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FTTM Holds International Conference by inviting speakers from various countries

FTTM Holds International Conference by inviting speakers from various countries

Bandung, fttm.itb.ac.id-In accordance with the work program plan at FTTM to hold various international activities, at the end of 2021 FTTM will again hold its annual activity, namely the International Conference on Geoscience and Earth Resources Engineering (ICGERE). The 3rd International Conference on Geoscience and Earth Resources (ICGERE) will be held as an online conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ICGERE serve as a meeting point for collaboration, sharing and developing new ideas and technologies. The ICGERE create an opportunity for academics, professionals, and students to promote and discuss the scientific results related to recent development in Geoscience and Earth Resource. Topics to be presented during the conference including:

  • Earth Resources Exploration
  • Mining Engineering
  • Engineering of Drilling, Production, and Management of Oil and Gas
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Exploration and Engineering Seismology
  • Global Geophysics
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Geothermal Engineering


This year, our theme is “Geosciences and Earth Resources Engineering for Sustainable Future“. Some new insights and techniques in geoscience and earth resources will be shared and discussed during the conference. Energies, environments and infrastructures are the objects that their integrity and sustainability must be contemplated and considered by all members of Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, in order to ensure the sustainability of earth resources in the future. Furthermore, students will have incredible chances to interact with leading experts from their respective fields.

The event, which will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, starts at 14:00 WIB, where this activity is divided into 2 sessions, while the speakers who fill this international activity include:

  • Prof. Nick Rawlinson (Cambridge University)
  • Prof. Akbar Rhamdhani (Swinburne University)
  • Prof. Katsuaki Koike (Kyoto University)
  • Prof. Jian Zhao (Monash University)
  • Prof. Ki-Bok Min (Seoul National University)
  • Prof. W.S Bae (Sejong University)

In this webinar activity, there were approximately 250 participants who attended via Zoom, both from within the country and from abroad, and from the list of attendees that was circulated it was noted that the participants who attended were from universities, there were even some participants from institutions, companies, or professional.

To view this activity again, please see the FTTM youtube page https://www.youtube.com/c/FTTMTV