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Daily Archives: Maret 21, 2019

Formation of Ferronickel Particle from Saprolitic Nickel Ore at 900-1250 °C by Coal and Fluxes Addition

Formation of Ferronickel Particle from Saprolitic Nickel Ore at 900-1250 °C by Coal and Fluxes Addition

Zulfiadi Zulhan, Windu Shalat, Rifqi, Rachmat Mukti Prasojo Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung Email: zulfiadi.zulhan@gmail.com     Extended Abstract Indonesia posses 5.7 billion tons nickel ore reserve. The amount of mined nickel ore is around 30 – 40 million tons per year and it tends to increase […]