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FTTM ITB Held Graduation Ceremony in July 2021

FTTM ITB Held Graduation Ceremony in July 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021, FTTM ITB held a Graduation & Graduation Ceremony of FTTM ITB in July 2021 for graduates who graduated in the 3rd period of July 2021. This event is a continuation of the Open Session of the Third Graduation for the Academic Year 2020-2021 which was held in the morning by ITB for all ITB graduates while in the afternoon it is only devoted to FTTM. In this July 2021 graduation, FTTM ITB graduated 140 graduates.


This event was attended by the Dean, Head of Study Program, Head of Administration, Head of FTTM Division, Head of FTTM Subdivision, graduates and parents of graduates via zoom, and some were watching live on YouTube, which can be watched at the following link https://youtu.be/zUpj0Y67aTA