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Research Staff

Mining Engineering
1 Budi Sulistianto, Prof. Dr. Ir., MT., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Prof. Ir., MT., Ph.D., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, Dr.Eng. ST., M.T., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, Dr.Eng. S.T., MT., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Dr.Eng., S.T., M.T., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Fadhila Achmadi Rosyid, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Simon Heru Prassetyo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Tri Karian, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Sendy Dwiki, Dr.Eng., ST., M.Eng. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Firly Rachmaditya Baskoro S.T, M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
11 Yudhidya Wicaksana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index Profil
12 Salmawati, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index Profil
Earth Resources Exploration
1 Komang Anggayana, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.S., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Lilik Eko Widodo, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ir., M.S. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Syafrizal, Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir., MT., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Mohamad Nur Heriawan, Prof. Ir, M.T., Ph.D., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 R. Budi Sulistijo, Dr. Ir., M.App.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Agus Haris Widayat, Dr.phil.nat. S.T., M.T., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Irwan Iskandar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Arie Naftali Hawu Hede, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Andy Yahya Al Hakim, Dr.mont., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Tomy Alvin Rivai, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.Eng Scopus// ResearchGate // Google Scholar//Science and Technology Index Profil
Drilling Technique, Production, and Management of Oil and Gas
1 Tutuka Ariadji, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Utjok W. R. Siagian, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Amega Yasutra, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Silvya Dewi Rahmawati, S.Si, M.Si., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Adityawarman, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Ardhi Hakim Lumban Gaol ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Wijoyo Niti Daton, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Prasandi Abdul Azis, S.Si., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Steven Chandra, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
11 Miftah Hidayat, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
12 Dr.-Ing. Calvin Lumban Gaol, S.T., M.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Reservoir Engineering
1 Asep Kurnia Permadi, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Taufan Marhaendrajana, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Zuher Syihab, S.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Dedy Irawan, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Rani Kurnia, Dr., S.Si., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Pahala Dominicus Sinurat, S.T, M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Ivan Kurnia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Billal Maydika Aslam, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Applied Geophysics and Exploration
1 Djoko Santoso, Prof. (Em ITB) Dr. Ir., M.Sc., PG.Dip., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Wawan Gunawan Abdul Kadir, Prof. Dr., M.S. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Wahyudi Widyatmoko Parnadi, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ir., M.S. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Agus Laesanpura, Dr. Ir., M.S., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Warsa, Dr., S.Si., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Susanti Alawiyah, Dr., ST., M.T., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Setianingsih, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Widodo, Dr.rer.nat., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Eko Januari Wahyudi, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Dadi Abdurrahman, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
11 Indra Gunawan, Dr., S.Kom., M.Si. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
12 Faridz Nizar Ahmady, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Global Geophysics
1 Awali Priyono, Prof. Dr.rer.nat., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate// Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito, Prof. Dr., M.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Sri Widiyantoro, Prof. Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Satria Bijaksana, Prof. Dr. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Andri Dian Nugraha, Prof., Dr., S.Si., M.Si Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Afnimar, M.Sc., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Tedi Yudistira, Dr., S.Si., M.Si. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Wahyu Triyoso, Dr., M.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Zulfakriza, Dr., S.Si., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Endra Gunawan, Dr., S.T., M.Sc. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
11 David Prambudi Sahara, S.T., M.T., Dr.rer.nat. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
12 Silvia Jannatul Fajar, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
13 Shindy Rosalia, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
14 Rexha Verdhora Ry, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Seismology Exploration and Engineering
1 Sigit Sukmono, Prof. Dr. Ir., M.Sc., IPU. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar //Science and Technology Index  Profil
2 Ignatius Sonny Winardhie, Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Fatkhan, Dr. Ir., M.T., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Alfian Bahar, Dr., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Tedy Setiawan, Dr. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Andri Hendriyana, Dr.rer.nat., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 R. Mohammad Rachmat Sule, Dr.rer.nat., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Fernando Lawrens, Dr. Eng, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Dona Sita Ambarsari, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Ekkal Dinanto, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Metallurgical Engineering
1 Eddy Agus Basuki, Prof. Dr. Ir. M.Sc., IPM. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Mohammad Zaki Mubarok, Prof. Dr. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Zulfiadi Zulhan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Edy Sanwani, Ir. M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Siti Khodijah, Prof. Ir. M.T, Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Akhmad Ardian Korda, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Taufiq Hidayat, S.T., M.Phill., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
8 Bonita Dilasari, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
9 Imam Santoso, D.Sc.(Tech.) S.T., M.Phill. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
10 Tria Laksana Achmad, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
11 Nurulhuda Halim, Dr.Eng. S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
12 Zela Tanlega S.T, M.Phill., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
13 Fadhli Muhammad, Dr., S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
14 Wahyudin Prawira Minwal, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
15 Muhammad Abdur Rasyid, S.T., M.Phill. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
16 Dadan Suhendar, S.Si., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
17 Achmad Ariaseta, S.T., M.Eng. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
Geothermal Engineering
1 Hendra Grandis, Prof. Dr. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
2 Sutopo, Dr.Eng.Ir. M.Eng. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
3 Heru Berian Pratama, ST., MT., Ph.D. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
4 Dimas Taha Maulana, ST., MT Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
5 Betseba br Sibarani, S.T., M.T. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
6 Nurita Putri Hardiani, ST., MT. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil
7 Angga Bakti Pratama, S.Si., MT. Scopus // ResearchGate // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index Profil