlock (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
93Ascelina KM Hasberg (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sedimentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemical Geology 512, pp. 11-30
94MH Setianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Tartaric-Sulphuric Acid Anodized 2024-T3 Aluminium Alloys with Anodizing Potential VariationPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1 Pages 012039
95Akhmad Ardian KordaCharacterization of Tartaric-Sulphuric Acid Anodized 2024-T3 Aluminium Alloys with Anodizing Potential VariationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1 Pages 012039
96Djoko SantosoChronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders Laboratory Profiles in Chronic Haemodialysis PatientsPIJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1156-1161
97Nirapambudi Devianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders Laboratory Profiles in Chronic Haemodialysis PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1156-1161
98Moh Yogiantoro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders Laboratory Profiles in Chronic Haemodialysis PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1156-1161
99SR Nurhawaisyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Clean coal technology using an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012023
100Edy SanwaniClean coal technology using an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012023
101Siti Khodijah ChaerunClean coal technology using an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012023
102Muhammad Abdur RasyidClean coal technology using an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012023
103Marina A Morlock (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
104Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
105Valentin Nigg (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
106Luis Ordonez (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
107Ascelina KM Hasberg (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
108Martin Melles (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
109James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
110Satria BijaksanaClimatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Paleolimnology Volume 61 Issue 3 Pages 279-295 Publisher Springer Netherlands
111Syoni SoepriyantoComparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
112Y Aristanti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
113T Theresia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
114MA Sulthon (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
115F Baqir (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
116Wahyudin Prawira MinwalComparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
117Bonita DilasariComparative effect of REO co-dopant (La, Y, Nd) on ionic conductivity of Gd-doped CeO2 solid electrolyte for IT-SOFCAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society pp 1–5 Publisher Springer Singapore
118Edycakra Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative Study of Seismic Impedance in Ray Parameter Domain:Case Study of Seismic Imaging and Seismic Inversion in Gas Cloud ZonePIJurnal Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan Pages: 81-86 ISSN (online): 2159-6832 https://doi.org/10.1190/SEGJ2018-022.1
119Wahyu TriyosoComparative Study of Seismic Impedance in Ray Parameter Domain:Case Study of Seismic Imaging and Seismic Inversion in Gas Cloud ZoneAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan Pages: 81-86 ISSN (online): 2159-6832 https://doi.org/10.1190/SEGJ2018-022.1
120Madaniya Oktariena (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparative Study of Seismic Impedance in Ray Parameter Domain:Case Study of Seismic Imaging and Seismic Inversion in Gas Cloud ZoneAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan Pages: 81-86 ISSN (online): 2159-6832 https://doi.org/10.1190/SEGJ2018-022.1
121Ali Ashat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparison of resource assessment methods with numerical reservoir model between heat stored and experimental design: case study Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal fieldPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012011
122Heru Berian PratamaComparison of resource assessment methods with numerical reservoir model between heat stored and experimental design: case study Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal fieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012011
123Ryuichi itoi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparison of resource assessment methods with numerical reservoir model between heat stored and experimental design: case study Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal fieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012011
124Djoko SantosoCorrelation between Intact Parathyroid Hormone Levels and Subperiosteal Erosion toward Phalanx Manus and Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsPIJurnal Internasional2019ndian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1178-1183
125Nurita Indarwulan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Correlation between Intact Parathyroid Hormone Levels and Subperiosteal Erosion toward Phalanx Manus and Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019ndian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1178-1183
126Nunuk Mardiana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Correlation between Intact Parathyroid Hormone Levels and Subperiosteal Erosion toward Phalanx Manus and Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease PatientsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019ndian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1178-1183
127Mohamad Ramdhan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
128Sri WidiyantoroDetailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
129Andri Dian NugrahaDetailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
130Jean-Philippe Metaxian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
131Nicholas Rawlinson (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
132Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
133Said Kristyawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
134Andry S Sembiring (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
135Agus Budi-Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
136Antoine Laurin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
137Ahmad A Fahmi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 134-145
138Maulana Antiyan Empitu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsPIJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
139Ika Nindya Kadariswantiningsih (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
140Mochammad Thaha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
141Cahyo Wibisono Nugroho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
142Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
143Zaky El Hakim (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
144Maulana Muhtadin Suryansyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
145Rieza Rizqi Alda (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
146Muhammad Yusuf Alsagaff (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
147Mochammad Amin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
148Djoko SantosoDeterminer of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
149Yusuke Suzuki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determiner of Poor Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Links to Elevated Diastolic Blood Pressure, hs-CRP, and Blood-count-based Inflammatory PredictorsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 100-6
150Nur Iman Khamidy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Development of ANN-Based Predictive Model for Miscible CO Flooding in Sandstone ReservoirPISeminar Internasional2019SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference
151Zeeshan Tariq (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Development of ANN-Based Predictive Model for Miscible CO Flooding in Sandstone ReservoirAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference
152Zuher SyihabDevelopment of ANN-Based Predictive Model for Miscible CO Flooding in Sandstone ReservoirAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference
153O Togibasa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Iron Sand in the Sarmi Coast AreaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012074 Publisher IOP Publishing
154M Akbar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Iron Sand in the Sarmi Coast AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012074 Publisher IOP Publishing
155A Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Iron Sand in the Sarmi Coast AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012074 Publisher IOP Publishing
156Satria BijaksanaDistribution of Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Iron Sand in the Sarmi Coast AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012074 Publisher IOP Publishing
157Y Aristanti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of calcination temperature on the characteristics of TiO2 synthesized from ilmenite and its applications for photocatalysisPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012019
158YI Supriyatna (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of calcination temperature on the characteristics of TiO2 synthesized from ilmenite and its applications for photocatalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012019
159NP Masduki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of calcination temperature on the characteristics of TiO2 synthesized from ilmenite and its applications for photocatalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012019
160Syoni SoepriyantoEffect of calcination temperature on the characteristics of TiO2 synthesized from ilmenite and its applications for photocatalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012019
161MI Tawakkal (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of Potential on Corrosion Behavior of Tartaricsulphuric Acid Anodized 7075 T6 Aluminum AlloysPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1 Pages 012038
162Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of Potential on Corrosion Behavior of Tartaricsulphuric Acid Anodized 7075 T6 Aluminum AlloysAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1 Pages 012038
163Muslim Abdurrahman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperaturePIJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
164Asep Kurnia PermadiEffect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
165Asep Kurnia PermadiEffect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
166Wisup Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
167Shabrina S Riswati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
168Rochvi Agus Dewantoro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
169Ivan Efriza (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
170Adi Novriansyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect on the of Swelling CO2-Oil Factor Contact and Time Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, Pages 55, Springer
171Luis Ordonez (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
172Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
173David Sebag (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
174Daniel Ariztegui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
175Thierry Adatte (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
176James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
177Jens Kallmeyer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
178Aurele Vuillemin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
179Andre Friese (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
180Sean A Crowe (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
181Kohen W Bauer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
182Rachel Simister (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
183Cynthia Henny (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
184Sulung Nomosatryo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
185Satria BijaksanaEmpowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Organic Geochemistry (2019), PII : S0146-6380(19)30086-5, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.05.002
186Shabrina S Riswati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
187Wisup Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
188Changhyup Park (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
189Asep Kurnia PermadiExperimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
190Asep Kurnia PermadiExperimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
191Ivan Efriza (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
192Byungun Min (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental analysis to design optimum phase type and salinity gradient of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer flooding at low saline reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 173 Pages 1005-1019 2019
193Welly Prabata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental design and response surface method application in resources assessment: case study Karaha-Talaga bodas, West Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012026
194SutopoExperimental design and response surface method application in resources assessment: case study Karaha-Talaga bodas, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012026
195Heru Berian PratamaExperimental design and response surface method application in resources assessment: case study Karaha-Talaga bodas, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012026
196Endra GunawanFault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferPIJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
197Sri WidiyantoroFault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
198Gayatri Indah Marliyani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
199Euis Sunarti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
200Rachmah Ida (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
201Aditya Riadi Gusman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault source of the 2 September 2009 Mw 6.8 Tasikmalaya intraslab earthquake, Indonesia: Analysis from GPS data inversion, tsunami height simulation, and stress transferAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, pp. 54-61
202Aurele Vuillemin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsPIJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
203Richard Wirth (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
204Helga Kemnitz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
205Anja M Schleicher (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
206Andre Friese (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
207Kohen W Bauer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
208Rachel Simister (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
209Sulung Nomosatryo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
210Luis Ordonez (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
211Daniel Ariztegui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
212Cynthia Henny (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
213Sean A Crowe (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
214Liane G Benning (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
215Jens Kallmeyer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
216James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
217Satria BijaksanaFormation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
218Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geology (2019), Publisher Geological Society of America, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1130/G46100.1
219Asep Rohiman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
220Dipowiguno Prijanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
221Arief Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
222Antonius Ratdomopurbo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
223Ruly Setiawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
224Mutiara Effendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
225Eko Januari WahyudiGeochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
226Eko Januari WahyudiGeomagnetic Map of Field Camp Geophysics in Karangsambung using Data Acquisition 2005-2017PIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012050
227Dedi Sukmayadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geomagnetic Map of Field Camp Geophysics in Karangsambung using Data Acquisition 2005-2017AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012050
228Eko Januari WahyudiGravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
229Djoko SantosoGravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
230M Ulum Ahmad Firdaus (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
231Mariyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
232Moh Faisal Amir (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
233Widya Utama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
234Abd Mujahid Hamdan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
235Satria BijaksanaHeavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
236Aditya Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
237Raghel Yunginger (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
238Sudarningsih (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Science of The Total Environment Volume 675, 20 July 2019, Pages 632-641
239Kristian Edwin Salamba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Identification of alteration zones using a Landsat 8 image of densely vegetated areas of the Wayang Windu Geothermal field, West Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012004
240Arie Naftali Hawu HedeIdentification of alteration zones using a Landsat 8 image of densely vegetated areas of the Wayang Windu Geothermal field, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012004
241Mohamad Nur HeriawanIdentification of alteration zones using a Landsat 8 image of densely vegetated areas of the Wayang Windu Geothermal field, West Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012004
242Rexha Verdhora RyImplementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
243David Prambudi SaharaImplementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
244M Rohaman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
245C Suhendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
246KH Palgunadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
247Sri WidiyantoroImplementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
248Andri Dian NugrahaImplementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
249Tedi YudistiraImplementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
250Prabowo B S (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
251Mujihardi B (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Implementation of GMSTech – a New Practical Software for Microseismic Data Processing – for Estimating Event Source ParametersAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012096 Publisher IOP Publishing
252Rio Pradana Manggala Putra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Improved natural state simulation of Arjuno-Welirang Geothermal field, East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012022
253Heru Berian PratamaImproved natural state simulation of Arjuno-Welirang Geothermal field, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012022
254Yanuardi Raharjo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentPIJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
255Mochamad Zakki Fahmi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
256Siti Wafiroh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
257Alfa Akustia Widati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
258Eviomitta Rizki Amanda (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
259Ahmad Fauzi Ismail (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
260Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Incorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
261Djoko SantosoIncorporation of imprinted-zeolite to polyethersulfone/cellulose acetate membrane for creatinine removal in hemodialysis treatmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 81 No 3 EISSN 2180-3722 UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
262Fidya Varayesi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Interference test simulation of Geothermal two phase field using PTA software and TOUGH2PIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012014
263Heru Berian PratamaInterference test simulation of Geothermal two phase field using PTA software and TOUGH2AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012014
264Eddy Agus BasukiIsothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesPIJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
265Dedi Chandra Nababan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
266Fadhil Muhammad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
267Akhmad Ardian KordaIsothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
268Djoko Hadi Prajitno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
269Sudarningsih (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization and heavy metals pollutions of sediments in Citarum River, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012082 Publisher IOP Publishing
270H Aliyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization and heavy metals pollutions of sediments in Citarum River, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012082 Publisher IOP Publishing
271Silvia Jannatul FajarMagnetic characterization and heavy metals pollutions of sediments in Citarum River, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012082 Publisher IOP Publishing
272Satria BijaksanaMagnetic characterization and heavy metals pollutions of sediments in Citarum River, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012082 Publisher IOP Publishing
273T Lestyowati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization of industrial dust from Gresik, East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
274Silvia Jannatul FajarMagnetic characterization of industrial dust from Gresik, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
275Satria BijaksanaMagnetic characterization of industrial dust from Gresik, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
276A Wijaya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization of pyroclastic density current (PDC) of the AD 1257 eruption of Mt. Samalas, Lombok, Indonesia: preliminary resultsPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
277Silvia Jannatul FajarMagnetic characterization of pyroclastic density current (PDC) of the AD 1257 eruption of Mt. Samalas, Lombok, Indonesia: preliminary resultsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
278Satria BijaksanaMagnetic characterization of pyroclastic density current (PDC) of the AD 1257 eruption of Mt. Samalas, Lombok, Indonesia: preliminary resultsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
279Abd Mujahid Hamdan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterizations of nickel hyperaccumulating plants (Planchonella oxyhedra and Rinorea bengalensis) from Halmahera, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Phytoremediation 21(4), pp. 364-371
280Satria BijaksanaMagnetic characterizations of nickel hyperaccumulating plants (Planchonella oxyhedra and Rinorea bengalensis) from Halmahera, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Phytoremediation 21(4), pp. 364-371
281Aiyen Tjoa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterizations of nickel hyperaccumulating plants (Planchonella oxyhedra and Rinorea bengalensis) from Halmahera, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Phytoremediation 21(4), pp. 364-371
282Darharta DahrinMagnetic characterizations of nickel hyperaccumulating plants (Planchonella oxyhedra and Rinorea bengalensis) from Halmahera, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Phytoremediation 21(4), pp. 364-371
283Kartika Hajar Kirana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterizations of nickel hyperaccumulating plants (Planchonella oxyhedra and Rinorea bengalensis) from Halmahera, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Phytoremediation 21(4), pp. 364-371
284SM Irawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Analysis and 2D Modeling of the Kutai Basin, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultsPISeminar Internasional2019EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering
285H Hidayat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Analysis and 2D Modeling of the Kutai Basin, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultsAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering
286Hendra GrandisMagnetotelluric (MT) Data Analysis and 2D Modeling of the Kutai Basin, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultsAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering
287Steven Chandra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Mathematical model to predict unsteady-state heat transfer mechanism and economic feasibility in nanoparticle-assisted electromagnetic heating stimulation technique for bituminous extra-heavy oil reservoirPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:1255-1561
288Hadi Winarto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Mathematical model to predict unsteady-state heat transfer mechanism and economic feasibility in nanoparticle-assisted electromagnetic heating stimulation technique for bituminous extra-heavy oil reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:1255-1561
289Sudjati RachmatMathematical model to predict unsteady-state heat transfer mechanism and economic feasibility in nanoparticle-assisted electromagnetic heating stimulation technique for bituminous extra-heavy oil reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:1255-1561
290Rahmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)MENENTUKAN NILAI SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN BEKU PULAU JAWAPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 68-74
291Nurlaela Rauf (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)MENENTUKAN NILAI SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN BEKU PULAU JAWAAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 68-74
292Satria BijaksanaMENENTUKAN NILAI SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN BEKU PULAU JAWAAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 68-74
293Cahli Suhendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modeling geomechanical responses induced by CO2 injection in CCS pilot project in Gundih field, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012106 Publisher IOP Publishing
294David Prambudi SaharaModeling geomechanical responses induced by CO2 injection in CCS pilot project in Gundih field, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012106 Publisher IOP Publishing
295R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleModeling geomechanical responses induced by CO2 injection in CCS pilot project in Gundih field, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012106 Publisher IOP Publishing
296Suherman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multi Azimuth Pore Pressure Prediction and Distribution using 5D Interpolated Data in South Sumatera BasinPIJurnal Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan Pages: 42-45 ISSN (online): 2159-6832 https://doi.org/10.1190/SEGJ2018-022.1
297Wahyu TriyosoMulti Azimuth Pore Pressure Prediction and Distribution using 5D Interpolated Data in South Sumatera BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan Pages: 42-45 ISSN (online): 2159-6832 https://doi.org/10.1190/SEGJ2018-022.1
298Tepy Septyana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationPIJurnal Internasional2019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
299Andri Dian NugrahaMulti-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
300Sri WidiyantoroMulti-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
301Supriyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
302Yehezkiel David Pradhipta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Natural state modeling of Mataloko Geothermal field, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia using TOUGH2 simulatorPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012027
303Heru Berian PratamaNatural state modeling of Mataloko Geothermal field, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia using TOUGH2 simulatorAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012027
304Reza Adiprana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Natural state modeling of Mataloko Geothermal field, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia using TOUGH2 simulatorAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012027
305Mirzam Abdurrachman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationPIJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
306Sri WidiyantoroNew Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
307Muhammad Zaky Abdul Alim (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
308Winny Wulandari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesPIJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
309Dwiwahju Sasongko (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
310Jenny Rizkiana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
311Komang AnggayanaNon-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
312Agus Haris WidayatNon-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
313Aghietyas Choirun Az Zahra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
314Muhammad Agung Azhari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground coal gasification purposesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AIP Conference Proceedings 2085, 020022 (2019)
315Tedy SetiawanOptimalization of ultrasonic tomography method using robotic instrumentPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012072 Publisher IOP Publishing
316Fernando Lawrens (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Optimalization of ultrasonic tomography method using robotic instrumentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012072 Publisher IOP Publishing
317Albertus Ariel Rahadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Optimalization of ultrasonic tomography method using robotic instrumentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012072 Publisher IOP Publishing
318Wahyuni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PENGUKURAN ANISOTROPI MAGNETIK SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 75-78
319Nurlaela Rauf (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PENGUKURAN ANISOTROPI MAGNETIK SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 75-78
320Satria BijaksanaPENGUKURAN ANISOTROPI MAGNETIK SUSCEPTIBILITY BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 75-78
321Husna (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PENGUKURAN STABILITAS NATURAL REMANENT MAGNETIZATION (NRM) BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 63-67
322Nurlaela Rauf (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PENGUKURAN STABILITAS NATURAL REMANENT MAGNETIZATION (NRM) BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 63-67
323Satria BijaksanaPENGUKURAN STABILITAS NATURAL REMANENT MAGNETIZATION (NRM) BATUAN VULKANIK GUNUNG MERAPI DI JAWA TENGAHAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 63-67
324Endra GunawanPostseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
325Sri WidiyantoroPostseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
326Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Postseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
327Cecep Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Postseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
328E Agustine (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
329ID Dimawani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
330D Fitriani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
331TD Pambudi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
332W Srigutomo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
333Silvia Jannatul FajarPreliminary Study on Electrical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils at an Artisanal Oil Field in Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012041 Publisher IOP Publishing
334Yanuardi Raharjo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preparation and characterization of imprinted zeolite-Y for p-cresol removal in haemodialysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Materials Science and Engineering: C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.05.007
335Ahmad Fauzi Ismail (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preparation and characterization of imprinted zeolite-Y for p-cresol removal in haemodialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Materials Science and Engineering: C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.05.007
336Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preparation and characterization of imprinted zeolite-Y for p-cresol removal in haemodialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Materials Science and Engineering: C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.05.007
337Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preparation and characterization of imprinted zeolite-Y for p-cresol removal in haemodialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Materials Science and Engineering: C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.05.007
338Djoko SantosoPreparation and characterization of imprinted zeolite-Y for p-cresol removal in haemodialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Materials Science and Engineering: C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.05.007
339Agus Yulianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Produksi Hematit (alpha-Fe2O3) dari Pasir Besi: Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Sebagai Bahan Industri Berbasis Sifat KemagnetanPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 51-54
340Satria BijaksanaProduksi Hematit (alpha-Fe2O3) dari Pasir Besi: Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Sebagai Bahan Industri Berbasis Sifat KemagnetanAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 51-54
341Waloejo Loeksmanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Produksi Hematit (alpha-Fe2O3) dari Pasir Besi: Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Sebagai Bahan Industri Berbasis Sifat KemagnetanAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 51-54
342Daniel Kurnia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Produksi Hematit (alpha-Fe2O3) dari Pasir Besi: Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Sebagai Bahan Industri Berbasis Sifat KemagnetanAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 51-54
343Syuhada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Relation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
344Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoRelation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
345Titi Anggono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Relation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
346Nugroho Dwi Hananto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Relation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
347Hendra GrandisRelation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
348Tedi YudistiraRelation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1204, conference 1
349SR Nurhawaisyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Screening of bacteria for coal beneficiationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012021
350Edy SanwaniScreening of bacteria for coal beneficiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012021
351Siti Khodijah ChaerunScreening of bacteria for coal beneficiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012021
352Muhammad Abdur RasyidScreening of bacteria for coal beneficiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 478, Number 1 Pages 012021
353R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleShallow velocity structure near the CO2 injection well candidate of Gundih CCS Project derived from First Arrival Seismic TomographyPISeminar Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2018
354Riskiray Ryannugroho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Shallow velocity structure near the CO2 injection well candidate of Gundih CCS Project derived from First Arrival Seismic TomographyAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2018
355Alfian BaharShallow velocity structure near the CO2 injection well candidate of Gundih CCS Project derived from First Arrival Seismic TomographyAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2018
356D Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Stress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
357David Prambudi SaharaStress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
358Andri Dian NugrahaStress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
359Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoStress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
360Luthfan Hafizha Judawisastra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study of Hydraulic fracturing in water dominated Geothermal field using experimental design and numerical simulationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012020
361Heru Berian PratamaStudy of Hydraulic fracturing in water dominated Geothermal field using experimental design and numerical simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012020
362Nenny Miryani SaptadjiStudy of Hydraulic fracturing in water dominated Geothermal field using experimental design and numerical simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012020
363Taufan MarhaendrajanaSuatu Sedian Bahan Surfaktan Heksadesil Oleat untuk Penurunan Tegangan Antarmuka Antara Minyak Waxy dan Air Dengan Variasi SalinitasPIPaten2019Patent number P00201902098 on behalf of ITB
364Rani KurniaSuatu Sedian Bahan Surfaktan Heksadesil Oleat untuk Penurunan Tegangan Antarmuka Antara Minyak Waxy dan Air Dengan Variasi SalinitasAnggotaPaten2019Patent number P00201902098 on behalf of ITB
365Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Suatu Sedian Bahan Surfaktan Heksadesil Oleat untuk Penurunan Tegangan Antarmuka Antara Minyak Waxy dan Air Dengan Variasi SalinitasAnggotaPaten2019Patent number P00201902098 on behalf of ITB
366Bunbun Bundjali (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Suatu Sedian Bahan Surfaktan Heksadesil Oleat untuk Penurunan Tegangan Antarmuka Antara Minyak Waxy dan Air Dengan Variasi SalinitasAnggotaPaten2019Patent number P00201902098 on behalf of ITB
367Rini Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Synergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryPIJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
368Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarSynergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
369Taufan MarhaendrajanaSynergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
370Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Synergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
371GC Novala (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Testing the effectiveness of mechanical magnetic extraction in riverine and lacustrine sedimentsPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012085 Publisher IOP Publishing
372KH Kirana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Testing the effectiveness of mechanical magnetic extraction in riverine and lacustrine sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012085 Publisher IOP Publishing
373Silvia Jannatul FajarTesting the effectiveness of mechanical magnetic extraction in riverine and lacustrine sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012085 Publisher IOP Publishing
374Satria BijaksanaTesting the effectiveness of mechanical magnetic extraction in riverine and lacustrine sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012085 Publisher IOP Publishing
375ST Wicaksono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Enhancement of Compressive Strength of Cement-Based Composite Filled with LDPE/PET/Styrofoam Aggregates as Candidate for Breakwater ApplicationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 515 Issue 1 Pages 012031
376MIP Hidayat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Enhancement of Compressive Strength of Cement-Based Composite Filled with LDPE/PET/Styrofoam Aggregates as Candidate for Breakwater ApplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 515 Issue 1 Pages 012031
377WidodoThe Enhancement of Compressive Strength of Cement-Based Composite Filled with LDPE/PET/Styrofoam Aggregates as Candidate for Breakwater ApplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 515 Issue 1 Pages 012031
378Ahmad Taufiq (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Enhancement of Compressive Strength of Cement-Based Composite Filled with LDPE/PET/Styrofoam Aggregates as Candidate for Breakwater ApplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 515 Issue 1 Pages 012031
379David Prambudi SaharaThe pattern of local stress heterogeneities along the central part of the Great Sumatran fault: A preliminary resultPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012091 Publisher IOP Publishing
380Sri WidiyantoroThe pattern of local stress heterogeneities along the central part of the Great Sumatran fault: A preliminary resultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012091 Publisher IOP Publishing
381K A Natania (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Physical Mechanisms of Geothermal Reservoir During Hydraulic Injection Through Microearthquake TomographyPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012081 Pages 012081 Publisher IOP Publishing
382David Prambudi SaharaThe Physical Mechanisms of Geothermal Reservoir During Hydraulic Injection Through Microearthquake TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012081 Pages 012081 Publisher IOP Publishing
383Andri Dian NugrahaThe Physical Mechanisms of Geothermal Reservoir During Hydraulic Injection Through Microearthquake TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012081 Pages 012081 Publisher IOP Publishing
384I Ramadhan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Physical Mechanisms of Geothermal Reservoir During Hydraulic Injection Through Microearthquake TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012081 Pages 012081 Publisher IOP Publishing
385Andri Dian NugrahaThe Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
386P Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
387BS Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
388S Rosalia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
389YM Husni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
390Sri WidiyantoroThe Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
391Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoThe Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
392Awali PriyonoThe Recent Small Earthquakes around Lembang Fault, West Java,Bandung,IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012083 Publisher IOP Publishing
393Desca Medika Hertanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Relationship between Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR) with Hepcidin in CKD Patients That Have Not Undergone DialysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1162-1166
394Ami Ashariati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Relationship between Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR) with Hepcidin in CKD Patients That Have Not Undergone DialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1162-1166
395Nunuk Mardiana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Relationship between Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR) with Hepcidin in CKD Patients That Have Not Undergone DialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1162-1166
396Djoko SantosoThe Relationship between Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR) with Hepcidin in CKD Patients That Have Not Undergone DialysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 10 Issue 4 Pages 1162-1166
397Mirzam Abdurrachman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Tracing the Missing Argoland Beneath Java: Evidence from Geochemical Signature and Seismic TomogramPIJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior pp 37-40
398Sri WidiyantoroTracing the Missing Argoland Beneath Java: Evidence from Geochemical Signature and Seismic TomogramAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior pp 37-40
399Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Tracing the Missing Argoland Beneath Java: Evidence from Geochemical Signature and Seismic TomogramAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior pp 37-40
400Idham Andri Kurniawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Tracing the Missing Argoland Beneath Java: Evidence from Geochemical Signature and Seismic TomogramAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior pp 37-40
401Ali Ashat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
402Heru Berian PratamaUpdating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
403Ryuichi Itoi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
404A Hijriani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Utilization of Double-Difference Tomography for Geothermal Exploration: 3D Velocity Structure Interpretation and Fluid DeterminationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012094 Pages 012094 Publisher IOP Publishing
405David Prambudi SaharaUtilization of Double-Difference Tomography for Geothermal Exploration: 3D Velocity Structure Interpretation and Fluid DeterminationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012094 Pages 012094 Publisher IOP Publishing
406Andri Dian NugrahaUtilization of Double-Difference Tomography for Geothermal Exploration: 3D Velocity Structure Interpretation and Fluid DeterminationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012094 Pages 012094 Publisher IOP Publishing
407I Ramadhan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Utilization of Double-Difference Tomography for Geothermal Exploration: 3D Velocity Structure Interpretation and Fluid DeterminationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012094 Pages 012094 Publisher IOP Publishing
408Sidik R P (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Utilization of Double-Difference Tomography for Geothermal Exploration: 3D Velocity Structure Interpretation and Fluid DeterminationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012094 Pages 012094 Publisher IOP Publishing
409Shindy Rosalia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Western Java Ambient Noise Tomography A Preliminary ResultPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012099 Publisher IOP Publishing
410Sri WidiyantoroWestern Java Ambient Noise Tomography A Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012099 Publisher IOP Publishing
411Tedi YudistiraWestern Java Ambient Noise Tomography A Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012099 Publisher IOP Publishing
412Phil Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Western Java Ambient Noise Tomography A Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012099 Publisher IOP Publishing
413Andri Dian NugrahaWestern Java Ambient Noise Tomography A Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012099 Publisher IOP Publishing
414DV Oemaiya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D model of Krakatau volcano subsurface structure based on gravity dataPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1242 Issue 1 Pages 012049 Publisher IOP Publishing
415Djoko Santoso3D model of Krakatau volcano subsurface structure based on gravity dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1242 Issue 1 Pages 012049 Publisher IOP Publishing
416DS Mahartha (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
417Andri Dian Nugraha3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
418R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on “MA” geothermal field: fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
419D S Maharta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on“MA”geothermal field:fluid saturation condition analysisPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
420Andri Dian Nugraha3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on“MA”geothermal field:fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
421R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule3D Vp, Vs, And Vp/Vs microseismic tomography imaging on“MA”geothermal field:fluid saturation condition analysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1204 Issue doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012090 Pages 012090 Publisher IOP Publishing
422R Hamilton (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A 16,000-year record of climate, vegetation and fire from Wallacean lowland tropical forestsPIJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 224 Pages 105929 Publisher Pergamon
423J Stevenson (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A 16,000-year record of climate, vegetation and fire from Wallacean lowland tropical forestsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 224 Pages 105929 Publisher Pergamon
424B Li (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A 16,000-year record of climate, vegetation and fire from Wallacean lowland tropical forestsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 224 Pages 105929 Publisher Pergamon
425Satria BijaksanaA 16,000-year record of climate, vegetation and fire from Wallacean lowland tropical forestsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 224 Pages 105929 Publisher Pergamon
426Alfian BaharA field test and performance evaluation of accelerated weight drop (awd250 v1. 0) for shallow seismic surveyPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012063 Publisher IOP Publishing
427R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleA field test and performance evaluation of accelerated weight drop (awd250 v1. 0) for shallow seismic surveyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012063 Publisher IOP Publishing
428Faiz Muttaqy (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Non-Linear Method for Hypocenter Determination around Central and East Java Region: Preliminary ResultPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
429Andri Dian NugrahaA Non-Linear Method for Hypocenter Determination around Central and East Java Region: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
430Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoA Non-Linear Method for Hypocenter Determination around Central and East Java Region: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
431Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Non-Linear Method for Hypocenter Determination around Central and East Java Region: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
432Shindy RosaliaA Non-Linear Method for Hypocenter Determination around Central and East Java Region: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
433Aditya Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)A Resolution Enhancement of Rayleigh Wave Dispersive Imaging using Modified Phase-Shift MethodPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012019 Publisher IOP Publishing
434Awali PriyonoA Resolution Enhancement of Rayleigh Wave Dispersive Imaging using Modified Phase-Shift MethodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012019 Publisher IOP Publishing
435Tedi YudistiraA Resolution Enhancement of Rayleigh Wave Dispersive Imaging using Modified Phase-Shift MethodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012019 Publisher IOP Publishing
436P Sumintadireja (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Adaptation of Zohdy’s Method for Controlled-Source Audio-frequency Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) Data Interpretation with Layered ModelPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012030 Publisher IOP Publishing
437Hendra GrandisAdaptation of Zohdy’s Method for Controlled-Source Audio-frequency Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) Data Interpretation with Layered ModelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012030 Publisher IOP Publishing
438Ade Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)AN UPDATED CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE TOMPASO GEOTHERMAL FIELD USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONPISeminar Internasional2019Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
439Heru Berian PratamaAN UPDATED CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE TOMPASO GEOTHERMAL FIELD USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
440Ali Ashat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)AN UPDATED CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE TOMPASO GEOTHERMAL FIELD USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
441Nenny Miryani SaptadjiAN UPDATED CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE TOMPASO GEOTHERMAL FIELD USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
442Fatah Gunawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)AN UPDATED CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE TOMPASO GEOTHERMAL FIELD USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
443Khayrunnisa Agustina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Eliminasi Multiple Menggunakan Metode FK Filter dan Transformasi Radon ParabolaPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages 27-3
444Wahyu TriyosoAnalisis Eliminasi Multiple Menggunakan Metode FK Filter dan Transformasi Radon ParabolaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages 27-3
445Moh Salman Said (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam TambangPIJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Geomine Vo 7 No 3 2019
446Sitti Ratmi Nurhawaisyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam TambangAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Geomine Vo 7 No 3 2019
447Muhammad Idris Juradi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam TambangAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Geomine Vo 7 No 3 2019
448Nur Asmiani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam TambangAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Geomine Vo 7 No 3 2019
449Ginting Jalu KusumaAnalisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam TambangAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Geomine Vo 7 No 3 2019
450Yesi Aristanti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)ANALISIS LAJU DEGRADASI RHODAMINE B (RhB) PADA PROSES FOTOKATALISIS TiO2PIJurnal Nasional2019ENSAINS JOURNAL Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 194-200
451Nurahmah Minandar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)ANALISIS LAJU DEGRADASI RHODAMINE B (RhB) PADA PROSES FOTOKATALISIS TiO2AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019ENSAINS JOURNAL Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 194-200
452Marliani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)ANALISIS LAJU DEGRADASI RHODAMINE B (RhB) PADA PROSES FOTOKATALISIS TiO2AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019ENSAINS JOURNAL Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 194-200
453Syoni SoepriyantoANALISIS LAJU DEGRADASI RHODAMINE B (RhB) PADA PROSES FOTOKATALISIS TiO2AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019ENSAINS JOURNAL Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 194-200
454Wahyudi Zahar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan TengahPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Teknik Kebumian Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-46
455Nizam Hawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan TengahAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Teknik Kebumian Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-46
456Komang AnggayanaAnalisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan TengahAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Teknik Kebumian Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-46
457Agus Haris WidayatAnalisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan TengahAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Teknik Kebumian Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-46
458Sari Uly Uly Sibarani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)ANALISIS PENENTUAN KADAR BATAS OPTIMAL (OPTIMUM CUT-OFF GRADE) DENGAN METODE LANE: STUDI KASUS PENAMBANGAN EMAS BAWAH TANAPIJurnal Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
463G Yogasatria (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis for Geoelectric Strike Direction of Magnetotelluric Data from a Geothermal AreaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012046 Publisher IOP Publishing
464Hendra GrandisAnalysis for Geoelectric Strike Direction of Magnetotelluric Data from a Geothermal AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012046 Publisher IOP Publishing
465Rhamadhana Sultan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Focal Mechanism for Determine Fault Plane Orientation Using The Moment Tensor Inversion Case Study: West Java Geothermal FieldPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
466R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleAnalysis of Focal Mechanism for Determine Fault Plane Orientation Using The Moment Tensor Inversion Case Study: West Java Geothermal FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
467Andri HendriyanaAnalysis of Focal Mechanism for Determine Fault Plane Orientation Using The Moment Tensor Inversion Case Study: West Java Geothermal FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
468Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Analysis of Focal Mechanism for Determine Fault Plane Orientation Using The Moment Tensor Inversion Case Study: West Java Geothermal FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
469Hashina Nurul Nida (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Refraction Seismic Tomography Method Using Wavepath Eikonal Traveltime Inversion for Modelling the SubsurfacePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012016 Publisher IOP Publishing
470Made Asta Yogantara (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Refraction Seismic Tomography Method Using Wavepath Eikonal Traveltime Inversion for Modelling the SubsurfaceAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012016 Publisher IOP Publishing
471Munawir AP Otolomo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Application of Refraction Seismic Tomography Method Using Wavepath Eikonal Traveltime Inversion for Modelling the SubsurfaceAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012016 Publisher IOP Publishing
472T. A. SannyApplication of Refraction Seismic Tomography Method Using Wavepath Eikonal Traveltime Inversion for Modelling the SubsurfaceAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012016 Publisher IOP Publishing
473Razar Hlaing (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Assessment of the Maximum Magnitude of Strike-Slip Faults in MyanmarPIJurnal Internasional2019Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Volume 37 Issue 6 Pages 5113-5122 Publisher Springer International Publishing
474Endra GunawanAssessment of the Maximum Magnitude of Strike-Slip Faults in MyanmarAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Volume 37 Issue 6 Pages 5113-5122 Publisher Springer International Publishing
475Sri WidiyantoroAssessment of the Maximum Magnitude of Strike-Slip Faults in MyanmarAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Volume 37 Issue 6 Pages 5113-5122 Publisher Springer International Publishing
476Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Assessment of the Maximum Magnitude of Strike-Slip Faults in MyanmarAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Volume 37 Issue 6 Pages 5113-5122 Publisher Springer International Publishing
477Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Assessment of the Maximum Magnitude of Strike-Slip Faults in MyanmarAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Volume 37 Issue 6 Pages 5113-5122 Publisher Springer International Publishing
478Hendra GrandisBayesian Inversion for Layered Spherical Symmetric Earth Conductivity Model from Global Magnetic DataPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012003 Publisher IOP Publishing
479P Tarits (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Bayesian Inversion for Layered Spherical Symmetric Earth Conductivity Model from Global Magnetic DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012003 Publisher IOP Publishing
480E Wijanarko (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Binary Coded Genetic Algorithm (BCGA) with Multi-Point Cross-Over for Magnetotelluric (MT) 1D Data InversionPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012029 Publisher IOP Publishing
481Hendra GrandisBinary Coded Genetic Algorithm (BCGA) with Multi-Point Cross-Over for Magnetotelluric (MT) 1D Data InversionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012029 Publisher IOP Publishing
482Eko Januari WahyudiBouguer anomaly comparison using elevation data measured with hand-held device and geodetic GPS in Blora and Pandan MountainPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012031 Publisher IOP Publishing
483Djoko SantosoBouguer anomaly comparison using elevation data measured with hand-held device and geodetic GPS in Blora and Pandan MountainAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012031 Publisher IOP Publishing
484Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirBouguer anomaly comparison using elevation data measured with hand-held device and geodetic GPS in Blora and Pandan MountainAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012031 Publisher IOP Publishing
485W Aji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Bouguer anomaly comparison using elevation data measured with hand-held device and geodetic GPS in Blora and Pandan MountainAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012031 Publisher IOP Publishing
486R Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Challenges and opportunities of green chemistry concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactantPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1402 Issue 5 Pages 055036 Publisher IOP Publishing
487Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarChallenges and opportunities of green chemistry concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1402 Issue 5 Pages 055036 Publisher IOP Publishing
488Taufan MarhaendrajanaChallenges and opportunities of green chemistry concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1402 Issue 5 Pages 055036 Publisher IOP Publishing
489Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Challenges and opportunities of green chemistry concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1402 Issue 5 Pages 055036 Publisher IOP Publishing
490A. Listyani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Challenges and opportunities of green chemistry concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactantAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1402 Issue 5 Pages 055036 Publisher IOP Publishing
491Taufiq HidayatCharacterisation of the Effect of Al2O3 on the Liquidus Temperatures of Copper Cleaning Furnace Slags Using Experimental and Modelling ApproachPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Materials transactions Volume 60 Issue 7 Pages 1377-1383 Publisher The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
492Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterisation of the Effect of Al2O3 on the Liquidus Temperatures of Copper Cleaning Furnace Slags Using Experimental and Modelling ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Materials transactions Volume 60 Issue 7 Pages 1377-1383 Publisher The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
493Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterisation of the Effect of Al2O3 on the Liquidus Temperatures of Copper Cleaning Furnace Slags Using Experimental and Modelling ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Materials transactions Volume 60 Issue 7 Pages 1377-1383 Publisher The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
494Tim Greenfield (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern SulawesiPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
495Nicholas Rawlinson (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern SulawesiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
496Alex Copley (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern SulawesiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
497Sri WidiyantoroCharacterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern SulawesiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
498Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern SulawesiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
499S Devi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Volcanic Ash From the 2017 Agung Eruption, Bali, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
500Satria BijaksanaCharacterization of Volcanic Ash From the 2017 Agung Eruption, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
501Silvia Jannatul FajarCharacterization of Volcanic Ash From the 2017 Agung Eruption, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
502NA Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Characterization of Volcanic Ash From the 2017 Agung Eruption, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
503JM Palilu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)CO2 attack on API Class-G cement and the role of CaO swelling cements admixturesPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1191 Issue 1 Pages 012045 Publisher IOP Publishing
504B Soegijono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)CO2 attack on API Class-G cement and the role of CaO swelling cements admixturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1191 Issue 1 Pages 012045 Publisher IOP Publishing
505Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunCO2 attack on API Class-G cement and the role of CaO swelling cements admixturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1191 Issue 1 Pages 012045 Publisher IOP Publishing
506Asep Kurnia PermadiCO2 dan Smart Water Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Minyak NasionalPIOrasi Ilmiah2019Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar ITB 23 Nov 2019 Aula Barat ITB
507Firly Rachmaditya BaskoroCoal Blending and Shipping Problem for a Coal-Fired Power Plant in IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional2019The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
508Keisuke Nagasawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Coal Blending and Shipping Problem for a Coal-Fired Power Plant in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
509Katsumi Morikawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Coal Blending and Shipping Problem for a Coal-Fired Power Plant in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
510Katsuhiko Takahashi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Coal Blending and Shipping Problem for a Coal-Fired Power Plant in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
511Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling investigation of the distribution of antimony and tin between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Calphad Volume 65 Pages 16-24 Publisher Pergamon
512Taufiq HidayatCombined experimental and thermodynamic modelling investigation of the distribution of antimony and tin between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Calphad Volume 65 Pages 16-24 Publisher Pergamon
513Jiang Chen (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling investigation of the distribution of antimony and tin between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Calphad Volume 65 Pages 16-24 Publisher Pergamon
514Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling investigation of the distribution of antimony and tin between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Calphad Volume 65 Pages 16-24 Publisher Pergamon
515Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling investigation of the distribution of antimony and tin between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Calphad Volume 65 Pages 16-24 Publisher Pergamon
516Sandy K Suhardja (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency TomographyPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
517Yosua Hotmaruli Lumban Gaol (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency TomographyAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
518Agus Abdullah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Comparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency TomographyAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
519Andri Dian NugrahaComparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency TomographyAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
520ZulfakrizaComparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency TomographyAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
521Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Complex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationPISeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
522Taufiq HidayatComplex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
523Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Complex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
524Prostakova, V. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Complex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
525Shevchenko, M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Complex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
526Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Complex copper pyrometallurgy challenges and opportunities - integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling research and implementationAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
527Tedy SetiawanCore laboratory measurements of ultrasonic tomography using the robot RTDs-U100 magneticPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
528RY Cysela (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Core laboratory measurements of ultrasonic tomography using the robot RTDs-U100 magneticAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
529AA Rahadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Core laboratory measurements of ultrasonic tomography using the robot RTDs-U100 magneticAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
530VM Sari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Core laboratory measurements of ultrasonic tomography using the robot RTDs-U100 magneticAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
531Herdis Haerusalam (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Coupled Hydraulic and Mechanics Finite Element Modeling of CO2 Injection into a Layered Isotropic Media Using FEHMPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012018 Publisher IOP Publishing
532David Prambudi SaharaCoupled Hydraulic and Mechanics Finite Element Modeling of CO2 Injection into a Layered Isotropic Media Using FEHMAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012018 Publisher IOP Publishing
533A Suharyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Decomposition of spodumene mineral in granitic rocks from South Kalimantan-Indonesia by potassium sulphatePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012044 Publisher IOP Publishing
534LH Lalasari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Decomposition of spodumene mineral in granitic rocks from South Kalimantan-Indonesia by potassium sulphateAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012044 Publisher IOP Publishing
535Mohammad Zaki MubarokDecomposition of spodumene mineral in granitic rocks from South Kalimantan-Indonesia by potassium sulphateAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012044 Publisher IOP Publishing
536Al Rubaiyn (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Delineating a low velocity zone using joint inversion of rayleigh-wave dispersion curvePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
537Awali PriyonoDelineating a low velocity zone using joint inversion of rayleigh-wave dispersion curveAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
538Jamhir Safani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Delineating a low velocity zone using joint inversion of rayleigh-wave dispersion curveAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012077 Publisher IOP Publishing
539Muslim Abdurrahman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determination and evaluation of minimum miscibility pressure using various methods: experimental, visual observation, and simulationPIJurnal Internasional2019Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles Volume 74 Pages 55 Publisher EDP Sciences
540Wisup Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determination and evaluation of minimum miscibility pressure using various methods: experimental, visual observation, and simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles Volume 74 Pages 55 Publisher EDP Sciences
541Asep Kurnia PermadiDetermination and evaluation of minimum miscibility pressure using various methods: experimental, visual observation, and simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles Volume 74 Pages 55 Publisher EDP Sciences
542Muhammad Hafidz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determination of Geological Strike Based on Magnetotelluric’s Polar Diagram and Geological Condition in Tangkuban Parahu’s Geothermal AreaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012047 Publisher IOP Publishing
543Wahyu Srigutomo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determination of Geological Strike Based on Magnetotelluric’s Polar Diagram and Geological Condition in Tangkuban Parahu’s Geothermal AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012047 Publisher IOP Publishing
544R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleDetermination of Geological Strike Based on Magnetotelluric’s Polar Diagram and Geological Condition in Tangkuban Parahu’s Geothermal AreaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012047 Publisher IOP Publishing
545R Budiman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Determining Source Model and Aftershocks of 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake, Indonesia using Coulomb Stress ChangePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012026 Publisher IOP Publishing
546David Prambudi SaharaDetermining Source Model and Aftershocks of 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake, Indonesia using Coulomb Stress ChangeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012026 Publisher IOP Publishing
547Andri Dian NugrahaDetermining Source Model and Aftershocks of 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake, Indonesia using Coulomb Stress ChangeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012026 Publisher IOP Publishing
548Taufiq HidayatDistributions of Ag, Bi, and Sb as Minor Elements between Iron-Silicate Slag and Copper in Equilibrium with Tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si System at T = 1250oC and 1300oC (1523 K and 1573 K)PIJurnal Internasional Q12019Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 50 Issue 1 Pages 229-241 Publisher Springer US
549Jiang Chen (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distributions of Ag, Bi, and Sb as Minor Elements between Iron-Silicate Slag and Copper in Equilibrium with Tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si System at T = 1250oC and 1300oC (1523 K and 1573 K)AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 50 Issue 1 Pages 229-241 Publisher Springer US
550Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distributions of Ag, Bi, and Sb as Minor Elements between Iron-Silicate Slag and Copper in Equilibrium with Tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si System at T = 1250oC and 1300oC (1523 K and 1573 K)AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 50 Issue 1 Pages 229-241 Publisher Springer US
551Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Distributions of Ag, Bi, and Sb as Minor Elements between Iron-Silicate Slag and Copper in Equilibrium with Tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si System at T = 1250oC and 1300oC (1523 K and 1573 K)AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 50 Issue 1 Pages 229-241 Publisher Springer US
552Shindy RosaliaDouble-difference tomography of P-and S-wave velocity structure beneath the western part of Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Earthquake Science Volume 32 Pages 12-25
553Sri WidiyantoroDouble-difference tomography of P-and S-wave velocity structure beneath the western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Earthquake Science Volume 32 Pages 12-25
554Andri Dian NugrahaDouble-difference tomography of P-and S-wave velocity structure beneath the western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Earthquake Science Volume 32 Pages 12-25
555Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Double-difference tomography of P-and S-wave velocity structure beneath the western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Earthquake Science Volume 32 Pages 12-25
556ED Fernando (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of Aluminum and Silicon Antioxidants Addition on Porosity, Cold Crushing Strength, Wear Resistance and Hydration Effect of Alumina Spinel RefractoriesPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
557Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of Aluminum and Silicon Antioxidants Addition on Porosity, Cold Crushing Strength, Wear Resistance and Hydration Effect of Alumina Spinel RefractoriesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
558Rizto Salia Zakri (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of Cement Injection on Shear Behaviour of Jointed Rock based on Mohr-Coulomb CriterionPISeminar Internasional2019International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018 ; CINEST 18-P 59
559Ganda Marihot SimangunsongEffect of Cement Injection on Shear Behaviour of Jointed Rock based on Mohr-Coulomb CriterionAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018 ; CINEST 18-P 59
560Nuhindro Priagung WidodoEffect of Cement Injection on Shear Behaviour of Jointed Rock based on Mohr-Coulomb CriterionAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018 ; CINEST 18-P 59
561Muslim Abdurrahman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperaturePIJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
562Asep Kurnia PermadiEffect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
563Wisup Bae (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
564Shabrina Sri Riswati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
565Rochvi Agus Dewantoro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
566Ivan Efriza (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
567Adi Novriansyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of CO2-Oil Contact Time on the Swelling Factor and Viscosity of Paraffinic Oil at Reservoir TemperatureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Book Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry Pages 55-57 Publisher Springer, Cham
568Han, X. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of oil reactivity on salinity profile design during alkaline-surfactant-polymer floodingPIJurnal Internasional2019FUEL, Volume 254, 15 October 2019, Article number 115738
569Ivan KurniaEffect of oil reactivity on salinity profile design during alkaline-surfactant-polymer floodingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019FUEL, Volume 254, 15 October 2019, Article number 115738
570Chen, Z. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of oil reactivity on salinity profile design during alkaline-surfactant-polymer floodingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019FUEL, Volume 254, 15 October 2019, Article number 115738
571Yu, J. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of oil reactivity on salinity profile design during alkaline-surfactant-polymer floodingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019FUEL, Volume 254, 15 October 2019, Article number 115738
572Zhang, G. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of oil reactivity on salinity profile design during alkaline-surfactant-polymer floodingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019FUEL, Volume 254, 15 October 2019, Article number 115738
573S Wahyudi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of Pulse Parameters on The Particle Size of Copper Powder ElectrodepositionPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
574Syoni SoepriyantoEffect of Pulse Parameters on The Particle Size of Copper Powder ElectrodepositionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
575Mohammad Zaki MubarokEffect of Pulse Parameters on The Particle Size of Copper Powder ElectrodepositionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
576Kusharjanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Grain Refinement of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy by Thixoforming ProcessPIJurnal Internasional2019Conference Key Engineering Materials Volume 811 Pages 170-178 Publisher Trans Tech Publications Ltd
577Syoni SoepriyantoEffect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Grain Refinement of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy by Thixoforming ProcessAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Conference Key Engineering Materials Volume 811 Pages 170-178 Publisher Trans Tech Publications Ltd
578Akhmad Ardian KordaEffect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Grain Refinement of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy by Thixoforming ProcessAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Conference Key Engineering Materials Volume 811 Pages 170-178 Publisher Trans Tech Publications Ltd
579Supono Adi Dwiwanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Effect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Grain Refinement of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy by Thixoforming ProcessAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Conference Key Engineering Materials Volume 811 Pages 170-178 Publisher Trans Tech Publications Ltd
580Mordekhai (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Elastic Properties Modeling for Identification of Prospective Reservoir Zones in the Carbonate Reservoir, MRD Field in the North East Java BasinPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 21-24
581Ignatius Sonny WinardhieElastic Properties Modeling for Identification of Prospective Reservoir Zones in the Carbonate Reservoir, MRD Field in the North East Java BasinAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 21-24
582I Dewa Made Raditya Margenta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Elastic Property Modeling Related to Pore Type Analysis in Carbonate ReservoirPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012001 Publisher IOP Publishing
583Ignatius Sonny WinardhieElastic Property Modeling Related to Pore Type Analysis in Carbonate ReservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012001 Publisher IOP Publishing
584Mohammad Zaki MubarokElectrocrystallization behaviour of copper powder synthesized by pulse current electrolysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Chemeca 2019: Chemical Engineering Megatrends and Elements Pages 520 Publisher Engineers Australia
585S Wahyudi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Electrocrystallization behaviour of copper powder synthesized by pulse current electrolysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemeca 2019: Chemical Engineering Megatrends and Elements Pages 520 Publisher Engineers Australia
586Syoni SoepriyantoElectrocrystallization behaviour of copper powder synthesized by pulse current electrolysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Chemeca 2019: Chemical Engineering Megatrends and Elements Pages 520 Publisher Engineers Australia
587Mariyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
588Moh Faisal Amir (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
589Widya Utama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
590Abd Mujahid Hamdan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
591Satria BijaksanaEnvironmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
592Aditya Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
593Raghel Yunginger (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
594Sudarningsih (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104092 Publisher Elsevier
595Julius Febriardi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Estimasi Parameter Koreksi Anisotropi Seismik Melalui Pendekatan Nonhyperbolic Moveout Pada Gather Konvensional, DMO, dan CRSPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages 15-21
596Wahyu TriyosoEstimasi Parameter Koreksi Anisotropi Seismik Melalui Pendekatan Nonhyperbolic Moveout Pada Gather Konvensional, DMO, dan CRSAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages 15-21
597Vani Mutia Sari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Estimation elastic properties on core samples using ultrasonic travel-time tomography measurement with robotics application: preliminary study on laboratory modelPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
598Tedy SetiawanEstimation elastic properties on core samples using ultrasonic travel-time tomography measurement with robotics application: preliminary study on laboratory modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
599T. A. SannyEstimation elastic properties on core samples using ultrasonic travel-time tomography measurement with robotics application: preliminary study on laboratory modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012014 Publisher IOP Publishing
600MN Qodri (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Attribute in Analysis of Gas Reservoir Distribution on Talang Akar Reservoir in “QDR” Field of Northwest Java BasinPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012043 Publisher IOP Publishing
601MC Mulyani, (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Attribute in Analysis of Gas Reservoir Distribution on Talang Akar Reservoir in “QDR” Field of Northwest Java BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012043 Publisher IOP Publishing
602AW Kaisagara (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Evaluation of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Attribute in Analysis of Gas Reservoir Distribution on Talang Akar Reservoir in “QDR” Field of Northwest Java BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012043 Publisher IOP Publishing
603Sigit SukmonoEvaluation of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Attribute in Analysis of Gas Reservoir Distribution on Talang Akar Reservoir in “QDR” Field of Northwest Java BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012043 Publisher IOP Publishing
604Dona Sita AmbarsariEvaluation of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Attribute in Analysis of Gas Reservoir Distribution on Talang Akar Reservoir in “QDR” Field of Northwest Java BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012043 Publisher IOP Publishing
605Svetlana Sineva (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemPISeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
606Taufiq HidayatExperimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
607Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
608Shevchenko, M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
609Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
610Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO impurities on gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the "Cu2O"-"FeO"-SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO-MgO systemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
611Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Distributions of Ag and Au Between Slag, Matte, and Metal in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si SystemPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 240-249 Publisher Springer International Publishing
612Taufiq HidayatExperimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Distributions of Ag and Au Between Slag, Matte, and Metal in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 240-249 Publisher Springer International Publishing
613Jiang Chen (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Distributions of Ag and Au Between Slag, Matte, and Metal in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 240-249 Publisher Springer International Publishing
614Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Distributions of Ag and Au Between Slag, Matte, and Metal in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 240-249 Publisher Springer International Publishing
615Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Distributions of Ag and Au Between Slag, Matte, and Metal in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 240-249 Publisher Springer International Publishing
616Taufiq HidayatExperimental investigation of Gas/Matte/Spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S system at 1250oC and P(SO2) = 0.25 atmPIJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 2 Pages 101-105 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
617Ata Fallah Mehrjardi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of Gas/Matte/Spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S system at 1250oC and P(SO2) = 0.25 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 2 Pages 101-105 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
618Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of Gas/Matte/Spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S system at 1250oC and P(SO2) = 0.25 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 2 Pages 101-105 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
619Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of Gas/Matte/Spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S system at 1250oC and P(SO2) = 0.25 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 2 Pages 101-105 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
620Ata Fallah Mehrjardi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of gas/slag/matte/tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system in controlled gas atmosphere at T = 1200oC and P(SO2) = 0.1 atmPIJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 6 Pages 489-495 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
621Taufiq HidayatExperimental investigation of gas/slag/matte/tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system in controlled gas atmosphere at T = 1200oC and P(SO2) = 0.1 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 6 Pages 489-495 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
622Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of gas/slag/matte/tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system in controlled gas atmosphere at T = 1200oC and P(SO2) = 0.1 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 6 Pages 489-495 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
623Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of gas/slag/matte/tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system in controlled gas atmosphere at T = 1200oC and P(SO2) = 0.1 atmAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019International Journal of Materials Research Volume 110 Issue 6 Pages 489-495 Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
624Taufiq HidayatExperimental investigation of phase equilibria of major elements and distributions of minor elements between slag/metal and slag/matte at tridymite saturation in "Cu2O"-"FeO"-"SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO SystemPISeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
625Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of phase equilibria of major elements and distributions of minor elements between slag/metal and slag/matte at tridymite saturation in "Cu2O"-"FeO"-"SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO SystemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
626Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental investigation of phase equilibria of major elements and distributions of minor elements between slag/metal and slag/matte at tridymite saturation in "Cu2O"-"FeO"-"SiO2-S-Al2O3-CaO SystemAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019Copper 2019 (10th International Conference on Copper) Vancouver, Canada 18-21 August 2019, Publisher CIM
627Gerry Sasanti Nirmala (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation on Effectiveness of High Power EM Wave Usage for Decreasing Heavy Oil ViscosityPISeminar Internasional20192019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
628Sudjati RachmatExperimental Investigation on Effectiveness of High Power EM Wave Usage for Decreasing Heavy Oil ViscosityAnggotaSeminar Internasional20192019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
629Taufan MarhaendrajanaExperimental Investigation on Effectiveness of High Power EM Wave Usage for Decreasing Heavy Oil ViscosityAnggotaSeminar Internasional20192019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
630Achmad Munir (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Experimental Investigation on Effectiveness of High Power EM Wave Usage for Decreasing Heavy Oil ViscosityAnggotaSeminar Internasional20192019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
631Karen Lythgoe (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingPIJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
632Muzli (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
633Andri Dian NugrahaFault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
634Shengji Wei (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
635Ping Tong (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
636ZulfakrizaFault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc settingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGUFM Volume 2019 Pages S51E-0440
637David Prambudi SaharaFault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
638Dian Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Fault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
639Sri WidiyantoroFault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
640Andri Dian NugrahaFault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
641ZulfakrizaFault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
642Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoFault Rupture Analysis of M6. 5 Aceh 2016 Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
643Tutuka AriadjiField Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORPISeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
644DI Astuti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
645N Priharto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
646AA Ananggadipa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
647GP Persada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
648E Subiantoro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
649PE Erwanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
650MH Abqory (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Field Implementation of Nutrient Huff and Puff in Bentayan Field, South Sumatera: Towards a Low-Cost EORAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 October, Bali, Indonesia
651NC Viony (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Full Waveform Modelling for Subsurface Characterization with Converted-Wave Seismic Reflection: Residual PP Removal on PS Component Using FK FilterPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012035 Publisher IOP Publishing
652Wahyu TriyosoFull Waveform Modelling for Subsurface Characterization with Converted-Wave Seismic Reflection: Residual PP Removal on PS Component Using FK FilterAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012035 Publisher IOP Publishing
653Farasdaq Muchibbus Sajjad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValvePISeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
654Khairullah Sastradinata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValveAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
655Silvya Dewi RahmawatiGas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValveAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
656Achmad Mansur (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValveAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
657Alvin Wirawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValveAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
658Ecep Mujib (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Gas Lift Robbing Prevention in Dual String Completion using Production Pressure Operating ValveAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
659Asep Rohiman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
660Dipowiguno Prijanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
661Arief Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
662Antonius Ratdomopurbo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
663Ruly Setiawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
664Mutiara Effendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
665Eko Januari WahyudiGeochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Mt. Masurai’s Caldera, Jambi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012070
666S Maulinadya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geoelectric Strike Analysis from Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Using Swift and Polar Diagram MethodsPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012049 Publisher IOP Publishing
667Hendra GrandisGeoelectric Strike Analysis from Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Using Swift and Polar Diagram MethodsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012049 Publisher IOP Publishing
668Fiorenza Deon (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
669Caroline Lievens (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
670Auke Barnhoorn (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
671Chiel Welink (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
672Tulus Imaro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
673Riskiray Ryannugroho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
674Ehsan Reyhanitash (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
675David Bruhn (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
676Freek Van Der Meer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
677Rizki Hutami (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
678Batseba br SibaraniGeothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
679Christoph Hecker (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
680Oona Appelt (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
681Franziska Wilke (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
682Yunus Daud (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
683Tia Den Hartog (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Geothermal exploration in Indonesia based on Mineralogy and Hydrothermal AlterationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 254 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
684Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)GPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)PIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
685Dina Anggreni Sarsito (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)GPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
686Endra GunawanGPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
687Sri WidiyantoroGPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
688David Prambudi SaharaGPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
689Andri Dian NugrahaGPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
690Devy Kamil Syahbana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)GPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
691Estu Kriswati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)GPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
692Adam Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)GPS ground deformation monitoring of Agung Volcano, Indonesia (2018–2019)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
693Shindy RosaliaGroup velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
694Phil Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Group velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
695Sri WidiyantoroGroup velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
696Tedi YudistiraGroup velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
697Andri Dian NugrahaGroup velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
698Rhys Hawkins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Group velocity maps using subspace and Trans-dimensional inversions: ambient noise tomography in the Western part of Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Journal International
699Rosliani Widia Pamungkas Isburhan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
700Giyat Nuraeni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
701Rexha Verdhora RyHorizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
702Tedi YudistiraHorizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
703Anthanius Cipta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
704Phil Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method for Earthquake Risk Determination of Jakarta City with Microtremor DataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
705Akhmad Ardian KordaHydrogen Induced Cracking of API X52 and X60 Sour Service Steels Subjected to Pre-Strain under Prolonged H2S ExposurePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012001 Publisher IOP Publishing
706T Taufiq (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hydrogen Induced Cracking of API X52 and X60 Sour Service Steels Subjected to Pre-Strain under Prolonged H2S ExposureAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012001 Publisher IOP Publishing
707Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
708Andri Dian NugrahaHypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
709Sri WidiyantoroHypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
710Chalid Idham Abdullah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
711Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoHypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
712Kadek Hendrawan Palgunadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
713D Daryono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
714Samsul Hadi Wiyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Hypocenter relocation of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (September 28, 2018) and swarm earthquakes of Mamasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, using the BMKG network dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-11 Publisher SpringerOpen
715WO Awaliah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Identification of 3-d shear wave velocity structure beneath sulawesi island using ambient noise tomography methodPISeminar Internasional201910th ACES international workshop
716Tedi YudistiraIdentification of 3-d shear wave velocity structure beneath sulawesi island using ambient noise tomography methodAnggotaSeminar Internasional201910th ACES international workshop
717Andri Dian NugrahaIdentification of 3-d shear wave velocity structure beneath sulawesi island using ambient noise tomography methodAnggotaSeminar Internasional201910th ACES international workshop
718Ashari Aries (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Identifikasi Hidrokarbon Gas Dengan Menggunakan Atribut Energy-weighted AVO pada Lapangan Penobscot, KanadaPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 32-36
719Wahyu TriyosoIdentifikasi Hidrokarbon Gas Dengan Menggunakan Atribut Energy-weighted AVO pada Lapangan Penobscot, KanadaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 32-36
720Ilham Arisbaya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
721Lina Handayani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
722Maruf M Mukti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
723Yayat Sudrajat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
724Hendra GrandisImaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
725Prihadi Sumintadireja (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Imaging the Geometry of Cimandiri Fault Zone Based on 2D Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) Model in Nyalindung, Sukabumi–IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Pure and Applied Geophysics Volume 176 Issue 11 Pages 4833-4845 Publisher Springer International Publishing
726Muhammad Taufiq Rafie (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Impact of The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake to The Stress Heterogeneity and Seismicity Pattern in Nothern Sumatra, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012010 Publisher IOP Publishing
727David Prambudi SaharaImpact of The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake to The Stress Heterogeneity and Seismicity Pattern in Nothern Sumatra, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012010 Publisher IOP Publishing
728Sri WidiyantoroImpact of The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake to The Stress Heterogeneity and Seismicity Pattern in Nothern Sumatra, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012010 Publisher IOP Publishing
729Andri Dian NugrahaImpact of The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake to The Stress Heterogeneity and Seismicity Pattern in Nothern Sumatra, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012010 Publisher IOP Publishing
730Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunIndonesian Deep-water Petroleum Exploration and Production-Economic and Tehnology PerspectivePISeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
731Samuel Zulkhifly Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Indonesian Deep-water Petroleum Exploration and Production-Economic and Tehnology PerspectiveAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
732Batara Pande (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Indonesian Deep-water Petroleum Exploration and Production-Economic and Tehnology PerspectiveAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
733Meghan Miller (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.PIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
734Cooper Harris (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
735Robert Porritt (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
736Daoyuan Sun (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
737Ping Zhang (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
738Sri WidiyantoroInsights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
739Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
740Thorsten Becker (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Insights into the transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision from seismic imaging of deep slab structures.AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21
741Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
742Taufiq HidayatIntegrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
743Ata Fallah Mehrjardi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
744Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
745Sergei A. Decterov (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
746Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Experimental and Thermodynamic Modeling Study of the Effects of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO on Slag-Matte Equilibria in the Cu0-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) SystemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 445-461 Publisher Springer US
747Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemPIJurnal Internasional Q22019The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 135 Pages 175-182 Publisher Academic Press
748Taufiq HidayatIntegrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 135 Pages 175-182 Publisher Academic Press
749Jiang Chen (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 135 Pages 175-182 Publisher Academic Press
750Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 135 Pages 175-182 Publisher Academic Press
751Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-OS-Si systemAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 135 Pages 175-182 Publisher Academic Press
752Sri WidiyantoroIntegrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
753Devy Kamil Syahbana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
754Jeremy D Pesicek (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
755Andri Dian NugrahaIntegrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
756Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
757Eddy Sucipta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
758Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
759David Prambudi SaharaIntegrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
760ZulfakrizaIntegrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
761Endra GunawanIntegrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
762Martanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
763Imam C Priambodo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
764Yayan M Husni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
765Aditya Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
766Dian Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
767Ardianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
768Billy S Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
769Jacob B Lowenstern (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
770Andri Dian NugrahaJoint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013PIJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
771Novianti Indrastuti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
772Ridwan Kusnandar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
773Hendra Gunawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
774Wendy McCausland (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
775Atin Nur Aulia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
776Ulvienin Harlianti (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Joint 3-D tomographic imaging of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs and hypocenter relocation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia from November to December 2013AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 382 Pages 210-223 Publisher Elsevier
777Jessica R Rodysill (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)La Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumPIJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
778James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)La Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
779Mathias Vuille (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)La Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
780Sylvia Dee (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)La Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
781Brent Lunghino (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)La Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
782Satria BijaksanaLa Nina-driven flooding in the Indo-Pacific warm pool during the past millenniumAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 225 Pages 106020 Publisher Pergamon
783Kota Mukumoto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Large Gas Reservoir along the Rift Axis of a Continental Back-arc Basin Revealed by Automated Seismic Velocity Analysis in the Okinawa TroughPIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters
784Takeshi Tsuji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Large Gas Reservoir along the Rift Axis of a Continental Back-arc Basin Revealed by Automated Seismic Velocity Analysis in the Okinawa TroughAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters
785Andri HendriyanaLarge Gas Reservoir along the Rift Axis of a Continental Back-arc Basin Revealed by Automated Seismic Velocity Analysis in the Okinawa TroughAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters
786Ryan Bobby Andika (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
787Wahyu TriyosoLimited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
788Satria BijaksanaLimited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
789Abd Hafidz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
790James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
791Nigel Watruss (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
792Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake TowutiAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 279 Issue 1 Pages 012033 Publisher IOP Publishing
793M Jaini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaPISeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
794Mimi Juazlin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
795Tn Harun (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
796Tn Arif Hussaini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
797Silvya Dewi RahmawatiLNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
798Bobby Suryajaya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
799Mahanum Muhammad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)LNG Tank Automation at Floating Storage Unit to Maximize Regasification Product at Peninsular MalaysiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
800NA Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization of soil to determine the source origin. Case study: soil around Bromo Volcano, Tengger Volcanic ComplexPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
801KI Syaifullah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization of soil to determine the source origin. Case study: soil around Bromo Volcano, Tengger Volcanic ComplexAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
802S Zulaikah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic characterization of soil to determine the source origin. Case study: soil around Bromo Volcano, Tengger Volcanic ComplexAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
803Satria BijaksanaMagnetic characterization of soil to determine the source origin. Case study: soil around Bromo Volcano, Tengger Volcanic ComplexAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
804Satria BijaksanaMagnetic mineral characteristics, trace metals, and REE geochemistry of river sediments that serve as inlets to Lake Limboto, Sulawesi, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Data in brief Volume 26 Pages 104348 Publisher Elsevier
805Raghel Yunginger (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic mineral characteristics, trace metals, and REE geochemistry of river sediments that serve as inlets to Lake Limboto, Sulawesi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in brief Volume 26 Pages 104348 Publisher Elsevier
806Abd Hafidz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic mineral characteristics, trace metals, and REE geochemistry of river sediments that serve as inlets to Lake Limboto, Sulawesi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in brief Volume 26 Pages 104348 Publisher Elsevier
807Mariyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetic mineral characteristics, trace metals, and REE geochemistry of river sediments that serve as inlets to Lake Limboto, Sulawesi, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in brief Volume 26 Pages 104348 Publisher Elsevier
808Febty Febriani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
809Djedi S Widarto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
810Eddy Z Gaffar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
811Asnawir Nasution (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
812Hendra GrandisMagnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
813Titi Anggono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
814Syuhada (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume 12 Issue 24 Pages 766 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
815NRDW Ndari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Measurements Combination of Elastic Anisotropy and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility on Case Study in Igneous Rock of Lava Flow Type from Ijen Volcanic Complex, East JavaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
816Satria BijaksanaMeasurements Combination of Elastic Anisotropy and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility on Case Study in Igneous Rock of Lava Flow Type from Ijen Volcanic Complex, East JavaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
817BEB Nurhandoko (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Measurements Combination of Elastic Anisotropy and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility on Case Study in Igneous Rock of Lava Flow Type from Ijen Volcanic Complex, East JavaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
818FDE Latief (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Measurements Combination of Elastic Anisotropy and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility on Case Study in Igneous Rock of Lava Flow Type from Ijen Volcanic Complex, East JavaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012017 Publisher IOP Publishing
819Jens Kallmeyer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
820Andre Friese (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
821Kohen Witt Bauer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
822Sean Crowe (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
823Sulung Nomosatryo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
824Verena Bernadette Heuer (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
825Clemens Glombitza (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
826Luis Ordonez (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
827Daniel Ariztegui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
828Aurele Vuillemin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
829Rachel Simister (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
830Cynthia Henny (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
831Satria BijaksanaMethanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
832Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
833Martin Melles (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
834James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sedimentsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Publisher AGU
835Edner Lumenta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Metode Pemetaan Resistivitas Tanah pada Survei Pertanian dengan HUMA EC 1PIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 21-25
836Tedy SetiawanMetode Pemetaan Resistivitas Tanah pada Survei Pertanian dengan HUMA EC 1AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 21-25
837NA Rabbani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Microstructure and oxidation resistance of spark plasma sintered Yttria-Zirconia ODS steelsPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
838Eddy Agus BasukiMicrostructure and oxidation resistance of spark plasma sintered Yttria-Zirconia ODS steelsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
839T Sudiro (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Microstructure and oxidation resistance of spark plasma sintered Yttria-Zirconia ODS steelsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
840A Afandi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Microstructure and oxidation resistance of spark plasma sintered Yttria-Zirconia ODS steelsAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 541 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
841Andri HendriyanaMigration of very long period seismicity at Aso volcano, Japan, associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakePIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8763-8771
842Takeshi Tsuji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Migration of very long period seismicity at Aso volcano, Japan, associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8763-8771
843Cahli Suhendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modeling the behavior of CO2 injection in a sand reservoirPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012089 Publisher IOP Publishing
844David Prambudi SaharaModeling the behavior of CO2 injection in a sand reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012089 Publisher IOP Publishing
845R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleModeling the behavior of CO2 injection in a sand reservoirAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012089 Publisher IOP Publishing
846Firly Rachmaditya BaskoroModelling New Scheme on Coal Procurement for Coal-Fired Power Plants in IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional201936th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2019 Volume 1 Issue Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the En Pages 748 - 759
847Keisuke Nagasawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling New Scheme on Coal Procurement for Coal-Fired Power Plants in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional201936th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2019 Volume 1 Issue Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the En Pages 748 - 759
848Katsumi Morikawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling New Scheme on Coal Procurement for Coal-Fired Power Plants in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional201936th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2019 Volume 1 Issue Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the En Pages 748 - 759
849Katsuhiko Takahashi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling New Scheme on Coal Procurement for Coal-Fired Power Plants in IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional201936th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2019 Volume 1 Issue Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the En Pages 748 - 759
850Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practicePIJurnal Internasional Q12019Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Volume 128 Issue 1-2 Pages 74-107 Publisher Taylor & Francis
851Taufiq HidayatModelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practiceAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Volume 128 Issue 1-2 Pages 74-107 Publisher Taylor & Francis
852Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practiceAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Volume 128 Issue 1-2 Pages 74-107 Publisher Taylor & Francis
853PJ Mackey (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practiceAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Volume 128 Issue 1-2 Pages 74-107 Publisher Taylor & Francis
854Peter C Hayes (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Modelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practiceAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Volume 128 Issue 1-2 Pages 74-107 Publisher Taylor & Francis
855Andri Dian NugrahaMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
856ZulfakrizaMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
857Sri WidiyantoroMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
858Phil R Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
859David Prambudi SaharaMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
860Awali PriyonoMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
861Shindy RosaliaMonitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
862Imam C Priambodo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
863Martanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
864Ardianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
865Yayan M Husni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
866Aditya Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
867Dian Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
868Billy S Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph NetworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
869WidodoMTSF (Magnetotelluric Saturation Forward Modeling)PIPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974597, 7 Oktober 2019, Nomor pencatatan : 000157426
870Tedy SetiawanMTSF (Magnetotelluric Saturation Forward Modeling)AnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974597, 7 Oktober 2019, Nomor pencatatan : 000157426
871Wahyudi Widyatmoko ParnadiMTSF (Magnetotelluric Saturation Forward Modeling)AnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974597, 7 Oktober 2019, Nomor pencatatan : 000157426
872WidodoMTSINV (Magnetotelluric Saturation Inversion)PIPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974604, 7 Oktober 2019 Nomor pencatatan : 000157424
873Wahyudi Widyatmoko ParnadiMTSINV (Magnetotelluric Saturation Inversion)AnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974604, 7 Oktober 2019 Nomor pencatatan : 000157424
874WarsaMTSINV (Magnetotelluric Saturation Inversion)AnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201974604, 7 Oktober 2019 Nomor pencatatan : 000157424
875Ignatius Sonny WinardhieMulti-Ricker Spectral Modeling in the S-transform Domain for Enhancing Vertical Resolution of Seismic Reflection DataPIJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 223-233
876Waskito Pranowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multi-Ricker Spectral Modeling in the S-transform Domain for Enhancing Vertical Resolution of Seismic Reflection DataAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 223-233
877Setio Budi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multimethod Characterization of Volcanic Ashes from The Sunda Island ArcPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012011 Publisher IOP Publishing
878Rahmat Fajri (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multimethod Characterization of Volcanic Ashes from The Sunda Island ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012011 Publisher IOP Publishing
879Nono Agus Santoso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Multimethod Characterization of Volcanic Ashes from The Sunda Island ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012011 Publisher IOP Publishing
880Satria BijaksanaMultimethod Characterization of Volcanic Ashes from The Sunda Island ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012011 Publisher IOP Publishing
881Ariel Paramasatya (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Nano-Surfactant Huff and Puff Optimization in Marginal X Field Using Commercial SimulatorPIJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Volume 42 Issue 2 Pages 43-50
882Steven ChandraNano-Surfactant Huff and Puff Optimization in Marginal X Field Using Commercial SimulatorAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Volume 42 Issue 2 Pages 43-50
883Wijoyo Niti DatonNano-Surfactant Huff and Puff Optimization in Marginal X Field Using Commercial SimulatorAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Volume 42 Issue 2 Pages 43-50
884Sudjati RachmatNano-Surfactant Huff and Puff Optimization in Marginal X Field Using Commercial SimulatorAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Volume 42 Issue 2 Pages 43-50
885Al Rubaiyn (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Near-surface S-wave Estimation base on Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Using Genetic AlgorithmPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012013 Publisher IOP Publishing
886Awali PriyonoNear-surface S-wave Estimation base on Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Using Genetic AlgorithmAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012013 Publisher IOP Publishing
887Tedi YudistiraNear-surface S-wave Estimation base on Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Using Genetic AlgorithmAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012013 Publisher IOP Publishing
888Simon Heru PrassetyoNew coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionPIJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
889Muhammad Alen Irnawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
890Ganda Marihot SimangunsongNew coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
891Ridho Kresna WattimenaNew coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
892Irwandy ArifNew coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
893Made Astawa RaiNew coal pillar strength formulae considering the effect of interface frictionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 123 Pages 104102 Publisher Pergamon
894Rini Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Innovation Using Sodium LignoSulfonate Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Light Crude OilPISeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
895Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarNew Innovation Using Sodium LignoSulfonate Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Light Crude OilAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
896Taufan MarhaendrajanaNew Innovation Using Sodium LignoSulfonate Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Light Crude OilAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
897Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Innovation Using Sodium LignoSulfonate Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Light Crude OilAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
898Aqlyna Fattah Annisa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Innovation Using Sodium LignoSulfonate Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Light Crude OilAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
899Mirzam Abdurrachman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationPIJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
900Sri WidiyantoroNew Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
901Muhammad Zaky Abdul Alim (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)New Model of Wadati-Benioff Zone in Java-Sumatra Subduction System and Its Tectonic ImplicationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Pages 21-24
902Apulina Priska (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the Application of Multi-frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar Method for Mapping Underground PipePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
903Wahyudi Widyatmoko ParnadiOn the Application of Multi-frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar Method for Mapping Underground PipeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
904Rizandi G Parnadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the Application of Multi-frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar Method for Mapping Underground PipeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012028 Publisher IOP Publishing
905Meghan Samantha Miller (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
906Lisa A Alpert (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
907Thorsten W Becker (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
908Maxwell Philip Dahlquist (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
909Cooper William Harris (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
910Adam Francis Holt (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
911LI Yuwei (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
912Hendro Nugroho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
913Leland O'Driscoll (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
914Robert Porritt (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
915Nova Roosmawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
916A Joshua West (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
917Sri WidiyantoroOn the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
918Ping Zhang (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda ArcAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
919Aristides Zenonos (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)P and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zonePIJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Volume 293 Pages 106267 Publisher Elsevier
920Luca De Siena (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)P and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zoneAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Volume 293 Pages 106267 Publisher Elsevier
921Sri WidiyantoroP and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zoneAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Volume 293 Pages 106267 Publisher Elsevier
922Nicholas Rawlinson (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)P and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zoneAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Volume 293 Pages 106267 Publisher Elsevier
923Rosliana Eso (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
924Satria BijaksanaPatterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
925La Ode Ngkoimani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
926Eleonora Agustine (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
927Gerald Tamuntuan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
928M Tufaila (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
929Hasbulah Syaf, (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
930La Harudu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
931Sayahdin Alfat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
932Ida Usman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012008 Publisher IOP Publishing
933Gatot Nugroho (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pemodelan Metode Deep Sounding TEM untuk Monitoring Injeksi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) pada REservoirPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 11-20
934WarsaPemodelan Metode Deep Sounding TEM untuk Monitoring Injeksi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) pada REservoirAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 11-20
935Dinda Rahmani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pemodelan Penyebaran Massa CO2 Terinjeksi dalam reservoir untuk Mendapatkan Respon Anomali Time-lapse microgravity di PermukaanPIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 36-31
936Darharta DahrinPemodelan Penyebaran Massa CO2 Terinjeksi dalam reservoir untuk Mendapatkan Respon Anomali Time-lapse microgravity di PermukaanAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 36-31
941Anindityo Arifiadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pengaruh Penambahan CuO Sebagai Sintering Aid pada Elektrolit Padat Neodymium Doped Ceria (NDC)PIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Metalurgi dan Material Indonesia Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 28-35
942Syoni SoepriyantoPengaruh Penambahan CuO Sebagai Sintering Aid pada Elektrolit Padat Neodymium Doped Ceria (NDC)AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Metalurgi dan Material Indonesia Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 28-35
943Waskito Aji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Pengolahan dan Pemodelan Data Gravity pada Area Gunung Pandan, Jawa TimurPIJurnal Nasional2019INA-Rxiv
944Eko Januari WahyudiPengolahan dan Pemodelan Data Gravity pada Area Gunung Pandan, Jawa TimurAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019INA-Rxiv
945Djoko SantosoPengolahan dan Pemodelan Data Gravity pada Area Gunung Pandan, Jawa TimurAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019INA-Rxiv
946Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirPengolahan dan Pemodelan Data Gravity pada Area Gunung Pandan, Jawa TimurAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019INA-Rxiv
947Aditya Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Petrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
948Handayani Hadiyat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Petrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
949Fadhli Ramadhana Atarita (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Petrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
950Satria BijaksanaPetrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
951Djoko SantosoPetrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
952Mirzam Abdurrachman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Petrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
953Silvia Jannatul FajarPetrology and Geochemistry Dataset of Lava from The Ijen Crater and Mount Blau, Banyuwangi, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Data in Brief Pages 104765 Publisher Elsevier
954Reza Adhi Fajar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Physical Model of Vertical Water Movement Inside a Soil-Column Apparatus for Infiltration Study with A Two-Way Orientation ApproachPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 615-631
955Gunawan Handayani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Physical Model of Vertical Water Movement Inside a Soil-Column Apparatus for Infiltration Study with A Two-Way Orientation ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 615-631
956Sudarto NotosiswoyoPhysical Model of Vertical Water Movement Inside a Soil-Column Apparatus for Infiltration Study with A Two-Way Orientation ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 615-631
957Lilik Eko WidodoPhysical Model of Vertical Water Movement Inside a Soil-Column Apparatus for Infiltration Study with A Two-Way Orientation ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 615-631
958Tri Chandra Pamungkas (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Physical Model of Vertical Water Movement Inside a Soil-Column Apparatus for Infiltration Study with A Two-Way Orientation ApproachAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 615-631
959Endra GunawanPostseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
960Sri WidiyantoroPostseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
961Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Postseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
962Cecep Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Postseismic deformation following the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh, Indonesia, earthquake estimated using GPS dataAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, pp. 146-151
963DE Andini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Prediction Potential Acid Mine Drainage of Epithermal High Sulfidation Deposits using Static TestPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 353 Issue 1 Pages 012023 Publisher IOP Publishing
964Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloPrediction Potential Acid Mine Drainage of Epithermal High Sulfidation Deposits using Static TestAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 353 Issue 1 Pages 012023 Publisher IOP Publishing
965Ginting Jalu KusumaPREDIKSI PEMBENTUKAN DAN KUALITAS AIR PIT LAKE: BERDASARKAN KONDISI HIDROLGI DAN GEOKIMIA BATUANPISeminar Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 761-770
966Kris Pranoto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PREDIKSI PEMBENTUKAN DAN KUALITAS AIR PIT LAKE: BERDASARKAN KONDISI HIDROLGI DAN GEOKIMIA BATUANAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 761-770
967Edy J Tuheteru (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PREDIKSI PEMBENTUKAN DAN KUALITAS AIR PIT LAKE: BERDASARKAN KONDISI HIDROLGI DAN GEOKIMIA BATUANAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 761-770
968Imanuel Manege (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)PREDIKSI PEMBENTUKAN DAN KUALITAS AIR PIT LAKE: BERDASARKAN KONDISI HIDROLGI DAN GEOKIMIA BATUANAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 761-770
969Rudy Sayoga Gautama BenggoloPREDIKSI PEMBENTUKAN DAN KUALITAS AIR PIT LAKE: BERDASARKAN KONDISI HIDROLGI DAN GEOKIMIA BATUANAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 761-770
970Faridz Nizar AhmadyPreliminary Gravity Study of Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary Rock in Northern Kebumen, Central Java, IndonesiaPISeminar Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012007 Publisher IOP Publishing
971Djoko SantosoPreliminary Gravity Study of Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary Rock in Northern Kebumen, Central Java, IndonesiaAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012007 Publisher IOP Publishing
972Ade Surya Putra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Result of Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method along Sumatran Fault, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012009 Publisher IOP Publishing
973Andri Dian NugrahaPreliminary Result of Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method along Sumatran Fault, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012009 Publisher IOP Publishing
974Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoPreliminary Result of Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method along Sumatran Fault, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012009 Publisher IOP Publishing
975Wahyu TriyosoPreliminary Result of Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method along Sumatran Fault, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012009 Publisher IOP Publishing
976ZulfakrizaPreliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 273 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
977Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoPreliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 273 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
978Andri Dian NugrahaPreliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 273 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
979B Pranata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 273 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
980Shindy RosaliaPreliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 273 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
981Natashia Christy Viony (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Preliminary Results of Subsurface Physical Properties using Resistivity Logger PrototypePIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012044 Publisher IOP Publishing
982Tedy SetiawanPreliminary Results of Subsurface Physical Properties using Resistivity Logger PrototypeAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012044 Publisher IOP Publishing
983Noviandi Darmawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Processing and data analysis of time-lapse microgravity due to ground water level changing in baseline stage of CO2 injectionPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
984Eko Januari WahyudiProcessing and data analysis of time-lapse microgravity due to ground water level changing in baseline stage of CO2 injectionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
985Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirProcessing and data analysis of time-lapse microgravity due to ground water level changing in baseline stage of CO2 injectionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
986R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleProcessing and data analysis of time-lapse microgravity due to ground water level changing in baseline stage of CO2 injectionAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012020 Publisher IOP Publishing
987Susanti AlawiyahProgram Komputer : GravGTEPIPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
988Djoko SantosoProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
989Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
990Darharta DahrinProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
991SetianingsihProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
992Eko Januari WahyudiProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
993Indra GunawanProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
994Dadi AbdurrahmanProgram Komputer : GravGTEAnggotaPaten2019Nomor pencatatan : 000154075 Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00201970855, 12 September 2019
995Ken Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Characterization and Storage Capacity Evaluation for Carbon Capture and Storage: A Case Study From East NatunaPISeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
996Jeres R Cherdasa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Characterization and Storage Capacity Evaluation for Carbon Capture and Storage: A Case Study From East NatunaAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
997Zuher SyihabReservoir Characterization and Storage Capacity Evaluation for Carbon Capture and Storage: A Case Study From East NatunaAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
998Tutuka AriadjiReservoir Characterization and Storage Capacity Evaluation for Carbon Capture and Storage: A Case Study From East NatunaAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
999Okta Indah Sulistyorini (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir characterization using multiattribute analysis in SLS field, Upper Cibulakan Formation, North West JavaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012042 Publisher IOP Publishing
1000Sigit SukmonoReservoir characterization using multiattribute analysis in SLS field, Upper Cibulakan Formation, North West JavaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012042 Publisher IOP Publishing
1001Dona Sita AmbarsariReservoir characterization using multiattribute analysis in SLS field, Upper Cibulakan Formation, North West JavaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012042 Publisher IOP Publishing
1002Muhammad Bhakti Setiawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelPISeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1003Zuher SyihabReservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1004Ardhi Hakim Lumban GaolReservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1005Amega YasutraReservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1006Silvya Dewi RahmawatiReservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1007Fadhillah Metra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1008Mohammad Galang Merdeka (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1009Denie Tirta Winata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1010Bagus Sudaryanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1011Victor Sitompul (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1012Gunawan Sutadiwiria (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1013Muhamad Choirul Aziz (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1014I Putu Suarsana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive ModelAnggotaSeminar Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1015YI Pasengo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Review of time-lapse microgravity correction due to shallow groundwater variationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012064 Publisher IOP Publishing
1016Lilik Eko WidodoReview of time-lapse microgravity correction due to shallow groundwater variationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012064 Publisher IOP Publishing
1017Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunRisk Analysis Model of Indonesian Deepwater DrillingPISeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
1018S Z Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Risk Analysis Model of Indonesian Deepwater DrillingAnggotaSeminar Nasional2019Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association
1019Indra GunawanSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)PIPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1020Djoko SantosoSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1021Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1022Darharta DahrinSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1023Susanti AlawiyahSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1024SetianingsihSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1025Eko Januari WahyudiSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1026Dadi AbdurrahmanSEDAP (Software for Earth-tide DAta Processing)AnggotaPaten2019Patent office ID Patent number HaKI 000147325 Application number EC00201947098
1027Muhamad Firdaus Al Hakim (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Seismicity Analysis and Velocity Structure of the Two-Phase Geothermal Field in West Java, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
1028R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleSeismicity Analysis and Velocity Structure of the Two-Phase Geothermal Field in West Java, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
1029Andri HendriyanaSeismicity Analysis and Velocity Structure of the Two-Phase Geothermal Field in West Java, Indonesia: Preliminary ResultAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012039 Publisher IOP Publishing
1030Rexha Verdhora RyShallow Shear-Wave Velocity Beneath Jakarta, Indonesia Revealed by Body-Wave Polarization AnalysisPIJurnal Internasional2019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 9 Pages 386 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1031Phil Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Shallow Shear-Wave Velocity Beneath Jakarta, Indonesia Revealed by Body-Wave Polarization AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 9 Pages 386 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1032Sri WidiyantoroShallow Shear-Wave Velocity Beneath Jakarta, Indonesia Revealed by Body-Wave Polarization AnalysisAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 9 Pages 386 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1033N Luthfiyani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Shear Velocity (VS) Estimation with HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectrum Ratio) Curve Inversion Method of Microtremor Measurement in Bandung BasinPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012034 Publisher IOP Publishing
1034Tedi YudistiraShear Velocity (VS) Estimation with HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectrum Ratio) Curve Inversion Method of Microtremor Measurement in Bandung BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012034 Publisher IOP Publishing
1035Rexha Verdhora RyShear Velocity (VS) Estimation with HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectrum Ratio) Curve Inversion Method of Microtremor Measurement in Bandung BasinAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012034 Publisher IOP Publishing
1036Hendrik Vogel (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationPIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1037Marina Morlock (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1038Jebril Hadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1039Anneleen Foubert (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1040Daniel Ariztegui (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1041Martin Melles (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1042James M Russell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Siderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1043Satria BijaksanaSiderite in ferruginous sediments: spatially explicit Identification of temporally variable mineral formationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 p1-1. 1p.
1044Mahardika Prasetya Aji (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sintesis Nanopartikel Magnetit, Maghemit dan Hematit dari Bahan LokalPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Pages 106-108
1045Agus Yulianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sintesis Nanopartikel Magnetit, Maghemit dan Hematit dari Bahan LokalAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Pages 106-108
1046Satria Bijaksana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sintesis Nanopartikel Magnetit, Maghemit dan Hematit dari Bahan LokalAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Pages 106-108
1047Dr. Eng Bagus Endar B.N. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sistem untuk Menurunkan Debit dan Energi Semburan Fluida Tak Terkendali Menggunakan Jaring PenyekatPIPaten2019Nomor dan Tanggal Pemberian : IDP000065952 31 Desember 2019
1048Dr. rer. nat Umar Fauzi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sistem untuk Menurunkan Debit dan Energi Semburan Fluida Tak Terkendali Menggunakan Jaring PenyekatAnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan Tanggal Pemberian : IDP000065952 31 Desember 2019
1049Ir. Mahatma Listyo Budi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sistem untuk Menurunkan Debit dan Energi Semburan Fluida Tak Terkendali Menggunakan Jaring PenyekatAnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan Tanggal Pemberian : IDP000065952 31 Desember 2019
1050Satria BijaksanaSistem untuk Menurunkan Debit dan Energi Semburan Fluida Tak Terkendali Menggunakan Jaring PenyekatAnggotaPaten2019Nomor dan Tanggal Pemberian : IDP000065952 31 Desember 2019
1051Mohamad Ridwan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Site Characterization Using Microtremor Array and Seismic Hazard Assessment for Jakarta, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Publisher Seismological Society of America
1052Phil R Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Site Characterization Using Microtremor Array and Seismic Hazard Assessment for Jakarta, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Publisher Seismological Society of America
1053Sri WidiyantoroSite Characterization Using Microtremor Array and Seismic Hazard Assessment for Jakarta, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Publisher Seismological Society of America
1054Masyhur Irsyam (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Site Characterization Using Microtremor Array and Seismic Hazard Assessment for Jakarta, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Publisher Seismological Society of America
1055Wiwiek Jumiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)SOLUSI ANALITIK TYPE CURVES DAN UJI SENSITIVITAS MODEL RESERVOIR KOMPOSIT DENGAN BATAS LUAR RESERVOIR TERTUTUP UNTUK KASUS LAJU PRODUKSI SUMUR KONSTANPIJurnal Nasional2019Lembaran Publikasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Volume 53 Issue 1 Pages 29-40
1057Aditya Riadi Gusman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1058Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1059Andri Dian NugrahaSource Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1060William Power (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1061Hamzah Latief (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1062Haris Sunendar (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1063Sri WidiyantoroSource Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1064Samsul Hadi Wiyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1065Aradea Hakim (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1066Abdul Muhari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1067Xiaoming Wang (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1068David Burbidge (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1069Kadek Palgunadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1070Ian Hamling (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1071Mudrik Rahmawan Daryono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Source Model for the Tsunami Inside Palu Bay Following the 2018 Palu Earthquake, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Letters Volume 46 Issue 15 Pages 8721-8730
1072Arie Naftali Hawu HedeSpektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifPIJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1073Muhammad Anugrah Firdaus (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Spektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1074Yogi La Ode Prianata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Spektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1075Mohamad Nur HeriawanSpektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1076SyafrizalSpektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1077Heri Syaeful (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Spektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1078Ichwan Azwardi Lubis (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Spektroskopi Reflektansi Sampel Tanah dan Batuan yang Mengandung Mineral Pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang dan RadioaktifAnggotaJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019EKSPLORIUM Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 89-98
1079Muhammad Taufiq Rafie (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Stress Perturbations along Sumatra Island due to Mega-Earthquake OccurrencesPIJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 Description Conclusion
1080David Prambudi SaharaStress Perturbations along Sumatra Island due to Mega-Earthquake OccurrencesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 Description Conclusion
1081Sri WidiyantoroStress Perturbations along Sumatra Island due to Mega-Earthquake OccurrencesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 Description Conclusion
1082Andri Dian NugrahaStress Perturbations along Sumatra Island due to Mega-Earthquake OccurrencesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 21 Description Conclusion
1083Mohamad Ramdhan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Struktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhPIJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1084Sri WidiyantoroStruktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1085Andri Dian NugrahaStruktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1086J-P Metaxian (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Struktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1087Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Struktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1088Daryono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Struktur Kecepatan Seismik di Bawah Gunung Merapi dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Studi Tomografi Seismik Waktu TempuhAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan Volume 29 Issue 2
1089Aditya Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study on linearized inversion of surface wave dispersion for estimating near-surface shear wave velocityPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012055 Publisher IOP Publishing
1090Awali PriyonoStudy on linearized inversion of surface wave dispersion for estimating near-surface shear wave velocityAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012055 Publisher IOP Publishing
1091Tedi YudistiraStudy on linearized inversion of surface wave dispersion for estimating near-surface shear wave velocityAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012055 Publisher IOP Publishing
1092Anisa Agustina (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study on linearized inversion of surface wave dispersion for estimating near-surface shear wave velocityAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012055 Publisher IOP Publishing
1093Wahyudi Widyatmoko ParnadiStudy on the Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar Technique to Recognize Tin deposits in Bangka IslandPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012027 Publisher IOP Publishing
1094Sarwo S Amin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study on the Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar Technique to Recognize Tin deposits in Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012027 Publisher IOP Publishing
1095Mohamad Nur HeriawanStudy on the Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar Technique to Recognize Tin deposits in Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012027 Publisher IOP Publishing
1096Rizandi G Parnadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Study on the Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar Technique to Recognize Tin deposits in Bangka IslandAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012027 Publisher IOP Publishing
1097ZulfakrizaSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1098Andri Dian NugrahaSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1099Sri WidiyantoroSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1100Phil R Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1101David Prambudi SaharaSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1102Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi PuspitoSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1103Devy Kamil Syahbana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1104Shindy RosaliaSub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise TomographyAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1105Nicholas Rawlinson (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1106Amy Gilligan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1107Aristides Zenonos (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1108Conor Andrew Bacon (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1109Sri WidiyantoroSubduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1110Felix Tongkul (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1111David G Cornwell (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1112Luca De Siena (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1113Omri Volk (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1114Simone Pilia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1115Tim Greenfield (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1116Ana Widya Permatasari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Subsurface Modeling Based on Gravity Data of Rendingan-Ulubelu-Waypanas (RUW) Geothermal Field, Lampung, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
1117Djoko SantosoSubsurface Modeling Based on Gravity Data of Rendingan-Ulubelu-Waypanas (RUW) Geothermal Field, Lampung, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
1118Sri Dwi Wuryani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Surface Wave Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data for Subsurface Imaging beneath Bandung Basin, West Java and Its SurroundingPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012032 Publisher IOP Publishing
1119Tedi YudistiraSurface Wave Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data for Subsurface Imaging beneath Bandung Basin, West Java and Its SurroundingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012032 Publisher IOP Publishing
1120Sri WidiyantoroSurface Wave Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data for Subsurface Imaging beneath Bandung Basin, West Java and Its SurroundingAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012032 Publisher IOP Publishing
1121Rini Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Surfactant Flooding for EOR Using Sodium Lignosulfonate Synthesized from BagassePIBuku2019Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes-New Technologies, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88689
1122Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarSurfactant Flooding for EOR Using Sodium Lignosulfonate Synthesized from BagasseAnggotaBuku2019Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes-New Technologies, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88689
1123Taufan MarhaendrajanaSurfactant Flooding for EOR Using Sodium Lignosulfonate Synthesized from BagasseAnggotaBuku2019Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes-New Technologies, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88689
1124Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Surfactant Flooding for EOR Using Sodium Lignosulfonate Synthesized from BagasseAnggotaBuku2019Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes-New Technologies, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88689
1125Decsa Medika (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Survival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaPIJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1126Djoko SantosoSurvival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1127Pranawa (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Survival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1128Aditia Wardana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Survival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1129WidodoSurvival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1130Chandra Irwanadi Mohani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Survival Rate of Living Related Kidney Transplant Patients in SurabayaAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Volume 2 Issue 2 Pages 27-33
1131R Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sustainable Green Chemical Processing of Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microwave RadiationPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 662 Issue 6 Pages 062005 Publisher IOP Publishing
1132Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarSustainable Green Chemical Processing of Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microwave RadiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 662 Issue 6 Pages 062005 Publisher IOP Publishing
1133Taufan MarhaendrajanaSustainable Green Chemical Processing of Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microwave RadiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 662 Issue 6 Pages 062005 Publisher IOP Publishing
1134Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sustainable Green Chemical Processing of Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microwave RadiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 662 Issue 6 Pages 062005 Publisher IOP Publishing
1135A Listyani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Sustainable Green Chemical Processing of Surfactant Synthesized from Bagasse for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microwave RadiationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 662 Issue 6 Pages 062005 Publisher IOP Publishing
1136Rini Setiati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Synergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryPIJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
1137Hasian Parlindungan Septoratno SiregarSynergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
1138Taufan MarhaendrajanaSynergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
1139Deana Wahyuningrum (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Synergetic Effect of SLS Surfactant of Bagasse on Enhanced Oil RecoveryAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Advances in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geochemistry, Pages 69-71 Publisher : Springer, Cam
1140PN Ratna (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Teleseismic body wave inversion in determining rupture process of Sumbawa doublet earthquake, November 25th, 2007PIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012022 Publisher IOP Publishing
1141AR Gusman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Teleseismic body wave inversion in determining rupture process of Sumbawa doublet earthquake, November 25th, 2007AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012022 Publisher IOP Publishing
1142Andri Dian NugrahaTeleseismic body wave inversion in determining rupture process of Sumbawa doublet earthquake, November 25th, 2007AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012022 Publisher IOP Publishing
1143Akhmad Ardian KordaThe Antimicrobial Activity and Characterization of the Cast Titanium Copper Alloys with Variations of Copper ContentPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
1144S Munawaroh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Antimicrobial Activity and Characterization of the Cast Titanium Copper Alloys with Variations of Copper ContentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
1145Eddy Agus BasukiThe Antimicrobial Activity and Characterization of the Cast Titanium Copper Alloys with Variations of Copper ContentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 547 Issue 1 Pages 012002 Publisher IOP Publishing
1146SutopoThe development study of Karaha–Talaga Bodas geothermal field using numerical simulationPIJurnal Internasional2019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 21 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1147Welly Prabata (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The development study of Karaha–Talaga Bodas geothermal field using numerical simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 21 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1148Heru Berian PratamaThe development study of Karaha–Talaga Bodas geothermal field using numerical simulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 21 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1149Agus LaesanpuraThe fault identification by gravity and seismology in West Lembang SegmentPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012057 Publisher IOP Publishing
1150Darharta DahrinThe fault identification by gravity and seismology in West Lembang SegmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012057 Publisher IOP Publishing
1151Dadi AbdurrahmanThe fault identification by gravity and seismology in West Lembang SegmentAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012057 Publisher IOP Publishing
1152Yudha Styawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1153Putu Pradnya Andika (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1154Cahli Suhendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1155Ruhul Firdaus (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1156Maria RP Sudibyo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1157IF Erlangga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1158Rexha Verdhora RyThe preliminary results of Lindu software: a free seismological data processing using python frameworkAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 311 Issue 1 Pages 012078 Publisher IOP Publishing
1159Juniarto M Palilu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Role of MgO as Swelling Cements Admixtures under CO2 Attack on API Class-G CementPIJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1245 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
1160Bambang Soegijono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Role of MgO as Swelling Cements Admixtures under CO2 Attack on API Class-G CementAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1245 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
1161Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunThe Role of MgO as Swelling Cements Admixtures under CO2 Attack on API Class-G CementAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1245 Issue 1 Pages 012036 Publisher IOP Publishing
1162Missela Yosephin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)The Subsurface Modelling of Karaha-Telaga Bodas Geothermal System using Gravity MethodPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012037 Publisher IOP Publishing
1163Djoko SantosoThe Subsurface Modelling of Karaha-Telaga Bodas Geothermal System using Gravity MethodAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012037 Publisher IOP Publishing
1164Denis Shishin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As systems supported by experimental studyPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 6 Pages 758-767 Publisher Springer US
1165Jiang Chen (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As systems supported by experimental studyAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 6 Pages 758-767 Publisher Springer US
1166Taufiq HidayatThermodynamic modeling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As systems supported by experimental studyAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 6 Pages 758-767 Publisher Springer US
1167Evgueni Jak (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As systems supported by experimental studyAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Volume 40 Issue 6 Pages 758-767 Publisher Springer US
1168Asep Saepuloh (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Topographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesPIJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1169Eddy Sucipta (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Topographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1170Jeremy Linggom Mangarajum Panjaitan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Topographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1171Irwan Meilano (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Topographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1172Endra GunawanTopographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1173Sri WidiyantoroTopographical Changes of Mt. Agung Inter-Eruptive Period derived from PolSAR and PS-InSAR Displacement Vectors AnalysesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019AGU Fall Meeting 2019
1174Idham Andri Kurniawan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Tracing the Missing Argoland Beneath Java: Evidence from Geochemical Signature and Seismic TomogramAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior pp 37-40
1175Ali Ashat (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelPIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
1176Heru Berian PratamaUpdating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
1177Ryuichi Itoi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating conceptual model of Ciwidey-Patuha geothermal using dynamic numerical modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 254, conference 1 Pages 012010
1178Andri Dian NugrahaUpdating Hypocenter Relocation in Indonesia using 3D Seismic Velocity Model: Period of April 2009-March 2018PIJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012048 Publisher IOP Publishing
1179Shindy RosaliaUpdating Hypocenter Relocation in Indonesia using 3D Seismic Velocity Model: Period of April 2009-March 2018AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012048 Publisher IOP Publishing
1180Sri WidiyantoroUpdating Hypocenter Relocation in Indonesia using 3D Seismic Velocity Model: Period of April 2009-March 2018AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012048 Publisher IOP Publishing
1181Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating Hypocenter Relocation in Indonesia using 3D Seismic Velocity Model: Period of April 2009-March 2018AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012048 Publisher IOP Publishing
1182Samsul Wiyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Updating Hypocenter Relocation in Indonesia using 3D Seismic Velocity Model: Period of April 2009-March 2018AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 318 Issue 1 Pages 012048 Publisher IOP Publishing
1183Fransiscus Pratikto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Using Machine Learning to Estimate Reservoir Parameters in Real Options Valuation of an Unexplored OilfieldPIJurnal Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1184Sapto Indratno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Using Machine Learning to Estimate Reservoir Parameters in Real Options Valuation of an Unexplored OilfieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1185Kadarsah Suryadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Using Machine Learning to Estimate Reservoir Parameters in Real Options Valuation of an Unexplored OilfieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1186Djoko SantosoUsing Machine Learning to Estimate Reservoir Parameters in Real Options Valuation of an Unexplored OilfieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
1187Yasmina Amalia (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)UTILISATION OF SLAG POWDER FOR CEMENT SUBSTITUTION BASED ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND PENETRATION OF CHLORIDE IONSPIJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 58-61
1188Syoni SoepriyantoUTILISATION OF SLAG POWDER FOR CEMENT SUBSTITUTION BASED ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND PENETRATION OF CHLORIDE IONSAnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 58-61
1189Bonar Tua Halomoan MarbunWell integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)PIJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1190DE Prasetyo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1191H Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1192D Susilo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1193FR Firmansyah (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1194JM Palilu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1195IC Silamba (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1196Djoko SantosoWell integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1197Wawan Gunawan Abdul KadirWell integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1198R. Mohammad Rachmat SuleWell integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1199I Kardani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1200W Saprudin (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1201B Andhika (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)AnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Volume 88 Pages 447-459 Publisher Elsevier
1202Darharta Dahrin[P3MI-Draft] Analisa Struktur Dan Mekanikanisme Sesar Sumatera Segmen Sumani Dan Sianok Melalui Pemodelan Magnetik Dan GayaberatPIJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of asian Earth Sciences
1203Djoko Santoso[P3MI-Draft] Analisa Struktur Dan Mekanikanisme Sesar Sumatera Segmen Sumani Dan Sianok Melalui Pemodelan Magnetik Dan GayaberatAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of asian Earth Sciences
1204Satria Bijaksana[P3MI-Draft] Analisa Struktur Dan Mekanikanisme Sesar Sumatera Segmen Sumani Dan Sianok Melalui Pemodelan Magnetik Dan GayaberatAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of asian Earth Sciences
1205Agus Laesanpura[P3MI-Draft] Analisa Struktur Dan Mekanikanisme Sesar Sumatera Segmen Sumani Dan Sianok Melalui Pemodelan Magnetik Dan GayaberatAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of asian Earth Sciences
1206Harman Amir, MS (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Draft] Analisa Struktur Dan Mekanikanisme Sesar Sumatera Segmen Sumani Dan Sianok Melalui Pemodelan Magnetik Dan GayaberatAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of asian Earth Sciences
1207Darharta Dahrin[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1208Djoko Santoso[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1209Agus Laesanpura[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1210Warsa[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1211Dadi Abdurrahman[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1212Adi Kadarisman (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-draft] Analysis Groundwater Dynamics Land Subsidence and multi hazard potential using multidata Geophhysics in Bandung Basin West Java IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
1213Humbang, P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the Accuracy of the Expanded Travel time Eikonal Equation at Larger Offsets Using Levin's T-Transformation.PIJurnal Internasional Q12019 Journal Of Earth Science
1214Awali Priyono[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the Accuracy of the Expanded Travel time Eikonal Equation at Larger Offsets Using Levin's T-Transformation.AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Journal Of Earth Science
1215Wahyu Triyoso[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the Accuracy of the Expanded Travel time Eikonal Equation at Larger Offsets Using Levin's T-Transformation.AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Journal Of Earth Science
1216Apri, M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the Accuracy of the Expanded Travel time Eikonal Equation at Larger Offsets Using Levin's T-Transformation.AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Journal Of Earth Science
1217Humbang, P. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the divergence of Taylor series for large offset moveout approximation using Levin's T-transformPIJurnal Internasional Q12019 GEOPHYSICS
1218Awali Priyono[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the divergence of Taylor series for large offset moveout approximation using Levin's T-transformAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 GEOPHYSICS
1219Wahyu Triyoso[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the divergence of Taylor series for large offset moveout approximation using Levin's T-transformAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 GEOPHYSICS
1220Apri, M. (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Improving the divergence of Taylor series for large offset moveout approximation using Levin's T-transformAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 GEOPHYSICS
1221Zulfakriza[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldPIJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1222Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1223Sri Widiyantoro[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1224Phil R. Cummins (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1225David Prambudi Sahara[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1226Shindy Rosalia[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1227Awali Priyono[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1228Kasbani (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1229Devy Kamil Syahbana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1230Imam Catur Priambodo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1231Martanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1232Ardianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1233Yayan M. Husni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1234Aditya Lesmana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1235Dian Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1236Billy S Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Final Review] Tomographic Imaging of the Agung-Batur Volcano Complex, Bali Indonesia, from the Ambient Seismic Noise FieldAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019 Frontiers Earth Science
1237Amega Yasutra[P3MI-Review Process] A Proxy Model to Predict Waterfloodin Performance in Deltaic Channel ReservoirPIJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Petro Trisakti
1238Amega Yasutra[P3MI-Review Process] Calculating Optimum Rate of Gas Well Limited By Water Coning, Sand Intrusion, Liquid Loading and Economic LimitPIJurnal Nasional Terindeks2019Jurnal Petro Trisakti
1239Tutuka Ariadji[P3MI-Review Process] Modeling CO2 Microbubble Injection from Laboratory Study to Field Development CasesPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
1240Sudjati Rachmat[P3MI-Review Process] Nanosurfactant Injection on Marginal Field X : A New Modeling PerspectivePIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
1241Muhammad Akmal (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Review Process] Optimising Gold Resources against Variations in Underground Gold Vein Mining Blocks and Cut-off GradesPIJurnal Internasional Q32019 Journal of Engineering and Technological Science ISSN 2337-5779
1242Lilik Eko Widodo[P3MI-Review Process] Optimising Gold Resources against Variations in Underground Gold Vein Mining Blocks and Cut-off GradesAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019 Journal of Engineering and Technological Science ISSN 2337-5779
1243Mohamad Nur Heriawan[P3MI-Review Process] Optimising Gold Resources against Variations in Underground Gold Vein Mining Blocks and Cut-off GradesAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019 Journal of Engineering and Technological Science ISSN 2337-5779
1244Fadhila Achmadi Rosyid[P3MI-Review Process] Optimising Gold Resources against Variations in Underground Gold Vein Mining Blocks and Cut-off GradesAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019 Journal of Engineering and Technological Science ISSN 2337-5779
1245Ahmad R. Trilaksana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI-Review Process] Optimising Gold Resources against Variations in Underground Gold Vein Mining Blocks and Cut-off GradesAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019 Journal of Engineering and Technological Science ISSN 2337-5779
1246Addien Wisnu Harnoko (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Gas Dilution on Horizontal Tunnel Front using Laboratory Scale Physical ModelPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 36-42 ISSN 2714-8823
1247Nuhindro Priagung Widodo[P3MI] Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Gas Dilution on Horizontal Tunnel Front using Laboratory Scale Physical ModelAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 36-42 ISSN 2714-8823
1248Ahmad Ihsan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Gas Dilution on Horizontal Tunnel Front using Laboratory Scale Physical ModelAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 36-42 ISSN 2714-8823
1249Fadhli Ramadhana Atarita (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1250Satria Bijaksana[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1251Nuresi Rantri Desi Wulan Ndari (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1252Aditya Pratama (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1253Reyhan Fariz Taqwantara (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1254Silvia Jannatul Fajar[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1255Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Preferred Pore Orientation in Lava Flow from the Ijen Volcanic Complex, East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Geosciences Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 304 Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
1256Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun[P3MI] Casing failure identification of long-abandoned geothermal wells in Field Dieng, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 31 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1257RH Ridwan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Casing failure identification of long-abandoned geothermal wells in Field Dieng, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 31 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1258SZ Sinaga (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Casing failure identification of long-abandoned geothermal wells in Field Dieng, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 31 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1259B Pande (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Casing failure identification of long-abandoned geothermal wells in Field Dieng, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 31 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1260BA Purbantanu (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Casing failure identification of long-abandoned geothermal wells in Field Dieng, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geothermal Energy Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 31 Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1261Edy Sanwani[P3MI] Coal biobeneficiation through biooxidation using an iron- and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumPIJurnal Internasional Q12019ID Luaran 14250, ID Proposal 8236, Program P3MI 2018, Jurnal : Fuel
1262Siti Khodijah Chaerun[P3MI] Coal biobeneficiation through biooxidation using an iron- and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteriumAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019ID Luaran 14250, ID Proposal 8236, Program P3MI 2018, Jurnal : Fuel
1263Ahmad Basuki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Determination of Hypocentre and Seismic Velocity Structure in Guntur Volcano Using Seismic Data from 2010 to 2014PIJurnal Internasional Q42019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 279-289
1264Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI] Determination of Hypocentre and Seismic Velocity Structure in Guntur Volcano Using Seismic Data from 2010 to 2014AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q42019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 279-289
1265Sri Hidayati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Determination of Hypocentre and Seismic Velocity Structure in Guntur Volcano Using Seismic Data from 2010 to 2014AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q42019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 279-289
1266Hetty Triastuty (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Determination of Hypocentre and Seismic Velocity Structure in Guntur Volcano Using Seismic Data from 2010 to 2014AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q42019Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 279-289
1267Eko Januari Wahyudi[P3MI] Geomagnetic Map of Field Camp Geophysics in Karangsambung using Data Acquisition 2005-2017PIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012050
1268Dedi Sukmayadi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Geomagnetic Map of Field Camp Geophysics in Karangsambung using Data Acquisition 2005-2017AnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012050
1269Eko Januari Wahyudi[P3MI] Gravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
1270Djoko Santoso[P3MI] Gravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
1271M Ulum Ahmad Firdaus (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Gravity Survey in Pandan Mountain-East Java, IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012006
1272A Ardianto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018PIJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1273YM Husni (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1274Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1275M Muzli (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1276Zulfakriza[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1277H Afif (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1278David Prambudi Sahara[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1279Sri Widiyantoro[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1280Awali Priyono[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1281Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1282Pepen Supendi (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1283A Riyanto (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1284Shengji Wei (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1285BS Prabowo (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm For Aftershock Identification of Lombok Earthquake 2018AnggotaJurnal Nasional2019Jurnal Geofisika Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
1286Eddy Agus Basuki[P3MI] Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesPIJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
1287Dedi Chandra Nababan (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
1288Fadhil Muhammad (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
1289Akhmad Ardian Korda[P3MI] Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
1290Djoko Hadi Prajitno (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe-14Ni-9Al-7.5 Cr Alloy at High TemperaturesAnggotaJurnal Internasional2019International Journal of Corrosion 2019,8517648 Publisher Hindawi
1291Tepy Septyana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationPIJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
1292Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI] Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
1293Sri Widiyantoro[P3MI] Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
1294Supriyono (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Multi-channel waveform clustering: a first look at microseismic multiplets from coalbed methane stimulationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q12019Geoscience Letters Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 7 Publisher Springer International Publishing
1295Dian Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Sensitivity of static Coulomb stress change in relation to source fault geometry and regional stress magnitude: case study of the 2016 Pidie Jaya, Aceh earthquake (Mw = 6.5), IndonesiaPIJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of Seismology volume 23, pages1391–1403(2019) Publisher Springer Netherlands
1296David Prambudi Sahara[P3MI] Sensitivity of static Coulomb stress change in relation to source fault geometry and regional stress magnitude: case study of the 2016 Pidie Jaya, Aceh earthquake (Mw = 6.5), IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of Seismology volume 23, pages1391–1403(2019) Publisher Springer Netherlands
1297Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI] Sensitivity of static Coulomb stress change in relation to source fault geometry and regional stress magnitude: case study of the 2016 Pidie Jaya, Aceh earthquake (Mw = 6.5), IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of Seismology volume 23, pages1391–1403(2019) Publisher Springer Netherlands
1298Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito[P3MI] Sensitivity of static Coulomb stress change in relation to source fault geometry and regional stress magnitude: case study of the 2016 Pidie Jaya, Aceh earthquake (Mw = 6.5), IndonesiaAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q22019Journal of Seismology volume 23, pages1391–1403(2019) Publisher Springer Netherlands
1299Simon Heru Prassetyo[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1300Ganda Marihot Simangunsong[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1301Ridho Kresna Wattimena[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1302Made Astawa Rai[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1303Irwandy Arif[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1304Nuhindro Priagung Widodo[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1305Dhika Noor Pradhana (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1306Dimas Agung Saputra (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence MeasurementAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 49-60
1307D Kusumawati (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Stress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
1308David Prambudi Sahara[P3MI] Stress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
1309Andri Dian Nugraha[P3MI] Stress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
1310Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito[P3MI] Stress drop, earthquake aftershocks and regional stress relation based on synthetic static Coulomb failure stress modelAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1204 Issue 1 Pages 012092 Publisher IOP Publishing
1311Rudy Sayoga Gautama Benggolo[P3MI] Study of Development of Groundwater Flow in Artificial Aquifer on Overburden Dumping Area as Water Resources during Mine ReclamationPIJurnal Internasional Q32019Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy ISSN 21890420
1312Ginting Jalu Kusuma[P3MI] Study of Development of Groundwater Flow in Artificial Aquifer on Overburden Dumping Area as Water Resources during Mine ReclamationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy ISSN 21890420
1313Nuhindro Priagung Widodo[P3MI] Study of Development of Groundwater Flow in Artificial Aquifer on Overburden Dumping Area as Water Resources during Mine ReclamationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy ISSN 21890420
1314Sendy Dwiki[P3MI] Study of Development of Groundwater Flow in Artificial Aquifer on Overburden Dumping Area as Water Resources during Mine ReclamationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy ISSN 21890420
1315R Frengki (tidak terdaftar sebagai dosen)[P3MI] Study of Development of Groundwater Flow in Artificial Aquifer on Overburden Dumping Area as Water Resources during Mine ReclamationAnggotaJurnal Internasional Q32019Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy ISSN 21890420