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Get to know Ghifari Jauhar Yajri, West Java Reading Ambassador and ITB Multicampus Ambassador

Get to know Ghifari Jauhar Yajri, West Java Reading Ambassador and ITB Multicampus Ambassador

FTTM ITB 2022 student, Ghifari Jauhar Yajri who is a Reading Ambassador for West Java and a Multicampus Ambassador for the Bandung Institute of Technology.

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- Ghifari Jauhar Yajri, or fondly called Ghifar, is a student of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (FTTM ITB) class of 2022, who won the title of Favorite Reading Ambassador for West Java 2023 organized by the Library Service and West Java Archives on Tuesday (14/3/2023).

Ghifar became one of the representatives provided by ITB to participate in the selection at the district level. Then he was appointed as the representative of Bandung Regency for the provincial level.

He explained that his motivation to become a reading ambassador began with two simple questions, namely when will Indonesia’s literacy increase and who will be able to increase Indonesian literacy?

“From these two questions, I am determined to help raise the literacy index in Indonesia with my own version as the face of the younger generation who can invite all elements of society to be literate,” he said on Saturday (8/6/2023).

This student from Bandung also revealed that he has a high interest in reading. This is proven by his achievement as the winner of the Leaders Reading Challenge by reading 72 books in 6 months, from the minimum target of 24 books set.

The struggle that Ghifar has to go through to become a West Java Reading Ambassador is not easy. Including when he had to go through the selection and quarantine process, learning to use social media, getting to know literacy figures in West Java province, and how to introduce and turn literacy on. He also has to learn basic skills such as public speaking, ethics, writing, and many more.

As finalists, Ghifar and his partner from Bandung Regency created the ARKADA (Augmented Reality Based Literacy Card) card program, which is a game card for children that is integrated with digital-based AR technology on each user’s smartphone.

This game card aims to reduce the intensity of using gadgets while increasing literacy and education with a three-dimensional shape that can be seen in real time. Apart from using AR technology, ARKADA also incorporates elements of the Sundanese script and its use, so that children can learn about their local culture in a fun way.

As a reading ambassador, he also conducted a Literacy Safari, which was a visit to areas in Bandung to socialize the joys of literacy as well as introduce ARKADA to the public. Apart from that, he also conducted school visits and joint iftar activities during the last fasting month.

It didn’t stop there, Ghifar recently also succeeded in making achievements as an ITB Multicampus Ambassador 2023/2024 on the peak night of ITB Campus Ambassadors last Saturday (3/6/2023).

“An ambassador for me has a big role and meaning. They have to be a a role model and the face of what is represented. I chose the Multicampus Ambassador because as a student at FTTM Cirebon, I really feel the challenge of being a multicampus student, there is still a gap in terms of facilities, UKM, and association with the main campus at Ganesha,” he said.

During one year studying at ITB, students who were accepted through the SNMPTN route have also participated in various organizations and committees, such as the Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) ITB, Skhole ITB, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also active in organizing in his class FTTM 2022.

As a busy student, Ghifar has his own method of managing his time. He always ranks his priorities from the most important and urgent, to those that can be done at other times. “Academics are still the top priority, because the purpose of entering ITB is to study. Usually I am effective in class, so learning time is where it should be,” he said.

Ghifar also shared his life principles which he has always adhered to so far.

“Be like a pearl. Even in the darkest places, I can shine. Pearls have a sale value, beauty, and value. I have to be able to contribute and shine, make an impact for those around me,” he concluded.

Reporter: Luisa Carmel (Chemical Engineering, 2021)